Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 61

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* SIE 6 BD ROOMSJV. 31 ' ý,AH I Owner moved. n)ri",p reduced to $29,500. R M.JAEGER à, co. Exclusive Agents 522 Green Bay Rd. Winneteka 89 147LTN24.ltc BRAND EW-$11,5K0 BEAUTIFIULLY PLANNED ý7,RM 1 ý bath bouse,. 3 sunny bedrmns. Toilet & lav. on lst floor, 3 exposure liv, rm., par. tially paneledý in ceçlar; most modern kitchen, large gamneroomn over 2-car gar. This Colonial house painted white with dubétinet shutters &. roof is complete even to a grape. arbor. Call us for fur- ther details. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 _______________ 47LTN24ý-ltc, TRADE FOR SMALLER NORTH SHORE HOME SPACIOU.S 6 BDROMI, 31W 8ATH Winnetka Colonial on idéal 1/2 acre near beach, trains, schools. 10x20 sun-sleep- ing pchs., liv. rmn. 17x39, h. w., oul ht., recreation rm.. 10x32 tiled terrace over- looking ideal law n-garden. 3-car garage, Or.buv at irre,ýistîble price. HEINSEN REALTY CO.'ý. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 660 Green Bay Rd. Winnetka 254 147LTN24-ltc WILMETTE ENGLISH NORMANDY TYPE HOME of stone construction, 3 bedrooms, 2 tile baths. panel library, recreation .roorn with jlreplace. Air. conditioned. 2-car garage. Price $18.500. This andi other North Shore properties for your inlspection in our PHOTO' TOUR 0F HOMES. .R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Green Bay Road Witinetka 3250 147LTN24.ltc CHARMING, UNPRETENTIOUS HOME on one of the best blocks on Chestnut street, Wilmette, 8 rooms, oil heat, ga- rage, lot 50x189. You will faîl in . 1,ve w&ith the interior of this lovely homne., Let us show yôu. $17,000; might trade for larLier home north of Wilmette. F ULE&PICKARD Winnetka 3603 Uni. 7444 b147LTN24- ltc W VinnetLka - 4 sleepig rIIA., Z JJMlip, où burner. Near trafls., insujated, lot 50x187. $13,000 or rent $100. Winn. 1795, owner.148L24-ltp lui FOR SALE-VAiCANT OWNER'S SACRIFICE 100 FEET WOODED RAVINE PROPERTY IN east Highland Park (2 blocksoeast of Sheridan ,Rd. on PinePoint,Dr)-. W. G. RUGGLES&CO 517 Davis Street, Evanston Hol. 6886 Uni. 6886 Wîl. '1660 15ltTN24-itc INDIAN HI1LL ESTATES W. C. HUGGINS Owner's Representative Inspeet the Administration Office Iroquauis and Locust Roads 115Ô Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wlmette 4490. _____________________151LTN22-4tp WANT TO BUILL> WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE lot on l8th St., 50x243, \which can be bouglit at a sacrifice price for a limited time. Also a lot 50,x158 on Willow Rd. near Tii-1 ri R at only $800. SMART & GOLEE, Ine. 1564 Shermnan Ave. Wil. 2486 WALNUT BEDROOM SET. PAIR OP FIRESIDE CHAIRS. C OG SW E LL CHAIR.. CHAISE. LONGUE. 1180, Oakley ,Winnetka 1989 MOVING. MUST DISPOSE IMMEDI- ýately, G. E. erigerator, table top stove, Maytag washer, bedroom suite, porch furniture, victrola. radio, boat, iecretary. desk,, etc. Glencôe 20%0. GAS'REFRIGERATOR. STOVE, WASH. îng machine, mahogany 4 poster bed, dressing table, other articles. Cal Sat. and .Sun4.578 Washington Ave., Glencoe. 17ll4.ltp MAHOGANY FOUR POSTER BED). springs, and hair mattress. MaIbôany Adamns dining set, 9x12,taupe domestée ruýg. overnor Winthrop desk, grand piano, excel, cond. Phone Wil. 3023., l7lL24-Itpi RARE KHIVA RUG. MAI-I. BDRtM. SET, new innerspring mattress, box slring. Other household gonds. 1222 Marlon Ave., wv-t: H4iJbanii Park 3954. 171LTN24.ltp DiNING ROOM SUITE, SMALL ORIEN. . tal rigs, desk4 .hairsi table and other furniture; drapes. Tack. Wilmette 2693. 171LTN24-Itp FULL SIZE BURTON COIL SPRING hair mattress, like new. Phone Wil. Mpfti 35q5. 171LTN24ltp AD)AM .SCHAAF UPRIGHT MAHOG.' any piano. First class condition. Phone Winnetka 3867. 171LTN24-ltp 1'12 WTD. TO BUY-I4SHLD. 0000it CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE. modern or antique,, and other house- hold articles. AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN ui, vmrsn r, !vansWion in a choice lot near lake in Kenil- 1 1 worth. 93-foot frontage, deep and WANTED TO) BUY AN).S~I& woo<ed. amnne beautiftil homes.* change, household goods o McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. scription. 836 Custer Ave., Un 53) Davis St-, Evans., Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 174 15LTN24-ltc 173 FOR SALE-Mi$CE-LLi CHOICE LOT, 90x200. NEAR LAKE IN B R A~ 1Highland Park. fleasonably priced. A G I Would like to trade for small North FOR NIGHT CLUB OR REC Shore modern homne. rm. Moving to New York.,1 City National Agcy. of Evanston, Iflc. fice Chickering upright grand 800 Davis St. Greenleaf 1410 $50). In flrst class condition. Tu 151LTN24ltc with radio. Cali Highlanid Pai * 17: TION Bacii lo for n key From and after' October 31, 1938, no further interest shail accruie on that por. tion of the principal amnount of s"id bonds which i& includied in sald pro rata pay- .ment. Payment will be made at the Village Ofite, 419 Richimond -Road, KXenilworth. Illinois, wbere the bonds and/or coupons, should be forwardéd. or presented for cëol- lection jand endorsement. DESCRIPTION 0F BONDS AND COUPONS Speclal Assessment No.ý 18 Prin. 'on. Bonds-Series 7. 8. 9 Int. ýon Coupons-4, 9. 10 of Series 8. Spécial Aàsessment No. 52397 Prin. on 'Bonds-Series 6. 7,., Int. on Cotiponsi-7, 8., 9, 10 et Series 9 Speclal Assessment No. 477106 Prin.ý on Bondsm-2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7 Int. on %Cupons-3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8 of Sre 4 to 9 incl. Special Assessment No. 59531 Prin. on, Bonds-Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Int. on Çoupons-2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of Serles 1 to 9 mcel. Speial Ass e¶rt No. 511717 Prin. on Bonds-Serles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Int. on Cotipons-3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of Series 3 to 19 -4»cl. 1,pecial Assessment N~o. 546107 Prin. on Bonds-Series 1, 4 Int. on Coupons-None. HARRY E. WEESE, Treasurer Villaee of Kenilworth, 111; Dated October '12, 1938 Joseph* Elward Favors Federal -Aid for the Small Business Man. MORTGAIGES. Reinancing and Construction Other loans as 10w as 4yz% piat.erest. cari beat it at $10,500. 9 171 ' ,P SALE--IOUSEHOL.D 60005 (ew fqundation. and fur- Jn IVORY DOUBLE BED, BOX SPRTNG 1Junk &PICKARD AND MATTRESS. $20. KENTT WORTH od iron, Uni. 74 5227. 171LTN24ltp of junk; l47LTN244tc Phil HOME ENGINEER114é ny kind 1150 wilmette 'Ave. Wilmette '4490ia .C UGN ipf 744. TN24-ltp Winnetka 3

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