worn. Black velvet, and'f.k. $650 Insprd by Schloporeii Below: Green tlelour, soft 00 the. .fluuhin l your old fainily album. -A model copied from Sdiapmrlli with a jacket., Try a plaidj with a plain rkirt or vice versai combine the two with a zephyr, màere blend, or wool and'am sweter Iliemartest threl outfit yoIU oeuld find forSports. KIETS ..$2.95 t. $5.95 or plaide, lape) or dressmaker style. .$2,00 to $3.95 a nock - ail Fa)) shades ,Raucho rose, Patio blue. noter blue. -f *A New DîrdlUM Lels: Dirndl style in black raloel, with bright blue slide-fastening. Wear it rigi on aftor olioe boums SizeS.14t6,20. Celer. G...luti f Oec Center: Coral remin a tailored femlnine <lées. Nice fullnessi skirt with plem m luak as welI.. Sizes 14-20. Tidy Wlflm TI.y Tueks. Lower. Right: Tiny tucks cover the. front ofthe bodicof ddtiibla&k-raYon d»u-.Sizes36 to 42. Rcody-#-'w -- Second Fieor "on't"9 Fal " WILMETTB LIFESp-bTEMBHR 2,13 lUionsegssý i 'g WILMETTE LIFE.,