prevlew of what should be one ofi thefinest.squoids ini years.,1 j Walter AschenbaLcb, on whose shoulders, New Trier fotball hopOsI have rested for, a good' nnv au-! tumns' and bhis cohorts Harold Caton, paul DelaPorte, and Morris~ Nel- sonl, were zhlefly concerned with strategy and gamne time drew near.. These , n 1en IknoW that a teamn with good block&s can have pretty fair success, thou9h tbey be onlY mediocre in othe r depart ments., Naturally enolugh, tackling. bail- caryilg,1asing, punting, etc.. are ailý of great value, but 'way down underneath it Is the blockirig that 'h'aArfMost* trouble bas been. 'Louise of Kenilworth, andç Mrs. Mar- garet Hennen of Rosefle.. ACIAIN IN VILLAGEK Mrs.,G C. Packard,' 1240 Forest avenue, returned from her summner home at Shawano, Wis., the first , part of this month with the children, IGuy, -J.r., Mary Elizabeth, jean, Helen, and Phyllis. Miss H-elen Packard as tranisferreçi to North- wVestern university this year. She' was at Knox college, Galesburg, for ~ her freshman-year. M.ndMrs. G. Norwood fisher and thelir two sons, NorWood Jr., and Frank Stevens, moved recently fromn fnlio lAshhinda venue. wIfl get mew FALL SVITI from our surplof f«éi . nd.tailorsd nmodes. So dra$ically M.uodedit it wil pay yoia tôb. n of tue firit * ufui iNX, M2-360 execution of the properly, a substai insured. In the line a fast start e at, should the lay be timed al gain will be ring power andt MAN MUST MAKE HIMSELF SECUR kta mnt inlie bis hoene. dream t) thatç token, *and we've hacu who were out are eligible to [ne-up, SaturdaY. trPho were at Olis btSteai real tes just a1 - 9nly for .Spe