AiMr. and MMra Geo-rge R. ReLa- uner, 1124 Greenle<zj avenue, Wil- mtte, have announcecl the engagement of thefr daughter, Kathleen Bernice, to RobertW. Btwrke, the aou of - alph Il. Burke, 868 Sheridan road, Evans- ton An item laat toeelc:ncof- raitI'îtted thttMr. ReLauer La Rviewer Selecis Books Whose Themes Vary Eleanor 1111s Perkins la plannmi for her course of lectures on boal cornes whof owK1 No roi1 No bulge:with Lte Gant s Cirdie Th.ý Hat h8« prewa* "Snap-c--Tam"ý Litte 1many I I 43