mm end women at the Fourth Pres- b7trian cIIurc1IMichigan, boulevard at C1estiRitstreet, at 8 o'elock Tues- day. September 27. Dr. Samuel H ig- gephothafli. well - known wissionary frogn -Allahaba&, Indua, wfi be the speaker. -The institute la deslgned to give tie delegates an intimate knowledge cf an phases of Protestant rnigsioflary actity in foreign and home fields no that they may mnore intelligently b.d study groups and organizations in their local churches, according to Uns. George R.E Wilson of Hinsdale. ir.- Cmke. son Rf Mrif I.,and, ucation, .ruesaay eenè The board'will leaise fromn the E-- anston, Bug company two' motor coaches, which WlU serve as,,mtany sections- of the commuflity« as, pos- sible. Routes, schedules, and stops bad not been worked out at press time but,,wer to be published for the benefit of students the latter part of the weèk. The buses wifl begin operation next Monday morning. The last morning trip, i1t was add- ed, will arrive at school i timne for çlasses.. After sessions,. there will b. a bus trip and a second after- noon trip wlll b. made for the bene- fit of those who desîre to. remnai for studies o! extra-currlcular wonlL pertalnlflg to the. American inur wbich bas been loaned to the school by. Leslie Cooke .of Winnetka.It I also contairis models made by hs-i$ tory students1 and articles giv en. to the sehool by its numerous friends. During the semester the teachers, bring their classes ito this rioom to, look at the objects connected with the period being studied. The roOrn ais'o serves as the headquarters for the New Trier ArcheologY club and Is used when mbytes are showii to the classes. One day a week the room is open aiter sehool, and at this time students are free to wander about the inuseumn at wilL. The .displays i the cases aýàlong mjobilesin the Ford, Plymouthl,and Chevrolet class, " Mr. Litchfieldf said.1. 66They comprise about :64 per cent* of the uation's car owners and, taken with their familles, account for al- moat one-haif the nation's total POP- ulation. Improvements i product and method made by the tire iu- dustry durlng the past 12years have brought to each idividual i this group todayr a saving ô! $33.00in his annual tire bil." t For proof of hus statement, Mr. Litcbfield cites the. fact that tires used on light cars today give an average of 26,500 miles o! service, MO -- ,.ma uîith 1420miles de- wr the Ev- Cia a coiiilOn eni ex thE tire blU by $25.43 per tire. As the average tire is in service tlxree years, saving for one year is $847 2-3, and onfour tires for one year m~8~Chidren zrom tme 1ubbarc -and Glencoe districts hav able to use North Western to school. when -tï supervis rooin, locked. the sch( using the are alwayS 1 s loaned to fe and well action m ie of thej Yo-u , ý 'À