Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1938, p. 71

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9A45 a.mn.-Bible school. Classes for ai' ages. il, a njPrerh;niý> service. "Studies in the Book< of Joshua.- 5 p).m.-Hýph School and Co11é-Le Younri peoffle's meeting. Speaker--Charles 0. Baptista. el- ~ ngop .5 i n.-fif elwhl)go 7,30 j.în.-Organ Meditatios-Harriet Liîidahl. 7:45 p.mn.*- Gosýpel singing and choir. Message.T'saN~ene Wednesday, Novemnber 2 8p.mî.---Choir r-ehiearsa. J. Morris Gustafson., direictor. Thursday, Novemnber 3. 10:30 a.in.=Wotieti's, sewing circle. Churc h parlors. 2:30 o.ni.-ýWot-ien's Missionary mneet- iinL. M'sc; Grptchen Webster of South. China Boat M's.ion, recently returned. from Canton. China.and wvar-stricken. areas wilI speak. 7:45 p.m.-Praise, Prayer and Bible St. A ueustine's Hubert Carleton, rector Chandler Sterling, curate 20th Suflday Affer Trinity 8 am.---.olvComnitif'Ofl. 9: 45 a.m.-Church school. 11 a.m.-Moriline Praver. Sermon- The Rev. Chanrier Sterling. 7:30 om-YugPeople'-,,costume H4allowýe'efl party. Frida. October 28. there wilI be the *.first meeting of the Weqt tcircle of the .Women's Associated Guiids, held at the homne of Mrs. S. B. Haley a4t 1 P.rn.. wood aven1ue~. mre . "'y-"inuoum Guild 4.f Young Wom-en will mneet. Sunday evening, October 30, the young people are having a costumie Hallowe'el' * party in the Parlsh House starting at 7:30 o'clock. PreparationS have been Made for the presentation (J an unusual program. Girl's choir practice is to bc held Iin the Parish House, Saturday, October 29. at il o'clock. Young Married Couples', meeting, * which w as set ahead frorn last Wednes- Solo-Love flot th ...... Toure .Sullivan Prearmble, Violin ,Sonata. ....... Bach. Victoria McLeod-Ministry of Music The Junior. Luther le aguers are invited to a Hallowe'en party Friday evehing of this we at the homne of, Frederick Shefte, 640 Biler.str-eet,,Keiilworth. Church school convenes Sunday ii-orni- ing at 9:45 oclock. There are classes. for ail. We invite you- to learn with us inl our Church school. Wc invite you to 'attend, o.ur 'service of. worship .next' Sunday imorning at .il o'clock. The Confirmation ci .ass meets Sunday morning during the Church sehool hour.. Enroliment 'ii the class for the ensuing year must be made before next Sunday. morning. The Junior and Senior Luther leagues will meet Wednesday evening, Novemn- be 2 a,7:30 o'çlQçok at 1010 Central avenue. The membérs of the Junior1Ôl league will have charge of the prograin. The Womnan's society will meet on Thursday afternoon, November 4, at 2 o'clock in the parlors at 1010 Central. avenue. New mnembei's %vil be received into the church next month. Those wishing to unite with the church are asked Wo con- fer with the pastor. Please phone Nules Center 195 for pastoral care. The minister will be in the pulpit at the il o'clock worship service. Sunday morning. October 30. The service be- gins with the organ pre'ude at 10:45 o'clock, and the Introit is sung just be- ,fore Il. Next Sunday is Girl Scout Sun- day, and our Girl Scouts are cordially invited Io attend the service. The spe- cial musice.%,ill bc as follows:, Organ 10:45): -Adagio- (V Symphonly)................ Widor -JesusT, Joy 'of Man's Desiriing".. Bach sioniary~ society cabinet will meçt from1 12:20 to 1:20 i the Hlgh Sehool depark'. ment room. The, afternbon session at 1: -30 o1clock will open with a devotional :perlod led by Mrs. Erskirie Jeffords. Mrsi Harold' Sherman will furhish the special music. There w ill bea ,guest speaker. All women are cordially in-1w Vlted. The annual bazaer, sponsored by, the Womnan's guild. will .be held Novemrber Il and 18. St. Jhn' s Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues J. H.-_ Gôëkel, pastor SztRVICES 9'.15 a.mn.-First service. 9:30 a.m.-Sunfday school and Bible classes. 10.:55 am.--Sunday school class for children of three to fiye years. Il am.-lecond service. The order of service at il o'clock wil include the following: Prelude--A Mighty Fortress Is Our God..........Luther-Reger Introit--' The* Lord'of *Hoïsts la With Us"............ Schmiauck Anthem-' 'Send Out~ Thy Light". .Gounod Offertory-' i Need Thee Every Hour" ............ arrariged by Miller The bermon-"The Bibleý and the Reformation- ... .2 Tirmothy 3:15-17 Postlude--A Mighty Fortress Is Our God' ............. Luther-Faulkes MEETINGS Children's citcie, tociay, 2 p.m., with Mrs. Williatn Neetz, 2016 Birchwood avenue. Linen Circle, today. 2 p.m., with Mrs. FreciericKa Oberg, 323 Oak circle. Martha gulid. today, 3 p.m.. 4, bible, stuay; 5, business, session; 6, fourth annual birthday banquet. Mrs. Verna Sehuiz of our Chinatown mission speaks at 8i connection wîth the Martha guild banquet; all invited to hear this interesting speaker. Sunday school staff, Frîclay, 8 p.m. Senior Walther league, Sunday, 5:30 Sunaday afteruuun. The Tuxis club will rneet Sunday after- ,noon at1 5:30 o'clock in the chapel. The topic w ill be: "The Christian View of. Pleasure.." Ail young people of high sehool age are cordially lInvited. Sunday wlll be Girl1 Scout Day' In church. The Scout -troop wfl attend chureh "in a body. The New Trier Sunday Evenlng club will oFen its season Sunday evenmng at New Trier High school auditorium withý the -Don :Cossack Russian. chorus. Sunday, ,November 6. will be Red Cross Sunday, wlth enrollment lnu> mem- bership taking place from Noviember il to 24. The Boy Scouts ill meet Monday evening at the church. Thé Girl Scouts will meet Wednesday afternoon at the church. On Wednestiay evening we will con- tiue ettr We*fesday Nvenlng, Bible Ifour, at 8 o'cloek ln the chapeL. We are studying a -Know Your Bible" course, and the attendance is growing. Corne with us. The Chicago Presbyterial society wilI meet Friday, November 4, at il o'clock at the Rogers Park Presbyterian,' chiirch. Please make reservations with Mrs. R. H. Rice. Wilmette Baptist ies on-uLI .ZLt JA.rexts 141V e Uim.- AiIV Boys' choir will sing for the flrst tirne, - and there will be an anthem by a elass of high school girls. -Girl Scouts are also to be in evidence, as tis is the worshîp pxperience of Girl Scout Week. New pupils .are êorning every Sunday to our church sehool at 10 o'clock. A very interesting Hallowe'en party for the Intermedite department will be held tomorrow (Friday) night, at 7:45 Cynthia Ricthards, anBer, C.hn. Joes oCnthia RitharH.,andBerC. H.BJones in charge. Our Sunday school meets in» all de- artments at 9:3o o'clocik bunciay morn- 19. The Pastor' s class for those who wish by th at 3: home

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