Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Nov 1938, p. 46

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s;om of Wfi Church Have, Two-Dal Each division of th e Wilietie Parish Methodist'church isbuisily engaged in working up some spe- cialty line 'for the forthcoming bazaar. Thefirst group wil han- die.kitchen beautifiers and tim-e savers: the second, a gift shop of: dainty novelties; ,the third--,a Trading Post, the fourth linens and colorful wrappings :, the fIfth garden accessories:..and the î.xth will sponsor the ,Wilet Historical room . the* Hobby show and the Pet. show, as well as the displa-y of, many unusual novel- ties. Mrs. E. B. Snyder is chairman of the First division and 'Mrs. L. A. Arrn strong is head of the bazaar activities, assisted by 'Mrs. A. L. Foss. .Delicious home canned pick- les and relishes will be sold by Mrs. 0- E. Thaleg who also has charge o! the luncheons and dinners. Mrs. S. E. Leemnan wl suppIyyouý with a-never-fail cake mixture and the following womnen will seil kitchen brusheb, curtains, aprons, and towels: -Mesdames ElmTer Davies. F. W. Burpee, N. H. Booz, ana C. F. Geppert Çhairman of the Second division is Mrs. Harold Haves and her as- sistants include 'Mrs. W. N. Suther- land, Mrs. Edward Benson,. Mrs. Staver Moulding, Mrs. CarlI Zipprich Mrs. FL W. Mýons and Mrs. Gallear. Each one will have charge o! dif- fc.rerit zift ý hàinonveltips such as Wornn Voters on Dufy lfo Dispense General Facfs on Procedure of Votng Prepalratoryý, to electionda' the Wilrnette League of Womnen Voters. is conducting an informa- tion booth, at Wilson's bakerv. 1162 Wilmette. aven.ue, oh. Satur- day. October .29., Saturda3y, No-_ vember .5. and Monda, Nô,% t. ber 7. Sampfle bailots are availabie <i and league members are' prepareel * to answer such cquestions as: Wha- does, an 'x" in -the circle at 'thf, top of!-a ballot Mean?' What !'Y * "plumping"? Can you. write in yoUr, own candidàte' for 'an office? Car you mark a .split- e:ickec so ýh, it will be £ounted?: The topir for the Norem ber Il vmeezing of the Wornan's.socie.ty of th e Wilmerte Baptist ehurch u'ill be "The lnter-Boroiough Brid ge.- Miss Jess-ie Dell .Crau'-frrd. netc presideit of the Baptist Missionari, Train inp SchooZ of Chicago. u-ill speak on "The Bridge Thar Con neets Oir City WVith God's City." 1Miss Crau-,ford u-as decn of ,iomev at Denison uiversitp fcomî 1923 to 1930 and taught in the 0 prrnn f Christian. edacarion there, lear- ing that post to go to the departrnen'r of religious, education at Newe York universirl,. Music for ihis prçggrùrt uwiZZ bè furnished .by students 0f the Chi(cag Train~ing school. Lunc'heon is ser ved aor1i &clock. twith Ms .A..Wirtwig's Link b? cehdrge. AU North Shore alýýnnî o.f .qSC-rawf.c's schoo1s ore invited~ to attend this meeting. Lh'ch-eo r, 1, f: 1 *bp callji~g Mrs: Hartu'ig of 1700 WMimu arenue. beits, needie cases, tally cards. dressed doils, and hand-made gifts, The -Third division is ,headedby Mrs. G eorge Hoffman with Mrs. C.. Schedule Meetings for of tUý TradingaPst e r omnLufheran Church Circtes ,May indulge their flair for barter1Th iesofS.Jn'Luer. and trade to their hearts content and Tecice fS.JhsLter. they .,.ont have to carry a pocket Ladies' Aid and Missionary society tul o! Indian xampum to do it, will meet during, the mnonth cf No- London Success, WiII Be Reaid at Sisterhood' Anri Birlç, Kuper brings 'Robert's W ife"tc the Sisterhood of the North As sis ting,, at the b ooth Nvme 5 and November 7, wili be the fcl- low.îng' :Tlember:s of the 'organi .ï. - tion: Saturday morning, 8:1'0 10:30 Mrs. L. A. Bovver: 10:30 12, Mrs. Herbert IMuiford: Str~' afternoon, I? to 1, Mrs. W. C. H~r gins; 1 to 2,1M . L.' Banker: 2 to 3, Mrs. W.'C.Hugfis; Mon- day morning,- '9 to il, Mrs. J. C Baker; Monday afternoon, 11 t.o'l Mrs. G. T. Hellmuth: 1 to 2, Mrs J. I. Matrsh: 2.1to .4. Mrs..Wiia KeWle,. *Mrsz. Ross, Mover is chairrnan.u the eluction information c 1 minmtec No information concer'ning peul- sons whose 'naines appear on ithe ballot can be given out because o!' thu non-partisan 'character of thu league. Assistingal at thé inflormation booth last Saturd ay were M2vrs. C E..Ne isoh, Mrs.- Marion L, Milliu. Mrs XVllian . Cbb. Mus. F. W: Mleri'ifieli. and Mus. Moyeu.. Womer, Vofers Study Mrs. C. A. Carpenter, 600 Wash-1 ington avenue,' will entertain the niemersof the. Central circie o! the First Congregational church at1 luncheonand sewing on F'riday, No-j vember 4. is hostess. On November 18, Mrs. G. A. Rein- hardt will entertain the Linen circle i her home, 1431 Lake avenue, at 2 *clojck in the afternoon. A small charae is made and al are weldome. Refreshments are served, and the social hour that plloNs, permit s informfai dIscü-s1sin. club. 1M trude rF party'. in thle evening. After thie card party. will be heldci efit of the Vigan Mission 1Frank Elerchika (Gel:1- inger) is chairman of the W.ILMETTE LIFE

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