Raff, 245 Cedar. avenue, _Highla nd Park, Aaron Younker, 349 Sheridan road, Winnetka, and Wilford M. New- man, 869 Lincoln avenue, Hfighland Park, wiIl be hostesses at a Council memnbership rally-at the North Shore Congregation 'Israel, 840 Vernon av enue, Glencoe. Every Jewish womnan on . the North Shore is ifivited to attend 'the meet-' ing and thus become informed of the important civic, cultural, ýand philan- thropic ýcon tributions -of the- Nation- al Council of Jewish Women in .i ts- forty-six. years of existence., Miss Pearl .M. Hart, prorninent 'Chicago attorney and chairmhan of the, Coun- cil's legislation and civies depart- ment, w.ill' be the speaker of the afternoon. A pmusical program wiIl be pre- sented by a trio of which Betty Younker is the violinist, Virginia Lang, pîànist, and Je an Watson, vo-ý c'aliit. The National Council of Jewishi ,Women has a national mêmbershipý of 50,000. The Chicago section has more than 2,100 rnembers on its1 roster. Mrs.' Harry J. Myerson, national. director and immediate past local president, is chairman of the rnbership drive, Mrs. Benjamin 1. Morris speietothCicg sect ion. sreietoteChco Alpha fletar chapter of Sigma. AI- pha Iota~, national honorary musi- cal sorority, will present Roselle Bezazian, pianist, in a, progra-m Monday evening, November 7, at Harris Hall, Northwestern univer- sity, for the benefit of the scholar- ship fund. Miss Bezazian, young. Chicago pi- anist .who has .given programs both at Vassar college, where she re- Mrs. C. Kelsey Sa .nders, 236. Cumno r ro ad, Keniiworth, ice- president and publicity chair- man of the Wom.an's auxiliary of the Infanjt Welfare Society *of Chicago, is an active member of the Kenilworth center of the So- cietyJ, and ciuring her presidencyj three years ago the Jack and iU shp, w1h nd-indde baby eclothes are made andZ displayed, was originated. Members of the center make ail of the ciainty things - hand sewn, hand knit e- which are exhibited at the Hearthstonîe tea roorn. Town House Stuioi ior Scnool maintains a scholarship for worthy boys at the Chicago Jun,. ior. school which is located in Elgin, and ail proceeds frôm 'the activities of the Evanston Friends are for this un.The organization is now plan-, ning a rummage sale to be held in Evanston on Decen-ber 8 and 9. The details were worked out at a jmeeting he~ld recently at the home of Mrs. K. G. Baur of Evanston whn IN BLUM "BAL L GOWNS"# Abeautiful collection, mostmdlr aey priceci Paid affeta'sketchect o instance, ait $55.00. Or a full-sizirtecl tur- quoise moire at $39.95, Black, of«course .particularly the crepe witk golcl-beaded hodice at $39-9. ,izes fro 10' to 20. BLUMS. EVANSTON 709 CHURCH STREET nàe 9 r entrtane ndine f nfA~Loubte gue.s i ast a meeting ai. LAV Inome onI VYIte- week-end, friends who were here for day afternnoon. Serving as co-host-' will present each patron with a gift of the Minnesota -Northwestern football ess ' was Mrs. Alfred McDougal. The almost equal value to their portrait order gamne. Saturday evening 'in their program was an illustrated lecture, 15CETA A1VNU honor Mr. and M rs, Sen siba gave a on flower arrangements by Mrs. 112CNRLAEU WILMETTE 2526 dinnerprtforthirty-five.gueSts., Maion Bradley.