Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 49

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Wartrote iJoma c& tc 'Culv VnJdIers of tme Iratermt-y vbv IMrs. Cheqter Ta'vInr. jr. The l11sf il-ludes Mrq. J. Fdwim, Sundorland. lIIIfss Jean Davidçon. -Miqs.Do .rof.hy Wheelpr. Mrs. .Coirt W. Tofpi. Miss neftty 3utrhler. Mi"Z ,Iean Winslow, Pnd Miss Pp'rerlv T;;vIor 'a p1edee. Mrs. Lyle Fisher w il be the pianist The entertainment will be: TPhe Hîgh School,,Band Norman, Ross (NBÇ)....... ........ Master of Ceremônies -Corne Back to Sorento", Lawrence Salerno (M.fS).... .Baritone Robert Trendler, accomnanist "The Weriding of Mr. and Mrs. SWing" The Thrée. Craces and Jess Kirkpat- rirk (MBS) ý,Robert Trendier, accompanist' Miaaruen a...............J. .Albeniz Corri<la <Bull, Fight).. .Vnrd Bambula ........... S. Coleridge.Taylor Wra Mîrova h '!son <MBsy .Comments 6n Soorts <D'-,1 Mo Arnato Ben........ tonî My Johann ................Grieg Vivian della-Chiesa » fl'jS,'j...................P ei Conei........ ..........P. Selig Vera Mirova * Accornpanist for Madarn Mirnva ... A. Joseffer * conpanlist for- Miss della Chiesq; .. ,H.e1eii Morton Kaooa Delta Alumnae to Have Tatlk on Color The North Shore alumnae of Kapna Delta sorority will meet at the homne of Mrs. Harold Smith, 2415. L incoin street, Evanston, Frida "v,. October 21. A salad luncheon wil be served at 1 'clock. h asstn ve A divin« pehjbjtjon bv 'J'ane Fauntzý (Mrs. Fdgar Manske), for-. nier United Statesdiving chamion and a nember of two Arnerican O)Ivmtnic telims. wil be an unusu al feature 6f the party. PatronesQps for the beniefit. wyhose nroceedswill he arled to the Theta JLoan and Fo-loix-hi» find. will be Mrs. Mark W. Creýzao Mrs. Walter A. Stronq,'Mrq. Franik T ? M.vrray, Mrs. Georpe H. Penks. Mrs. R'epnry Mr s. .TOçe»h Weeze, Mrs. Burt ljpl-. nes, and~ Mrs. Stewart V. Avars. flEýsponsihle for get.eral arrangýe- mentq are Mrs. Eliof C. Yoîingberg, and Mrq. Charles E. Brandriff. Mrs. R. C. Harrer is chairrnan of the oDatronpqs committee, Mrs. E. Par- ker Miller is ticket 'chnirnian for' Evanston, Mrs. Burt Cochrqn iSý northshore ticket chairrran. Chair- mnen of the nrize comnmittý-e are Mrs.. TRert R. Hoirnes and Mrs. Julien H. Collins. interesting denionstration- Ôf -the' effect of color. in clothes. Kapp a Delta alumnae wlill act as modeis to illustrate her remnarks; on color, usaige. Oberfin The Noi club. will Women to Meet tii Shore Olienlin Womn rneet Monday, October Honor Guesfs at Tea 1Mrs.. Harry A. Richter, 615 Brier street, Kenilworth, entertained sixty or seventy guests at a tea last Frn-i day afternoon in honor of Dr. Rich- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Richter, who are visiting here until the first of' Novemnber when theyý will return ta Lynn Haven, FIa.,.« their honme for the past six years. The senior Mn. and Mrs. Richter Sportswear 704 Church Street Evanston uiuiivr auu tea services. flhi.strated; D i n nýe r plate, doz., $12. Demi- tasses.. doz., $10. Tea-. pot, $3.75. 8 LU E AR ROTý AN A VENUE V, ILLINOIS. DAVIS STREET EVANSTON, Unit orms s2-95 Lustrons satin-finiàhed rayon smartly styled and trirn fitting. Tuck trhn. fas- show ý

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