Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Nov 1938, p. 40

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in Recîtat Series "A singer who can act has a. better chance in opera today. than the sta tic variety of sing- ers of the old school." So says Ezio Pinza, handsomne young basso of the Mýetropolitan Op- era- who - i comingý here. for a joint recital, engagement on Fridayý, November 18., wjth Marjorie Lawrence, soprano. They will, sing Mn the second of the Artist Recital series*ý of Concerts. sponsored, by the Wininetka 'Music club in., he New Trier Highý school auditorium. ..Formnerly,"'. continued Piniza, ."artists gave thought to, littie else. except s1nging. -They just stood and sang, or at most Made exaggerated and stereotype.i gestures with the arms. Today this is not sufficient. After ail, even, if one sings-. beautfitWly, why be,.on the opera stage if that is aUl one does? 'No matter how mar- velous the voice, an, artist ,xho fails, through, lack.,of actig-abiit acnvey the character that the composer had i- mind f ails to give a good performance." Arguing that there should be a modernization of action in opera, Pinz.a proceeded to explain what he meant. "Let u.s suppse th.at. there are 1en so called 'vacant'. measuaes during which the singer has nothing to say. Once upon a time he just re- mained stationary. Today he would be expected to ernploy themn in action that would lead up .to the following vocal passage, so. as not to break the sequence. Chaliapin was oile of the greatest of operatic actors. Everything he did was perfectly planned and yet gave the imn- pression of. beîng natural and spontaneous,.' field Cadrnan, the composer, and ad~iame Mia- ria Kurenko, soprano. ý, Miss. Kuenko,. often. called "the Russian nightingale,- will appear in a song recital that afternoon at the Chica go Civic theatre. UnOpera Debut, David Gepert, .7-y~ear:olç pianist, son, of Mr. and NIrs. Otto E. Gerpert, 1?25 Niflth street. Wîlraette, luis Leen chosen ta appear as soloist on the Young Artists series of con- certs at the fedèral .musc project hall, 632 North Dearborfl street, Friday evenin g, No- vemnber 4 at 8:15 o*clocT:. Bernie Photo Under the baton of Ralph Cissne, the. young mnusician ,vill be heard -%ith the American Con- cert orchestra in tvo movements of M'ýacDowýell's concerto in D rilnor for Piano and orchestra. 'Vu, borrrini Chicago, but has lived Musicians club presented an original string quar- tet. -Divertimenti.,' receihtly writteri by the young nmisician. Cuv Iequirenieflts for biennial Music Contest The National Federation of Music Clubs will A sbedleof3peas for the compléte season was ,announce.d1 recently by. the Chicago City opera, establishiflg an unheard of precedent in the historY of the Companly. On.ly a few dates have beèn left undecided at t .he present time. The annôunCement shows, such highlights as two performances of -Tisa and îsld" ffh Kirsten. Flagstad singiflg Isolde;- and, oniç per- form ance each of' "Lohýiengrin" and '.Die Walk- uire"' with.,this famnoUS star in the leading mole. Lily Pans will sing, three operas in Chicago p during the season. They are "bakrne," ',Lucia di Larflmfernoor:" and "The Barber of Séville.'. Benjarnino.Gigli, now estabiished as the world's gréate 1slt .or, will apPear three times, once inach in i"iartha," "Andrea Chenier" and "Aida." The-s chedul.e for the week N:ýovelTber 3 to Novemnber :10 will include the followilg: Thuirs- day eyening--No6vember 3, -La G.ioconda" vith Leskaya, Bentoflelli. and La Mance: Friday eVening-, November 4_. Rigoletto' with Reggi-, ani, Tibbett. and Lcokatyan; Saturday after - noon, Novemfber 5, -Samnson and Delilah" ,wîth Castagna, MIýaison and Fardulli; Saturday. night, vrnber 5., va4ame Butterfly" vwith Reining, . Melton and Beattie; 1.ýoridàyï Novem-' ber 7, "Tales of. Hoffmann" %vith Dosia. Reg- giani, Burdino and Tibbett; Tuesday. Novýem- ber 8, a ballet performance heré wvhile the opera is in -Milwaukee; Wednesday. Novemnber 9ý, "Tosca ih oiM sini, and Czaplicki. Big1 Ten Traveling Art Show Cornes to N. UJ. The Third Annual Big Ten Traveling exhibition of student art opened Monday, October 24, in the ballroorn of the 'Orringtan hotel, Evanstoi,' under the auspices of the art department of North-. western university. .Each Big, Ten university has three. entr.i.e. .Northwestern's work, which was done under Professor Clara MacGowan, includes the follow- ing: Agnes Andersen, "Entrance to University. HEall";. William Kolb, "Street Intersection~ and, Jack M\etcoff, "Agitato," all ail paintings. Originally the show was displayed at the University af Iowa lasi May at which tiie. ,-ri-h schno1 .ha six entries. While the show' is as the.Ju~nor an£ NétO r wil attend the perform-. Maunice Photo Spaish Exhibit Paintiflgs by the farnous Spanish surrealist, Miro, will be on exhibition during the month of November, at the Katharine Kuh gallery, 540 North Michiganý avenue, Chicago. Five concerts will be given by coining season. WILMETTE LIFE Atumi vice. the. grouýp this

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