Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 50

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SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 a.m .................. Chùrch school 10:50 a.m. .. .Beginners and primaries Il a.m ................. Morning worship 3:15 p.m.............. ... Kappa Pi Phi 4:00 p.mn...........CÇoilege age group The tatle of Mr. Hindley's sermon for the mnorning, worship is "You ýCan Take It WîVth You." .The' music for the morning. wiil be as> follows: Organ Prelude-. **In the Cathedral- ........Pierne Anthem-"Sanictus'.............Gounod Offertoire Solo- '.' Divine Redeemer.......... Gounod Ethel Wshover O0rgan Postlude-Allegro,........ Elgar, CA&LENDAR FOR THE .WEEK Thursday, October 20-. 3:30-'Girls' choir rehearsal 4:00-Boys' choir rehearsal 6:30-Church drnner 7:15-Senior choir Èehearsal 40-ilScouts, Troop VII Friday, October 21- l10:15-Boôk Review 4:00-Caimp Fire Girls Monday, October 24- 12:30--East End circle 7: 30-Church school faculty 7:3-Boy Scouts. Troop I 7:30-Boy Scouts, Troop II Thursday, October 27- 1Rummage sale Friday, October 28- Rummage sale Kappa Pi Phi Halloween party CHERCH NIGHT REUNION The Autumn Parish dinner xill be hl Thuirsday (this) evening. Dinner xiii be served at 6:30 b% the Northwest circle. Dr. Hindley is n charge of the programý which incildes. vocal selections from Walter and ça*herifle Tenney, and a book reviewv. The new me-mbers of the con- WOMEN'S GUILD Another o! the series of 1300k. Re- views sponsored by. thé North End xiii be held tomorrow V rn)ing at 10:15 o'clock in Piigrim Hall. Mrs. Henry G. Zander, Jr., will review the currently. popular bQok, -The Yearling." Single admissions may be purchased at the' door. The East End circie wil meet at the home o! Mrs. E. J. ,'Melraith. 1100 Qreenwood avenue, Monday, October 24, at 12:30 o'ciock. Assist>ing hostesses xiii be MIrs. H. E. Holcloway, Mrs. Earl D. Johnson and .Mrs. F. M. Hamilton. Mrs; Paul1 C. Lang will give a travel talk on] the choir: solo. _'The Holy City,- Adams. Mr. Otis, sdloist: organ postlude. MaceReligieuse" Lohengrin). Wag- ner. Miss Ermna Rounds is director. The $undayý, school m-eets in aIl de- partmnent at 9:30 o'clock. The Adult Bible, class invites yvou ta study with.the group at,10 o'ciock. mheet- ing in the chapel..and considering the general themne: "The Progressive Un- derstandîng of God." The pastor wýill begin a nev cass for those who .wish *to prepare for church members hip, meeting at 9:30 o' dlock for a haif hour. The, Tuxis club %vill meet at 30W odcock in the chapel. The meeting .will be a discussion, of the theme, " How. Our Church Works,'! led by the pastor. Refreshments. , iii be served. Al' youn g people of high school age -are cordially hmvited. The Boy Scouts xiii meet Monday evening at the church. *The Spokes. of the 'Wor-nan's society will meet Tuesday as follows: No. 2 withi M,,rs. Charles Kremer. 723 Laurel avenue. f12:3 o'lc luncheon: N. 3 withi Mrs. -Wi ifian-i Elis. 823'UreenwVood ave- nue, at 12:30 o'ciock: No. 5 with Mrs. F. H. Holister, 914 Eimwood avenue. at 11:30 o'ciock, for sewing,. luncheôn. and program; No. 6 with Mrs. M. C. Hill, 630 Mapie avenue, at 1 o'clock, Mrs. R. . Johnston co-hostess: No. 10 with Mrs. J. R. Smith, 1210 WashinL7ton ave- nue. at 1 o'ciock: No, il with Mrs. R. A. Phipps, 2616 Noyes street. E%,ans:ton. for al-,day -meeting. The Girl Scouts will mneet aw thel church Wed nesday afternoon. The Wedensday Evening Bible hour. meeting at 8 o'cidck.' We .inMýite y-ou toý corné xvth us. We are studyingi a survex- course: in the' Bible. wý,ith the view toi The cnoir wi at' 7:30 o'clock churi evenin- A Feliowship dinner is beliie arraneed for Wýecnesda-, evening. October 26, at 6.:30 ociock. - ùnder the auspices of the Board of. Deaqons. Kenilwqrth Union Dr., Herbent L. Wilett, minister Dr. Wiietts subject for Sundayý. Octo. ber 23, wiii be -Congregatian and Min. ister." The church service is at li o'clock. The mu-sic for the ci-urch service' xvill be, as 'folioxvs: The church school1. with classes for- ail, convenes at 10. a.mn. Sundays, under the leadership of Howard A. Be'rg. The aduit class conclucles an ±nteresting study of "The City and the Church." Specfal plans will be discussed by 'Frank Guthridge, president of the class. The Young People's union, Marjorie Rennacker, president, meetsSuniday eve- nings at 6 o'clocl<, with devotional rrseet- ing, discussion and, recreation. A couple of one act plays are inr preparation. in addition to the Hallowe'en party-for Fnr- day, October 28. Many members have been in attend-' ance. at the Illinois Baptist 'convention at Elgin' during this week. The closing feature is a great, banquet to. be, held tonight, Thursday.. Choirs reheàr-se as follows: 'girls on Saturday at 9:30, boys onThursday at 4 and seniors on, Thurýsday, at 8 p.mn. Next Wedriesday eVeriing, Pastor and Mrs. Alison. will "be: at home to rnem- bers of the p4rsonage. St. John's Lutheran Witnette and' Park avenues ~, ~T.-W ocakel, pato SERVICES 9:15 a.n-.-Fix-st service. 9:30 a i).-Sunday school andU Bible classes. 10:55 a.1T.-Sunday school ciass for c children o! three to five years. Il a.ir.-Second service. The oider of service at 11 o'clock xi'11 include the folowing: Prelude-Mý,aestoso .............Wagney Introit-'Say- Unto My Soul, I Arn Thy Saivation.. .... Schmauck Anthem-' Biessing anid Glory- ................. Rachmnsinoft Off ertory-Jzènto ............... Wagner The Serm-- 'Godly Sorrow" Postide-"Be * 2 Coripthians 7:8-10 Postude"BeNot .AUaid " *.fro;i "Iijah'..........Mendelssohn The newx series o! t%%'enty-six Lutheran Ilour broadcasts over a coast to coast chain begins this afternoon' at 3:30. The *local outlet is WCFL, 970 kc. Dr. W. A,. Maier of the .Concordia Lutheran semlin- ary in St. Louis wili again be the speaker. SPecial music hy 'a male, chorus. Mrs. Verna Schulz, wvho opened a Sun- day school in- Chicago's Chinatown, , iI4 r elate somne of her experiences Tfiur-s-. day evening at 8 o'ciock in the Sunday school roomi. Al are cordially iînlvîit ed to corne. 'l't' <I1 g 11 1 I o n 1 a kI1 t 11 ~Iiil gc an a r ' o 1oîiî teWc datayltheimîg. 'hiuwhoweî unb to attend last Sund;ny wilf wýant to he- ainoiig Iose prc'sent Sunday. Octc>her 23 The 1>vie lgits with t he organ ,pre- Inde ai 10:45 o'clock, and thç. Introit sulig just before 1l. You aré invite<i bo share ni the entire service. The sw i musie for sivid;a si ing wiIIlx' eas folows: Organ < 10:45): 'Chape) of San Mîul'......Sérer 'Rhosyinedre":"....>..Vaugihn Ws Ilsass- Intr>it.: ..The Lord is in Ilis Io]y Temple-' Il arrisn igt on The Anthemi: «"Fear ýtNot. 0 Israei' ..........Spîcker Offertory Solo: Organ Postlude: "Prelude and Fugue mniil F Màýûr-, TÉhe Church school meets Sunday rnorn- ings at 9:30 o'clock. New enroilment * may be made at any time. Thomas: I West is the general superintendent. There is a nufsery where parents iiia leave smnall. chiidren during the Sundaîý morniîng worship service. Tire High School Epworth leaL2tic. mneet Sunday evening at 6 'ic.M- vin Rusk is the new sponsor. Theta Upsilon Rho invites al voLii.2 people. above high school age to ne them- Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. The reception for the Rev. Erskîne M Jeffords and famnily and the new Mcm1 bers of the church will be held on YFr: day evening of this week at 8olu. in the Great Ha-il. Every inetnber i!r! friend is mnost cordialiy invited 10 at- tend., There %viii be no Harvest H:u cinner this, year. lTe Chorus choir xiii meet for tt5. hearsal tohighit <Tiursday> at 8 o'çioc! i the Junior roomn, under the directio of Miss Marie Brie]. The foiiowing divisions are mieetinu today (Thursday): Second-Mýrs. T. D. Scarif. 657 Ash street. Winnetka. Third- Mrs. Paul Rensch, 915 Eleventh stret. Wilimette. Fourith-Mlýrs. Franklin PWsI%-ý bins. 121 Robsart road. Keniworth.ý Bishop .and Mrs, , rnest Lynit XVai- do-f, '941 Sheridan road, are opinght their home for the autumnu tea of the Library Guild at Garrett Biblicai Insti- tute Thursday, October 27, at 2:30 pm You are cordialiy invited. 1.15.Wilmette and, Forest avei Parents who -attend churceh ay leaVe On Sunday mornlng, the p tir c hildren i the care of Junior have charge o! the 11 o'élock chureh, which meets at the same hour, usuai, but we will also have umier competent care. lege oaf hearing froni Dr.. Edwi Th m the new, director of Baptist 1 ,e, sic for the morning worship cooperation forthe states of Il 7:45 p.m-Gospel slnging and choir. Message. Wednesday, October 26 8. .m.--Choir rehearsal. J. Morris Gustafson. director. Thursday, October 27> 7:45 p.m.-Praise, prayer and Bible' study. eon %wiu De serveci at noon. Church schooi convenes on Sunday -nm95>ning at 9:45 o'elock. There are classes for ail ages. New mnebrs have been enroiied in aur Church schooi Vey-.Sunday since we have been con- ducting aour servicesà in the Masonic

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