"The Sino-Japanese Confliet" is the. very exciting subject to which the, Neighbors of Kenil- worth will ' devote their. attention on Tuesday -afternoon, October 19, at 2:30. Front page news un- tii the Czechoslovàkian'difficuit-, ies camfe first in importance, the struggle in China still goes on through and beyondi the comnpar- atively quick se ttiement o f the oth&r- récent major threat. It will therefore be,. of the. greatest Interest to hear first-hand informa- tion from natives 'of both countries participating., This wil be present-. ed by Dr. No-Yong Park of China and Dr. Yutaka Minakucl}i Ôf Japan who has been over there ail summer studying the situation. Dr. Park holds the degree of doc- tor of philosophy fromn Harvard uni- versity and is the author of a num- ber of books, the latest. of which is "Retreat of the West" with a foré- word by Charles A. Beard. Dr. Minakuehi is a graduate of Yale universîty. Hie contributes to the "Far East Review," a monthly magazine published in Japan. Both these men have lectured widely and al ana no argument in tneir talks. Each speaks for about half an hour, then follows a rebuttal and discus- sion, somethng on the order of the Chicago Round Table. Both sides, are fairly presented; each talks and each asks the other, questions. At this time, the audiene is encourag- ed to join in wt terown quesý- tions. It promises to be a valuable Ç aftemnoon chock full of. accurate, in- Mrs. Char-les F. Krerner, at the le! t, andi Mrs. George S. Hendricksoim are chairmnan ancl co-chairman, respeetively, of one of the most im- prtnt, oial n'c luwb e-ts tof - tfa~ l geas, thé êflntta phl1an- thropy card part y of the W'oman's Club of Wilmette. The event will be a dessert bridge the afternzoon of Wednesclay, October 26, at 1:30 o'clock, at the clubhouse. Initere st in the bene fit is village-ivide, for numerous church anid charitable organiZations benefit by the work done at the bi- mont hly sewing days sponsored by the philanthropy departrnent of the club <id ope-n to ail wionien of the village, club mnembers or flot.' Plotos bp E. L. Ray. Chairmen *0 nois JFederation of :Womnen's Clubs' chairmen meeting ti week in Fed- eration headquarters, 30 West Wash- ington street, Chicago. Mrs. W. J. Bargen. of Waukegan. district literature chairman. and. Mrs. Paul LaRose of Zion City, dis- trict music chairnian, will meet with their department club chairmen at 2 o'clock Thursday, October 20. Fol- lowing the meetings, whieh uill be N orlri, Notes U. of C. Round Table on Prograrm at Whicb Women Voters WiIl Be Guests Homie and education, music. and civics will have their niche in: the programn devised, for thé next rmeeting of thç Woman's Club of ýWilmnette on October 19. at which timne the members of the Wil mette League of Women Vol - ers wiîll be the club'S gUests.ý The morning program wil.l begin at 10:45 in the morning under the au.-pices .of the-homne and education de partmnent, of which Mrs. Lincoln C.Torrey is c*hairmhan. ,The discs sion wvill be, "The Story: Back of Modern Scientific Food Preserva - ition", by John T. Knowles, director of a well known canned goods con- cern. At 11:45, the music departmient, Mrs. Robert Marley, chaiman, will present Alité Phillips, soprano, in a charming and . instructive lecture- recital, featuring the songs of Ste- phen E. Foster. Miss Ruth Radkey .Will be her accomhpanist and will also play a group of piano numbers. Mrs. Phillips was a member of the-..Chicago Civîc Opera during its light opera sea son and was. chosen, by the conductor, Frank St. Leger., for a leading role, which she Sang man's c 1 u b Mondav evening- on School of Music -and- the Asi "'Populàr Beliefs That 'Are Not So." Aeademy of 1Fie Arts. - The meeting, held at the home of After the luncheon interval. the Mrs. Frank Crawford, 2034 Thorn- University of Chicago Round Table wood avenue, Wilmettè, marked the will be sponsored by. the cii sde- opening of the club season, .;e partmerit, Mrs. Henry W. Drueker. assistant hostesses for the eveningl irman. Ti, participants in, the were Mrs. J. H. Bredin and *Mrs. round table will be three experts George L. Scherzelr. from the political science depart- Mrs. Edward Devlin, president, m ent-Quincy Wright, Jerome Ker- conducted. a business meeting prior win and Walter H. C. Laves. Their to the talk by Dr. Bauer, announc- discussion will be woven around the ing ins for thA vAnr 'r. . j_.general theme o~-f rwn, Am"i;ý Rum mage Sale Dmeeting is" salewil be eldMrs. Gertru imagesal »l ehd speak on "Ti ,October 20, under aus- bility for C he. Woman's society of the this Changir Baptist church. The place B, Williams, le will be announced ]ater. The music c gîve thi mnan is, D. A1isorn and the luncheon host- esses are maembers of Mrs. R. E. Dalstrom's Lifik I. Luncheon is at 1 o'clock,' thevi x *ilemue is urgea to attend theeting and the party following, which Will ýtake. place in the temple. WILMEÉTTE.L'IF"E A Rurr Thursday, pices oft Wilmette for the 's'a