Voters. AwattGaillto Would.- Develop>:' Large Area 1Into.. NewHome Site Blietz Préents Plan to Villag oad for Project Btween Wil'mette and Kei.lworth Apla of'a proposed residential. * development of. the unincorporated tract of.,approximately eight acres, Iying between Wilmnette and Kenil- * worth, east of .and adjacent to the North Shore tracks, subrnitted re- c enty to Buiiling Cmmier. William A. Wolff, by Irvin A. Blietz, builder with offices at 1160 Wil- mette avenue, came up for extend- ed consideration by the Village board and citizens Tuesday night. The fact that the area is now within the village, and that the plat was submitted for the approval of the Village board, leads to the con- clusion that annexation to the vil- lage will be sought, although Mr.. * lU+, it r didntit state during the, plat as submitted, was a cvuiie- 1able group of property owners from Greenwood, Ashland and Chestnut streets, who expressed the opinion that several changes should be made before approval is given. Nô- ticeable, however, was the fine spir-, it of fair play and desire for co- operation shown by both the ob- jectors and Mr. Blietz. Property owners .of the vicinity are naturally At Sunday Club Dr. Preston Bradlley, minister of the People's church, Chica go, wil be the speaker at the New Trier Sunclay Evening club No- vember 6. His subject will be dressed a luncheon meeting of Northi Shore Rotarians under sponsorship of the Deerfield R otary club. Police to View Special J. Edgar Hoover Films Through the courtesy of J. Edgar Hoover, head of the federal bureau of investigation at Washington, D.C., Chief of Police Clovd C. MoGuire Battie for-Sen atorial Post Features .Campaign: Th'e. two major political parties of New Trier township have estab-. lished headquarters at Winnetka, and will maintain an office force for' the dissemination of informa- tion concerning the. general elec- tion to be held Tuesday, Novemn- ber 8. The addresses and telephoneý numbers are as follows: Republi- can-552 Lincoln avenue. Wlnnet- ka 3202. Demnocratic - 562 Lin- calh r avenue. -Wimetkoe 4i5. Offer Handicraft Course at Sehool The Logan-Howard Parent Teach- er association is offering to both men and women a six weeks' course in pottery, woodwork, metal- work, nrinting, and furniture re- avenue, and will b e held Irom 7:3 to 9:30 p.m. A modest fee will be charged for the series of six les- sons, on the following dates. No- vember 9, 16, 23 and 30, and De- cember 7 and 14. The group is limn- ited to forty and therefore early enrolîment is advised. Tickets are obtainable from room mothers, or by calllng Mrs. N. M. Kahn, Wil. 2103. Resui.ts, on Novemnber 8 May Presage O0uteorne of 19401 Presidential Election, The 1938 .general election. will, take place, Tuesday, November 8. The polis, will open at 6 a. M. and close, at 5 p.,M. On- another page of this issue there will be found a* map show- ing the boundaries of the 40 vQt- ing precints oç'f New, Trtowi- ship, together with the locationsi of the polling places. Also a dia- gram showing the right way to mark a ballot. From the list of candidates presented the voter. will choose a United States senator, a repre- sentative in congress, a state senator and three members of Thisbatie f te bLLT iý at Tracing nusle oftestbaong te voters, largely because of the effect the resuits are expected to have on the presidential election of 1940. The Washington administration is mov- ing heaven and earth to hold its ma- jority ini congress, and to that end is giving every possible assistance to candidates who have accepted the slogan, "One hundred per cent for LWJU~ for or against current goverri- in positive terxns at the. polling on- the second Tuesday of eacn month at.,7:30 Pan. in the Masonic teýMjle, i1010 Centra! aven u e. V ote-or hold you r peace! atorical attacks. on the partifPt'oth Il(Continued .on. page 22)