Appeton-Century. CH AI>I P.L 66 Gi@ oBy Roud Phoe.: Wicaffle 1188 A book you wiII enjoy Owning "LUSTEN! TH4E WIND' by Ane Monrow Lindbergh, wth à forewor d and maps by Chartes A. Lindbergh $2.50 DiIh dderY t o En tire Norih Shore TH E Pînk.Poodle il . Fa.rm on Route 22 of Haif Day is open. and la aà<I.ightfui place Germany for the ternis excactec1 from hem after the World War by the allies; the other asimilar attitude, towamd the South for the thingsý suf- fered' at 1 the hands, of the carpet, baiggers- durmng the reconstruction period following the Civil,,War. and Tell of Time has 'been à best seller because it rides thé con- [temporary wave, of :southern sympa- thy and. because it presents a new Y fictional angle of the picture-the -re- construction. perio d in,,Texas, and the ealy developrnent of that ranch- ing.and, plantation country around Galveston. Wife of Prof essor Làura -Krey says she learned al I this history not in books, but s impîy Lancelot H soaked it Up from her eiders when best seller. as a chlld she* lived down on the Million," is Jýgu1f herself. A member of a promi- eiice for thé {nent T1eas farmfly. now hèxr horne :- calls "a self-e i St. Paul where she is the wife of a his tory professor.bak This historical novel, a good 700 discovery." It pages, has its opening scenes laid in ed antomt Georgia and Vrginia at the close o!forain the Civil War. Near. Savannah. Ga., lives the heroine, Lucina, no ramby pamby southern woman but a char- A C ape C 1acter alnmost as strong. as Scarlett aN. I O'Uara o! "Goiie With the Wind.-aNe S She marries hem cousin. Cavin,_ a, When Sa ra Texas, ana the attempt and final success- of the Texans to regain con- trol and' to reform the co rruption and graft which had been going on involves the Darcy family. In fact it becomes one of the biggest jobs o! Cavin's life. Meanwhile Lucina is left to carry on at the plantation, and rear a large brood of children, 1Imost of. them adopted orphans. Southern Viewpoint amount of explanation pretation essential, to t] standing of young _people. fogbe n, whop wrote the 'Mat hematics 'for the the author of "Sci- éCitizen,- which he eduicator based on the rt rnight also be terni- ibus of scientiflc in-_ .,Od Story by England Woman Ware Risset turnerl 1 anded -aat PlymUouth p4i uZ, just a year after the Mayflowe'r comnpleted hem famous voyage. Miss Bassett's latest novel about the Cape, published September .9, is. New En gland Born, a r omance which carries a step further the author's famous chronicle of the salty folk who people the sandy arm o! Mass- achusetts. tnd inter- is being] e under. The Bitcc, !lished by has just been pub- 4oûn- Century. OkZ Ha'ven, the Houghton Mifflinl fellowship novel written by David Cornel DeJong, published i Septem- ber, has been receiving some fine re- views fromn the critics. Old Have n deals wîth theDutch scené and back- ground of the author's early boy. hood, but -to that extent onily is it. autobiographical. Cornes to Arnerica Arriving. in Ameriea at the age of thirte 'en, DeJorig spent two, years at sch'ool in Grand Rapids, ýMich.,, aàd then started out o n the first of a series of *'jobs," which inicludedmak ing sausagies and grocery store, an& digging -graves in a cemetery.. Ret ur ning to his school)'- ing, he attended, at one. timne or an- other, four diifferent colleges. Omn- nivorous readrng and1 indefatigable writing later'led-him into a literarv career, and he estimates that he haF seen in print 47 of his short stories and nearly 200 of his« poems. His first novel, Belly Fulla Straw. .wasý publis hd.. in M~4- The publisher, descrl htle new novel, has writ- ten: "On the night the sea camne over the dike, Tjerk Mellema was eight years old. That was in 1901. For as long as men could remember, the Mellema family had dominated the, town of Witsum on the North Sea . Here lived Tjerk's grandmnother, wise, sharp-tongued Great Beppe., who found it hard to forgive her soný for marrying into) a fishetman's farn- j'y. A Favorite Grandson. -Tjerk was. her -favorite grandson. She would fight to hold him against his mothers commonplace and sanc- timonious people. In the south of flolland Tjerk found Antoinette and brought her back to Witsum. Their story is the story of modern youth, breaking the sheil o! an ancient so-, ciety. 'Nowhere in fiction can one find a more beautiful picture of Holland to- day, or a more pe-netrating study of oy Doubleday Doran on 9and Trending Into