functions formerly under private en- 1Jves. Jd1ey UIitUH.on UW lÂr govV terris," rof Eal DLon tod aerment should coerce. differenti terpise" Prf. ad eLon tod dgroups and factions to achieve tihese large group of women last Monday objectives." atComntHos.i.Winka In cortrasting the difference in ap- --Our country. used to consider gov-. proach to these problems Professor ernimeflt as a legal system providing D)eLong described communisms and protection-f or -private property and fasdim's answer with thiedemocratl- pyrivate rights. But in the 1ast fe w te answer. True demnocracy involves Nvears ,%,e have assumned that .govern- a willingness of the. majiority to rec- mient, should act for the welfare of ognize the rights of the minority and the country as well, and th is change. a ,Willingnes .s on, the, part of the iihiOsoph a rdcdpesre minority. to be governed, by a mna- froim -.innumnerable groups for pro-1 JoiitY.~ tectjon. of one -sort and ariother. So Tears'Sharp Cleavage,. xe wsüec government tilking <CI And h e ended Mondays talk witl- sueh enterprises ýas the schools . theahoeht eviInyrfr a uitilities;. the Post office ýand ' liberal adacnevtv pryue WaS.up in our country. "o that mol Proý(fessur)I DeLung's. talk a the bring much too sharp a* cleavage tirsi in 'a sries of three -%\hich hc is between our, people. Better to* keep oyivin*g "theIb members of the Wurn- our txvo parties much as, we havje L'l* RePublicari Club utf Newv Trier.I them n' ow. For they help to pull 'l'le seconýd -will be 'Monday'. Ock -'each 'other alotng. liberalizing each tu)ber 17. ait 10 arn. The third andi other along the a. tii ue ,il1 be changed to 2 i.n.ý The second lecture will be on, On Olù~~Oe*t4ier 24. ýto> co)Ucde; *The .1usness .anthe Frnier' th xx -ith the annual and endorsenenit Worko-r and Their- Government," andý meeting of the club. These mleeting-s M\r. DeLong expécts to describe the %%ilii aso b at Comrnunity Houe. efect of these chaniges in our con- Ati-d if the audience conItinues ti> cep)ioi of goeminto these o;u a it did xhile he talked iast phases of American life. -~mda.the club viii have to move Atheccldnlcurhitte a age oom to take care of al1Ath olui--leurhsttei1 its mnemburs who want heaor this wI -i1bc. -The Private Citizen and series on)I. -Our Gvrnn1--oa His Government.- After his lecture, ~ind ornurow.!the club wvilI hear the report of the Services We Dernand, icandidates* committee and vote its The opi fo la~ Mndas lc- endorsement of candidates running -..,,ringF£.i., ?tl(Ions f lit, the election on Novemnber 8. As BRAUCHS SLUMBER S$HOP 1506 Sherman Av~., UNI, 2120 ITCAN SA VE ,:YOU MONEY ON YOUR LA UNDR Y and'stili. give you the finest ýquality work. If you are interested in reducing your lauindry bill, telephone me and 1 wil 'expainhow it can be done. Vincent R. Ortlund fRIENCIIJ LAUNDRY Est. Since 1885 806 Dempster St, Evanston Tel. Wim. .3060 A - Dix-Make Un iforms --I ) Thot Wear Longer- ( 'I $3.00 Opens ani Account By opening anl account for $3.00 we wiIl give you ÎOVNIAIN SQAI/EVANSTON Chartered anud SuPervised 90 SEi 5 WIgneftt@Avenue the Ustited Stati Tetephome SAVINGS 'EVANýSTON