-rain l t1Lleekior ~inisý5auraa.y ua ,\e hope it doesn*t rain again!) li Ail other Brownies are. inyited to corne that day too. with the addition- *Uai fee of 10 cents.. TheV-can join in the fun and get some idea of what day camp is' like.. Any interested -i.parents xiii also be cordially m-el- c omed. Everyone is asked to brin g a, nose bag: Dixie cups wi1 be pro-' \vided for-the Bo ie ny Wil everyoneý goino please give her namne.t-M.iss Frances Cutier. Wiliiette 796, or to Mrs. Ro-sq Moy- er. Wilmete 2551.. rs~ it e Brown Owl. The' meeting place will bU ut theE Logan schooÎ play ground al 10.,> oi.clock ýpromn-ptly. The Nt)rhbroo)ýk Brownîes are joining the Wilm)ete girls for this outing. Evur% ti wl leave for homreabu î,cok MIis.s Nora Palmetr.. leatdur of1 Iroop 4, and Ms ain Mose the. lýcal dieto..hiaveleft for ltet Naij,tial Girl Sco)ut convention i i Kansas City fr-om Octoiber 10 tô 14. *Plans hâve been made for somleone ta be in the Girl Sc-ut icedurin:a offIýce hotirs. The, first mei Troop 9 Troop 9, wa-', T 'oop 9 is now, definiteiy ciosed. -Mrs. William Burgoyne has be- corne the assistant leader oýf Troop 9. takIý-ng the place of M.is.s i\cGuire. wvho. much, to the troops, regret. found the press of college wrktoo, heavy for her to continue ber activi- tics with the scouts. STR.ilGHTENED OUT. Troop à bas been turnied into a seventh grade troop. made ,up of girls who were formerly in th4t troop and of the seventh graders who. were tran sferred from Mr's. R, D. Burt- niers trooP. Troop 7- is ýmade up exclusivcly o f eighth grad il Tiroop',7 The eig-hth grade Trc)up î held their fir-st meeting'. Septemniber 29 in the Congregational church w'here thev il meet permanefilly. On1 Oc- tobel"7. Troop 7 wenf aon an over- iiight to mne cabin %,.hurewe painted funtueand had a veyy en uijuyible Ch ristianz Science Churches ship. Members' are urged to pre- sent their suxnriner )xork for criti- cismi by Charles Fabens Kélley. Framed pictures should be taken to the, studio flot 1ater 'than Monday. October.24. Sketches ai-d unfrIa md, work rnay be! taken for criticismi Wednesday evening. Al.pjic.tu.resý must be removed before -Mond-ay. October 28.. when Hallove'enri.prc-p- arations are under wvay, M'ir. Kelfey. born in Boston. edu-, cated, in the Boston Latin ,sehool and Harvard university. Is now-dean* of the Art Institute sehool, Chicago. and assistant director of -the .Insti- tute. He was professor, of fine arts, in the Universitv of Illinois from 190,5 b14)914. prû'fessor (if fine arts. at Ohio State from 1914 to, 1923 : and curatnr of the Orientml art de- pa r tmi.ent and assistant to the direct- or in the following four vears, IH ig ai meniber of the Archeological (.)i yo~America., and of, nmany cad trnadEuropeanii organizations Mem-bers ,f the league are asken trumuniber, that 4pun cdav inti ht stdois no)w FridLi%. heaven. iiThy righteousnuss is anii everlasting righieousn$c,ýs.and thy iaw is th(- tru!h" - 7lrs119:89. 142,. The lsc>isro also inclu'ded the following passages fr.oni< th(.- Christian, Science téxtbook, / -ci- INSU WANCB AGENCY 8. G. Eberle 522 Green Bay Rd. Winn.tka 858 foilowin g offi ce rs vwere elected: Patrol Leaders: Nadine Warner. president. Patro-l 1: Marthanlna Oughton-Patrol 2: Phylli-s Chapman -Patrol 3: Jean Yoder-Patrol 4: Treasurer,,Joan Adler: Scribe. Bar- bara NcNeill.ý PMtrol Seconids:' rtha ý. Mei The golden text was. -I wiil re- store heaith unto thee, and I will heai thee of thy wounds. saith the Lor- (Jeremiah 30:17). Among the ci tations which corn- prîsed the lesson-serm-on is the fol- lowing from the BiIle:, ".For ever., O Lord. .word, ,as ..settled from- any other cause, a d tthere.cani be no reality in auýgh which does flot proceed from this reat and onlv cause. Sin. sicknessý disease. and death beiong not to /the. Science of being. They are thý errors, which presuppose the abÉence of Truth. Lufe, or Love" (pý 207). [l W4 mvusto. BRU. 7107 Opa. Ntp%%oa CHECK UP ON YOUR TQDAYOMM SURE YOU HAVE FULL COV ERACE ON YOUR