Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 42

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Lecture on 'Qetholic Churi Demnocracy to Be An Outs irig avent for Catholic ( The Sarituary department' of the Womnan's. Catholic Club of Wilmpette, of which Mrs., Frank, Ôele rich is th é chairm an., will sponsor a lecture to be given b the Rev. James A. Magner. Ph. D, S. T.-D., *Friday evening, October *'21,- at8 o'clock. at the Womani's Club ý of Wilrnette,. Tenth street and Greenleaf ave- nue. Mrs. Oele-rieh and bher, cornrnmttce. cornposéd of the following xomen: M4rs. Warrêrri Clohisy, Mrsý. Harry Barker, M'r'Charles -,Broad, Mrs-: JqNiÇokýIei-.Frank Folsorro, Mrs. Robert'FofttiÇ'à'n, Mrs. Go4.fey Geld- Joseph 'Kutten, Mrs. Frank Meter. I4s, Frank MeCaW , Mrs. Ernest Mundee, Mrs.' Henry Schm'idt. and Mrs, Frank Thale, announce that thc proceeds from the' sale of ticketsý for this lecture 'will h(. used t(, uv new vestments andiltr ine-ns foir the riew ehurch Doctor Magner, hiircH3il .d a introduction to a Catholic audienc,- He is widely known ai-s';a writcr andc lecturer' on' current prol)luns. 11u receivcd his ceducation fiAmeriCai and Europe. Hie hasý traveled ex- tensýiveIy on' four oiî&t»H 1 ýMrs. Edwac(Ird F. bCum In ey il',ho has started he'r first vear US president r)f the Womns Catho- lic Clb of iet, is takbtig i'- terest iin te11w pýlans Uc Snctoary cie-part7me1 l f the chlb is peiiect- ing for olip the Outstanding ecents "91 111(, uoa~ calendar, the lec- ftur( thu Rer. Jairws A. Magner, Ph. D., S.T.D.,' is giving Friday iveiu.Octo ber 21., at 8. at the 1V a'sclub.) His l-cture theme iciii bu "ThieCathlit Ch.urch Club of Wilmette. opened its third seasôn 'officially Tuesday evening ait 8, in the \Vfornan's club.- The tap dancing class, niow < Junio-r tradition, is unde1r the :1w' s .truction of Miss June Major of 'thu 'North Shore 'Sehool] of theDance. In addition to elernentary and. ad- viiriced instruction intap dancing, the class inclucies correct ive exer- cst.s. posture training, and reduciî1g exercises in, its, routine., Everyone, both in on ut of the Junior,'auxil- iary, is welcomed 'to jruin the ls-~ and registration iç:s s]] pi T7he cours .'(, r ian h oea Ž;urîes )fý *twu]Vt ls iiiad ïis heing ()f: fer-ec i a ,newreduced lirices. Thé classe--meet every Tuecsdav at 7:4-3._ Miss Priseilla Wheelock, a ýrnein- ber of the vways andma~ on rnte.is chirirnan of the',TLlï iroon a irraingeiments,-.and, m.y vb(, ca]dat her homeu. ]39 Robsart uai epresent eci +0 Pro j- on 'ri Issues mn',. M L.millet-, and Mis. J H. Glaiss wil] represent the Wil- mettc League of WoMen \Toters ai the all-day Campaign sehool and firsýi, neeting of the frm of' th e (ookCounty Leaguct of Woîner. Voters Saturday, 0ctR,- ber,' 22. authe Ciago omn' NIrs Waller T.Fisher f Wi . 'neikai. prograrn chairznan 'of 'i Cook County feague and treasur)e!r .of the Nationialleague, has urrmî-ec this sehool for the purpose of îbc' ter acquainîing voters v i th craî pr'incipl-es behind' the issues. Keih oth660. fo, i infi>rrný.î¶ion Thb_ rmoirning session at 10:;10 iý 1 ou iddressed by Auguý-tus R. Ilat* loi, protessor of politic1îl sCl'(iW n Norhwestrnunierît, n ttse Northridge Notes y'jc f"sus n lgn. H Mrn- Richard anilCa tywill disýcuss and dfeetauO rec.Highland Pa'rk. will bu hostess twvvn t, actual -issues u.btr .io the literaituýre group ()f thu N(orth- oUr unr and the slogans o 1r a- r i dg c o;a club Monday. Octo- ile crives" wh;ch thev y .fu.~ ber 24. Deset wIibeseredLt îngc 1:30Ke bW VAt' the lunchon mtetinig a? 12.(j Afistrnî~ wil e rvieed x' r~the forutn-4 is Lo have. the oppoýrtL-t'it: Fr~lan G.'Sekr.Of hearing t-he Hoin. Wiili.am Hf. .~ Thr edad b.Seswihig'tanpota'judg,_e (J the Federal court .of itht The mmber ,vihingNorthern '.District of Illinois,' výh, j Historical R-vew hairman efJ'Vit Chairles Carroll ForuLM, and has setved 'as cornrittec rmember of various cultural o)rganizations, "in- cluding the Chic'ago: Medievalist, National Catholic Alumni fedèration,. a'nd 'Catholie Association for Inter- national Peace.' He has chosen for his topic of Ft'iday night's lecture "The Cattholir Church and Democ- racy.- John Gorby spoke to the Kenil- worth League of Wornen Voters on Thursday, October 13, 'on the, Bank- ing amendment to the State conj- stitution which will be submitted te the Illinois voters on November 8. This amendmnent is recorninendecl te, the voters by the General assembly. Mr. Gorby explairied the' changes proposed ,and urged those fatvorinig the amendrnent to votefor it as a "M<H 011i dîave~' F<)ad Arranges Reviews Ais Wed t. a iscussion. Q twaof Clt .'a'dIégue' w il kniowinimbers. Mlrs' . :Ramnsey.,vice-presýident (,fth( IliKois League of Wornen VCouc and IDr. îMar-tha jean Zig i f the- dep"rtîpent of 'poULtial Sif ;j! a Nurthwestern universitv', and the Cook Coun.îy league's chu irîniý'i eo goxminent ai nd its OPeraI*'-tionr. lhe' wili osdr"o to Get %Vhat \Ve Want.' a 'round, table on )ltc mach nejy Ijhu .s.ch <4 i l>open . tail 1niutn' 1 '1 week,. Mrs. Charles Mack , Mrs. AI- Mrs. Stella Happ' of Northfifeld, ger's mother, gv a luncheon for inother of Miss Edith Giýrsdorf, 116 the John V. 'Rathbones of Wes'twood, Park' avenue, left on Sunday. for Cal., formerly 'of' Kenilworth, who Florida .where she will' spend the .were visiting' nizdson the north winter. ,. .shore. vonns i.tub of' Wulriele' anac pre se nted b'y Mrs. Lloyd F1i.vou o f Wimiîetka. The second in thre series is Friday mnornig Octo- ber 28. ot'1O o'clock. 'MaQthell Francis Pholo avenue.. Mrs. Maurice L. Goidman. national president of the National coundil, will be tht speaker. The other meetings are held in Roorn. 50,185 North Wabiash avenue. WILMETTE LIFE, lob 4000

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