w.u.m's d Mduallbe ogxr. 0< the ~ ted oW *Mbe the,ý adg et01 mrof tht Woeaaa Ch* of imb ié*e e ha gssz~nopeu w -e. dt>pro- 0' ibv 11w yr * 2 leoc 19.bwdayo -coer , wîh a E0 - ay y -eeinwd e- tios te new 0OMMS ?he WO ie b gab té *r ~ mor a*«m dr frsoug proçrmt Si. m à dmum -bo e no htbvdunilOL Junior auxiary of the Womnan's Club of Wilmnette wüIl open the season with a "6social gettogether"ý Thursday, October 6. Following the usual dinnèr at 6:45 o'clock. thepoga committee headed byMs Poria Mary Léee h plan#iednovel gamnes which wifl stimulate acquaintanoe a m ýo n g new mnembers, and the renewing of. friendships amnong' former mnembers. Assisting Miss Lee with, the eve-, ning's entertainment will be Miss Bet- tie Buckett,' Mrs. C. M. Jensen, . A. Paul Leisner, Miss Carol Law- rence, Mrs. Dean Lake Traxler., and Miss Elsa Miller. 'Mss Cë1nelia 'C.SteckI will tak' to the club on sêDress Designing and Drapizig" at the October w0 meet- ing. Her talk will emphasize the newest developmerits ini the art of design and the intricacies of drap- ery. By popular demand, the N~o- vember 3 meeting will be i the form of a scavenger hunt. This type *of diversion met with such popular- ity last year that the programn corn- 1/ and Qi Mancm ed to -Thé Club 'Sponsors Tour l'o Merchondise Mar Mrs. Harry D. Brigg.s Opens Home for Benefil members. Mrs. Vernon Rer of the Juniors foi son; Mrs. Quintir president; Miss Ru cording secretary; sen, correspondiný Miss Caroline Bui Senior club board ilogle is president the coming sea- i Crawford, vice Lth Youngberg, re- Mrs. C. M. Jen- gsecretary: and of the ways LI. e ~ WILMBTTR LJFE gi, ae