Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 59

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ments run four consecutive issues. Deadine for1 Insertions Classified advertisements will be - cepted up to Tuesday .9 P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M,. for WINNETKA TALK and. ThUrsday 5. P. M. for GLENCOE..NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300. Wnnetka 2000 (Winnetka 500 after 6 ýP. M.), Greenleaf 43Ù0 or Shel- drake 12161217. 94 SITUATION WANT!D-ItEMALE COMPANION,.GRADUATE. NURSE, MA. ture, .permanent, ,with convalescent, inivalid: or elderly lady. Drive. Travel. Reasoflable. Ph. Gre. 2846.,_94LTN24-ltp) ANY SORT 0iF S01,SEWORK BY HOUR OR DAY., REFEIRENCES. Heclen Wodrich. Landwehr Rd., North- brook. Tel. Winnhetka 3571. 94lTN24-1tp CLEANING MON.. TUES.. THURS. BY 1GOOD,-.RELIABLE COLORED GIRL.* ALSO PERSONAL LAUNDRY. FOND 0F CHTILDREN. BEST REF. WINN. 241. 94LTN24 -lt p EXP. SETTLED WOMAN-HSEWIORK.- more or o d hothaa.high .ages. .No objectioni to staying on place. Fond of children. Good cook. Refs. Uni. 0743.. 94L TN24-ltp FEXPERlENCED C 0 L O R E D MAID wnsge.neral housework and half-day v.ork b',' the. heur or weck. A-1 refer- encs. aliGREenleaf 1032. ______________________94LTN24-Ilp C7O1AEGE - WOMAN, TEACHER, A-i cook, cdesireus work as companion, hoUseke(epcr. governiess, practical nurse. t.Betsuburban refs. Wellington 66389. 94TTN4lttn WHITE WOMAN WISHES ,and laundry day vor-k. 8 place. Best North Shiore refer WîIlmette 1038.9 EXPER ' WÔMAN 'WANTS. hiour; cleaninp and takîn2 ch"ildrc-n. Phone IHîghland Pai COOK. EXýPER1ENCED. REFERENCE;., ANC, te take full charge. Rcelial)le, dle- deptndab1ý. V'ý1es. S25 -a week. Hyvde Park, 6272. .94LT24-ltp E.XPER. LAUNDRESS WISHE LAUN. DRY TO TAKE HOME. WILL CALL AND -DELIVER. WINN. 1823. 94L24-ltp EXrPER. WHITE WOMAN WANTS Day Work-Cieaning REFERENCES. WINNETKA 1628. 94 SITrUATIrON, WANT.rED-PEMALE WOMAN WANTS TO BE COMPAUION. te 'invalid and wvill do. light housekeep- ing. ýGood references. Phone Wilmette 1097.9LT2-t NEAT, RtLIABLE GiRL WISHES TO . iork by. day, hour- or,.by the weeký froin 1 thr.ough dinner. With good refer- ences. CalDavis 1158. 94LTN24-ltp WOMA N WANTS WORK. 5:-00 THROUGH dînnier: cýan give one full day per wý,eek. Reference. Stay. Caîl Kenilworth, 5286, ask for -Mabel. 94LT24-itp COOKING,' SERVING OR PART TIMEI by dlay or hour by thoroughily experi- enced maid. Reierences. Phone Wil. 4903. 94LTN24-ltp einces, wants cook,-seco.nd. Shorline Agences. 746 Elrn St, Winnetka 3012. 94LTN24-1tc 95 SITUATION WANTED-MAL.E HANDY MvAN WITH TOOLS, FLOOR waîn , all paper cleaning; window washing: taking down screens and putting Up siormn windows. Stiall paint jobs, by Hlans Jorgesen. Wilniette 1211. ____________________ 95LTN24-2tp CARPENTER WORK Put Up stormi sash, insulate, roofiinà, re- pair doors. windows. oorch steps. aa- eces.C, Au - vears U o UAt o in z.3111>1 , V111 netka 3717. . 95LTN24ltp Handy Man - Odd Jobs HAVE OWN TOOLS. Best N. S. refer. Wirnetka 987 _______________ 95LTN24-4tp JUST THE MAN YOU'RE'LOOYING .,FOR - SERVING, HO0US E MAN, CHAUFFEURING, GARDENING NEAT- LY nONE. >N. S. references. Winnetka 2815. .95LTIN24-Itp STORMI WINDOWS WASHED AND"RE- placed-floox-s, woodwork and walls .washed and aite-table wafing bv, 96LT YOUJNG COLORED'COUPLE, EX enced, nieat and reliable., Northi referen ces. Phone University 9237. 96LTr YOUNG, RELIABLE AND COMPI couple wishes position. Willi Couple preferre.d. A-i references. George, or Pauline, Uni. 4281, or Gre PERI- Shore r24-ltp TE14T livide.ý Phone GIRLS, GIRLS IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCED CAL L at this office at once for. dornestic work. Many Jobs ouçn. Good pay. SHORLINE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746 ELM 'ST. WINNETKA 97LTN24-ltp We Have More Good Jobs THAN WE CAN FTLL POME\l AND GET YOURS LEE EMPL.AGENCY 1631 Benson Ave. bet. Davis & Church Winnetka 132 Davis 8116 97LTN24.l-tp 799 ELM ST., WINN. 1047 Lindgren. Empi. Agency EXPERIENCED SECOND MAID). 97LTN24ltc White girl for general liousew.ork. No laundry. 2 children in faiînily. $12 a xeek, Winnetka 2478. 97L24-ltp WIthI aegU ret. A£iIV inY III sI.1 ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE.« 6f7 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 97LTrNl7-tfr MNAID. WHITE. NEAT. PROT. PERMA- nen-it paýrt-limne work.ceangar serving, Thurs. aft.,.Fri. mornfing. alyi- evëry other Suni. af t. Glen. .1993. 97LT24-Piin WHITE GIRL FOR GENER--AL HOUSIE. -work. 2 children. Own room. Small house. Must be fond of children. Win- netka 423. 97LT24-1tc tor; gooa 'tires; also '34 Cflev. 1 ,ý ton steel body with hoîst. Also 2 seated Kayak. No reasonable offer refused. Wilmette 4181., 105LTN24-ltp 1936 FORD FORDOR DELUX TOUR1ING* sedan wîth heater and radio., AnxioÙs to move quickly. WilI take $350. Cal Winnetka' 2380. 1105 LTN24-1tp 1937 FORD COUPE,' 85 Hl. P., MILEAGE 9,000. Perfect condition. $425 cash. Phono Wilmnétte 2720. 15T2-t STATON AGON, 1936 DODGE. CUS- tomer instructsý us to, seli at a sacri- fice* Pure Ou ,Station, 4th & Linden Ave., Wilmiette 551. 105LTN24-ltp 1935. REO SIX 4-door sedan-seif, shifter. Black,' excel- lent. condition. Original mnileage, 35,000.' Davis 2856, 105LTN24-ltp ESSEX COUPE FOR SALE.: 1931. MODEL. In good condition. Good tires. Reason- able. Phone Wilmfette ,4481. 105LTN24-Itp 1938 CUSTOM DELUXýE -PMOUTH, 4-dqor touring sedan, driven 8i weeks. J. D. Stenson, Winnetka 430. 35 PACKARD 120, 5 PASSENGER, touring sedan. White wall tires, heater, Lîke new. WiIl sacrifice. Glencoe .230. 105LT244ltp 116 'FOR RENT-ROON Clean, Comfortable « WITH SOME KITCHEN PRI' Private entrance. 98Sr netka 1813. 94 1p ATTRACTIVE, LARGE FR0]N single or double; private COMFORTABLE FRONT ROOM, IN private family, east side of Wlmette. 1 block to Wilmette station. Reasonable.. Ph. Wilmiette 2475 . 116LTN24-1'tp COMF.ORTABLE SINGLE ROOM FOR rent. Central east location. Phone Wilmette 2484.. 116LTN24-ltc LARGE ROOM IN PRIVATE ARESI-. dence. Best location. Wilmette. Ga- rage available. Caîl Wilmette 1527. 116LTN24-Itp FOR RENT. -- ~UNJJLIX JýÂ'4Â . 35e per hour.Wrtè e tte, 111. 94LN4-tpViÈ dol riie A te; near1 :0e 1328. retere ýmette.11ý , isox, t

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