Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 44

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3 for Snow Bail The Mary Crane league has de- cidedý upon December 3 for itsý Sixth -Annual Snow bail, .which, this year will'be a dinner dance at the Palmner-ou se. -Mrs. Henry S. Clingma.ýn, 91 Ab-, bottsford, road, Winnetka, who ]S chirano!ways anid;metns,.has, appointed.Mrs. Leslie Drew, 239 Es- sex road,. Kenilworth,, asý general chairmnan, and Mrs. llarry, Ma son Smith, 494 Sheridan road. Eva-nstoii, ýas corchaîrman. On Mrs. Drew's commîi-ttee are: Mrs. Fredenick Orser.cf Chicag'-,. tickets; Mrs. Arthur Purnell o! Ev - anston, -reservatin: r.Robért Spacth of Evanston, garnes: Mrs. Henry Grebe, prizes. Mrs. , o Shields of Chicago, music; Mrs. Rob- ert Humphrey <and Mrs. J. Burchfieldi Mrs. Henry S. Kingwell and Mrs. L. D. Mandeli, Jr., of Eva-nston, cigar- ettes and flowers; Mrs. G. D. Theýiwie j rof Evanston, publicitY. Mrs. Orser has assistirîg her a mnembers of her ticket cmite Mrs. William Haddad, Mrs. W. C Hettrick and Mrs. E... Lls(iiiJ Chicago, and Mrs. . R. 4,vi f Evanston. Mrs. Drew was hostess at a Lw.îcl con for her entire comnmittee Tues- An,, iVlr.'s, re Mncedof Hîtib- iprrid'Wooils is pès.ide-nt of tht' Daî ilaUA 1.14 714 acte SSOCtu tiott ïl.ilJchis havù,g o .it cilion weet- Îisl </1 Wed IV n .October ý;. at 12 o'clock, rit iie lWoiiai'. A thii; Ie *Clu <of Ch ÎcUÇJo,62C North Michiga n areiue. .Mrs. James L. Garard of 50 Woodlep TrLd, Winnietka, is iii charge (if Iwich eon reservations. A . b usi- ness uteetig and eSectione of ojJi- vers for thp eue!r 1939 ivU follow I itnreou. . Carlos Ph aid The North Shore auxiliary of the Chicago 'Maternity center wi]1 enter- tain its members anid their friflds %vith a dance ànd~ football breakfast to be held at the Saddle and Cycle club in, Chicago on November 18, at 9:.0.. Because the party fails on the eve of the NorthWestern-Notre Darne game it promises, to bc a gala affair. Mrs. Lee Shedd,! as chairman . or the social commrittee, will be in -charge. of the dance with Mrs. James G. McMillan of Wi nnetka -a s Mrs. Hierbert :M u e 1 1 e r. _inancv chairman o(i the auxiliar, will di- rect the ticket, sales with the' assis- ttnci. of Mrs. B3. H. Larrabeeand Mrs. Charles Puestojw,. members o!f tihe, social committe.e. Mrs. Shedd has ïtppointed Mrs.. Henýti:y.D. Brohm and Mrs. Char-les Houser-n nIo takie the reservations. Alr s. R ay T. Johnson. last year*s social chairmai. and MrS. Saîmuel J. Lang a;reý workdng <on the ptroniit.. Mý,rs. John L. Sybrandt. Jr.. anai MVrs. George Garvei- are giving sp( - cilattention to the matter of duc- orations. Music will be furnished by Freddip inkie_ and his orchestra. Breakfast will be'srdfllin the dance. Àlvr aIII JVl R. S. Swiin of 701 Sponsor Musicale. Known as Marjorie Fox ReeveF in other parts of the United States, Mrs.,Charles H. Elliott of Gkiýncoe, composer, and song wrîiter, will present a prograrr frNorth Shore Friends of Chi- Cago Junior, sehool- Monda,. October 24, at -1 o'clock,, at the home 9«-Mrs. E. Jewell Dick,- 1206 Tpwer 1T9ad, Hubbard Woo0. Séveral years aoMr.Flliot!.wza- Jîrorninenit in St. Louis wherc shi was re(spo)nqible for thqe"aizTcd of The Music School settlement. a rnedium throurrh whieh talented chil- dren of Îinsufricient.,means .seciir" a. musical edain*on for a nomin.,l fce. The settiemnent dlaim-s t members;hîp fortv thOii'ýnd out- .stainding wcxmen of 55t. L.ouis,. I Mrs. Elliott has said that she irn- hurited her music frorn her faihç'r and her mother, the former h;iving been able to play ainy instrumn]ent. the latter having. appeared man-, v e;rs agzo in Jnivenile oprera. Mx joriefleeves Elliott, whornjr' in piano and minored in. voie. iý acontralto who has more than ihruee hundred ecom)o'sitions filed awa' 1i,. an classified library.. October 25, at the home of Mrs. Wa-l - Tea a ofH m ter Greil 708 Forest avenue, Evans-adrfH m * ton, for the purpose of raising mon- Memnbers .and friends of the Gar- ey for its own treasury, as the ex- ietLb-îyguild ire invited to a pense for .Christmas toys coines tea kat the home of Bishop) and Mrs. frorn each individual chapter. ,rs L. Waldorf, 941 Sheridan .Mrs. Florence Bourke Ellis is' giv- i(nid, Wilmette, Thursday, October ing the first of four book .revie-ws 27, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Horace G. Friday, October 21, ut the home of Smiith. president o!' the guild, has Mrs. Leslie Drew, 239 Essex roadsrd Hope Sumnmers ta read Kenilworth. She will outline "Fanny Tono Wilde(rs pnize play. -01p. Kemble- by Margaret Armstrong. Tuwi." Dançe Chiormon ('arIa-n. )op, and ~r, M r s Mrs. Albright Bray o! 1345 t.e road, ýwill take reservations for :he- mnusicale ,.which will be aprrn of. Mrs. Elotssongs gvnbv Thelm-a Olmsted, soprano, Mrae Abbey, violinist, the composer. ;;Ind Mlarjorie Buchanan, accoinma un- o! a fairy tale which . wll be as .pop- ular as "Show ýWhite and the Seven Dwarf.s," which wvas presented last year. * Mr., aîM Mrs 751 Michigan avel al formai par«ty honor of the fin-s sary of Mr. and lý BèeI-Bruns> ,Ricitiu'rd, E. eruhs, iueýWilrnettü; gave last Saturday in wedding anniver- Ims.. John iMcDow,ýell o! .Glencoe_. Mrs. Jamtes G. M( netka is co-clhairn which occurs on Northw.estern-Not Uniclern',ood anid1 dillUn of Wf- m of the event he et'e of the ?Damie gante. rlderwood Photo party on Saturday eve Aarseth's orchestra. ple da ncing. Êveryone is u in costumne, and priý awa rded to the ",best the evening, ed to corne ; wili )te 44 WILMETTE LIFIE

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