a range FREE DELIVERY AND STACKING Only $12. Pull cord of long-seasonec lfire- wood, M28eu. ft. at order. Later will cost you more. For savings opportunity cailias soon as' pogssible, Wilmette 3478. 15LTN26ltp FURNITURE SPRAYING. Alio wicker f urniture & refrigerators. Wé use lacquer-W",uetkta 3185. 1SLTN21tfc HARDWOOD for fareplce Oak seasoned one. year. 64 eu. t. to a ton $9 delivýered. Black so11 'andcow ma- nureý. Ph. WiI. 4U., Gut Anderson 15LTN2Otfc STORM SASH - WETHERSTRIPT- Inexpensive. Practical. Free estimate. Orcier now. Phone or wýrite Zion 132. Wetherstrlpt Storm Sash Co., 2502 Gilead Ave., Zion. 15LTN234tp UPHOLSTERING, FURNITURE RE- pairlng, canmng, Bernard Reagan, phone Wilknette 4259. 15LTN2-4tp IS~.A PTOMETRISTS 35 yrs.' experience. -Eyes ftted properly. Broken lenses rèplaced. trame repaired. JOSEPH~ F. KUSS 804 Elm St. Winnetka 3671 15A-LTN35-tf c 21 BUILDING AND REPAIR CARPENTER WORK Put up storm sash, insulate, rootlng, re- pair doors, windows, porch steps, ga- rage doors, fences, shelves. Norman Ealverson Winnetka 4086 21L26.ltp JSEPU l 'fEMENT AND MASO] Specializing - Waterpr 1714 Washington Ave., CARPENTER ANDÎ ber, Storm sashes,. porches, roofing, gai 'doors-,etc. W. R. Wil1sc Protect the livability of your home> by attending to its needs now!. III LOOI THIfS PýAGE .FOR SEÉRVIC.E 25- PAINTING AND DECOleRATNo' Paint YourIHoluse Now wE.SiPECL4LIZE IN OVTSIDEý PAIN- Ing -onlY, that's, why we can furnish the lowest possible rate. Also slungle stalning. Wlnnetka 58-or eves.. Resi- dence -phone Highland Park .2851. 25LTN24-4tp CALCIMINE CEILINGS LIKE VELVETr -$2.75 Hang paper, seamiess. Sprayý basement walls (washable) $15. Outside painting-one coat.«Looks like two. 3 year guarantee. Cail Winnetka 1547. 25LTN26O4tp 31 DRESSMAKINO ____ DRESSMAI<ING -AND REMODELING. Also drapes, ctirtains and slipcovers. Your home or mine. Furn. mach. Best N. S. refs, Wilmette 3963. Mrs. Kleist. ____________________ 2LTN26ltp DRESSMAKING Afternoon and evening dresses. Altera- tions, re-styllng in .your home. Satis- faction guaranteed. M. Boland. Wil. 659. _____________________3ILTN26-ltp HOME MVADEJUUI5DLMUUtUNWSI Hors d'Oeuvres. Open face sand- wiches, decorated birthday cakes. Mrs.' Baker, 524 Maple Ave,, Wil. mette 4151. 39LTN23ý-4tp 39.A ' CATERING_____ F OR EXPERIENCED CATERERS- -waitresses and waiters, -cali 'GLEN- 3. ' LOS? ANO POUND, LOSr-CREAM COLOREI. MALE CUOW doig, hair 'off middle of. tail, reward,' Phone Winn'tka 1726. 3L26ltp LOS T WED., OCT. 26, BETWEEN OAK ST., ANI) COMMUNITY' HOUSE- GOLD) BAND CIRCULAR PIN, 4, BLUE STONES. REWARD. WINNETKA 3257. 3L26.itp, LOST - fONEY COLORED IAISH setter, White markings nose & breast; ho-e25th. Chilc's pet. Reward. Wil- meute 4258. 3LTND26-ltp. SILVER KEY CHAIN AND KEYS LOST. On Kenilworth beach near Woodstock ave. 'Phone Kenilworth 529. 3LTN26 itp LOST, OCTOBER 21,. BLACIC MALE Scotty, ear marked. EReward. Wlmette 4196. 3LTN26Itc REWARD IF BLACK SCOTTIE WITH white markings is returned. Answers Io name of Sandy. Phone Glencoe 1341. convalescents or inVaid' chilçjrn..andi auuits at 'humne or in hospitails. Reaciîng àloud, gamnes, tutoring, sur-prise amusie- ments or what you wish by' the hour. mornings, alternoons, evenings Pli.. Kenil. 564U for appomntments. 4LTN26ltp 7 ANTIQUE$ CLEARANCE SALE 0F ANTIQUES. iarge Vicorian mantei mirror 1rai-te with iruit carving. 6 wal. iru4t carveci .hairs.' 6 c. mapie chairs. Chest oi ,rawers-mlirrors-o.eds in c. mapie. ine, TA 80 WCARING APPAREL TWO GIRLS' COATS. FOR SALE, §IZE i2.% ' ut Coat,. and tweed. Very reason- able. 111 Central ParI< avenue, Wilnmette. Plione WiI. 02M. .80LTN26-ltp SIZE 10, GIRL'S L EATHER, JACKET, sweaters, dresses, spring coat. Ladies' dresses. Infants' clothes' (new>.- Mirror- drapes; lampsi spreads. Winnetka 1157. 80LTN26-ltp L10VELY IMPORTED BLUE TWEEDý -suit, with, squirrel. Good condition. Size 16. Price $15.ý Phone Winnetka 2752. 80LTN2-ltp BOY'S BLUE OVERCOAT,, LIKE NEW. Sîze 14. $8. Ci before -5 p.m. Wimette 4572. 80LTN26.îtc BLACK RUSSIAN CARACUL COAT. SIZE 16-18. JUST REMODELED. $100. GLENCOE 7926 80JLTN26.ltc FOR SALE, TLTXEDO SUIT. SIZE 36. Aiso 1 dress suit, size 36.' Very rea- soilabie. Teiephone Glencoe 580., E8iL'TrP2-itt RACCOON COAT. SIZE 14-16. GOOli coriaition. Phone Wimnette 3318. 80LTN26-ltp) 80-A WANTED TO BUY-CLOTHjNG Martin's Clothing Store WILL BUY MEN'S IJSED SUITS shues, overcoabJds( f ur coats. Best Prices, Prompt service. 742 Custer, Evanston University 2220 8OA-LTN52-5te es LOANS * 'LOANS 1 n Èie utu' - Kurniture COMPARE OUR R~ATE AND SAVE Consumers Credtit Corp. A45 Chicago Ave. Gre. 8=2 Opp. Main St. -L- Station, Evanston 85LTN9-tfe .87 REA.. ESTATE LOANS WHY PAY MORE? No fee for stanciard i u-year oanis 1%for monthly payment lbans. GEORGE T. COONLEY. LOAN AGENT ALLIANCE LIFE INS, COMPANY and other învestors ýrating CO., work.à 2SLTNZrX6.ltp1 1Free ,5525. aniu mUUA I'mics, die Wilmetteý cutiôn". irous or in. 8' ' ' -f lanCh MasnMo.ey to Loan 44LTN23-4tp ON FIRST MORTGAGES 'TORS GtJILD, WINNETKA BUILDING & ýs for chlldren duction, rhyth. LOAN ASSOCIATPION [elen Barck.lay 716,Elm St.'Wneta11 4TN 6ltc WanlTN24t 'j 'i