Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Nov 1938, p. 68

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116LTN26-1tp NICELY FURNISHED ROOM CLOSE TO transpor-tation. Hot water at ail ties. Board optional. Ph. Wilmette 3368. l16LTN26-ltp NICE BIG ROOM FOR 2EPOE peopfle. 1 V% blocks to transportation. Wînnetkâ 2108. I 16LTN26-ltp. COMFORTABLE, NICELY FURNISHED front room, east 'side, ebnvenient 'to L"andi North Shore. Garage availabie. Phone Wilmette 3828. 116L26-1tp NICELY: FURNISHED FRONT ROOM in'private homne. adjolning bath, near transportation. Phone Kenilw'orth -'2640. 116L26tp ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM wit hadjoining bath,, breakfast optional. Phone Winnetka 1549.' 116L26-tp PURNISHED, FRONT BEDRM. 1 OR 2. .Privae.bath and entrance. 851 Snruce Street. Winnetk a 2976. 11L26-tp LARGE FRONT RM. & PRIVATE BATH. Garage available. Private familv. Near transportation. Glencoe 1226 or 81'6. 116L26-ltp i,' block E'm St. stations. Some kiýchei, privileges. Winnetka 2589. 116L2-ltp ATTRACTIVE LARGE R05M IN EAST, Winn. near transp., well furnlshed, twin beds, private tile bath. Caîl Winn. 1267., 116L26-tp FTJRNISHED or without leges. Phone WW.MIE Warm rooms, rates.. Mrs. Wlmette. ËOOM TÈO RENT,* WITH light housekeeping privi- Wilmette 4207. 116LTN'2G-tp ITr-L.GT. HSKPG. ROOMU Irfl WTT--RNSHED LIGET YOUR INSPECTION INVITED Also Attractive office and Shopý Space 'Avallable. Evanston-522 DavIs> st. fiollycourt 1855 Wmfn. .455 Gre. 1853 128LTN26 lte ASP4K TO 'SEE OUU LIGHT. AIRY 7, & 8 roomn apartffients.. Suitable for people giving Up the expense of large suburban home., Every f acility for comafort. & prox- irnity to the heart of Chicago assured at our: Lake Shore Drive building. $2600 & Up. i especially choice 2nd. floor .apt. Open for inspection. Phone Irenie Marshall. 1Superior, 4955 for further informitioh. 128LTN26ltc, INDIAN HILL MODER4 APARTMT, TLEBATIt{ 128LTN26-lte 6-Room fleated Flat IN HUBBARD WOODS PHONE WINNETKA 115-235 128L26-tp HUMPHREY BLDG. ELM & CHESTNtIT 3 rooms. Kitchenette-dinette, bedroom. targe living room; door bed. Available Oct. 1. Winnetka 97, 2432, or 478. 128LTN16-tfc Wlouern 4 im. apt. Liv. rm. with roll- out bed. Bedrm.. ie bath and shoWer, kitchenette andl brkfszt. nonk. Tmmed. poss. Close to transp. Reas. Wil. 1724. i 2RT TN26.1 t. - portaion. Winetka 3235. ____ SJBLET. TO MAY 1SI E apt. in H.W. 5,rooms, o' VERY ATI 1*8~~~~~~ FO ETAATE~ment, fai 425 GROVE STREET ent. central 8 Rooms-4 Baths AÀrTRAýCTIÇ room kit 7 Rooms-3 Baths elec. refrig, (AUT.-1Ve. '% * east ands ocation. Ph. verlooking park 12BLTN26-ltp RM. APART south. Conveni- Wl1mette 2399 mo'nth McGUIRE & ORE, Ime. 716 Vernon Ave., Glencoe Glenccie 13 133LTN26-lte, 601 LAKE AVE. REDUCED FRLOM $125 to $110. FINE section of 'Wlmette. Excellent cond. 4 bedrms., 2 bathis' H.W. 011. 2-car Gar. Bargairn. Frederick A.Cooper, 1505 Chi- cago Ave., Evanston,. Gre. 3030-Shel, 3030. 133LTN26-ltc FOR SALE OR FOR RENT - UNFUR- Snished. Brick residence,, double corner lot; 4 Sun porches. 4 baths, 2 fireplaces, billiards and recreation rooin, 2-car brick garage. Everything in firs.t class conidi- tion. Hinton G. Clabaugh, 1324 Scott Ave., Wnnetka. Winn. 663 or Randolph. 6019. 133LTN26-ltc NICE 8 ROOM, BRICK AND STONE, house., At 524 -Provident* Ave., Win.- netka. $65 a month. Phone Kenilworth 1373. 133TN26-ltp THE LOG HOUSE 1258 Scott Ave. Huibbard Woods 'Ow*e ' FOR RENT. . 6-RomBrick House 2-CAR HEATED GARAGE. $75. L. C. ODH REALTY CO. WTNN. 115 133L26ltp FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished, East Kenilworth, 10 rooms, 4½' b'aths, newly 1eorated, e&ther 6 mos. or one year. Ph. Keni]worth 5676. 133LTN26- 1 tp an vnas fa . ..C.rS a nr, Henry F.Darr e,Ésec janitor. 140LtN§- tf( 147 -,FOR_ SALE-HOUSES SURROUND THIS CHARMING WHITE Colonial country. residen ce. Whilè pure Colonial in design, this bouse is iodf-. ern in everv respect. It' contains P9 rooms and 31,2 bàths, and is completelv insulated. The. conveliient. location 517 Davis Street, Evanston Hol. 6886 Uni. 6886 ýWil. 1660 147LTN26Ite NORTHBROOK AN ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY, HOME, consisting of 31,2 acres. Ground beau- tifully.. landsc.aped., tennis court, im- proved with 6 roomrs, solid brick resi- dence, 3 bedroomfs. 2 sleeping porches, sun deck. living room,' dining room, breakfast room, kitchen. dlec. lghts and water. 2-car brick garage, with. quarters above. Price $10.500. Samnuel lViNab.Campbell NORT}IBROOK 170 147LTN26-ltp 777 PROSPECT AVE.,WINN., ON HIGH wooded lot, 100x170. 3 blocks from lake, follow Tower road, west fromn Sherldani road.. to. Prospect. Turn south to 'this distinguished; English house, large liv- ing room, 3' tile baths, 2 lavatories. Good servants' quarters ,wîth bath. A handsome substantial livable home with réal charmn and élegance. Former own-ý er has slashed prige to ý$30.000. Ask us to take you through. FU LLER & FICKARD 746 Eltn St-< Winn. 3603 Uni. 7444 147LTN26-ltc CAPE COD COLONIAL DUE TO OWNER'S REMOVAL FROM city this attractive, almost new home is offered at $12,000 Monthly Payments $58 6 attractive rooms; 3 large bedrooms; l1 baths; pîne paneled recreation room: air co'ltined wphed garage. 'McGUIRE & ORR; mc. - 530 Davis St.,' Evans. Gre. 1080.,.Wi. 228 ______________________14 7LTN 26 -1tc so much for the money as 2235 Chest- nlut St. Why flot sec th'<s delightful, French provincial todýav and settie the tiresorne search ithe kniovledge,,that you have found the best, SMART & GOLFE, mne.. 1564 Sherman Avc. Wilrnette 2486 ____________147LTNe26-I1tc JUST OFFEIRED One of. the most be'au'iful homes, in Highland Park, nea'r the lake. Large landscaped grounds, brick construction, file rf. 5 master bdrms., 4 bas., also Iserv. rms. & bath. nowder rm. , lrrv McGt)TRE & ORR, Inc. 50Davis St., Evanston 1Wi 22 128LrN261tc, WILL SUBLEASE APT. UNFUItN. MAY 1 lease. Choie location In Indian HM.Ulç,,er tranhp. _and schools. ]Phono Win. 5U8 or 901. ý12BLTN2e'lteC OiF IVANSTO? 800 Davis St. SUBLEASE 1TO MAYL house, 4 baths, sleeping front porch. Large wooE Tenant Mnoving, inust dh 1255 Asbury' Ave., Wnne Real estate agents. se of at once. 1454. or see 513 Davis Street 139LTN26ltp )WN 17T2-t, r. 5 RM. fBRICK BEAUTIFULY BUILT 1lot in Wilmette. RED 'BRICK HIOME- ON PRIVATE ST... lly easy terms. 6 bdrms,., 3 -baths, Owner anxious to' today.' ,se». Ca» Miss Cronk. &' JENKS -BAIRD & WARNER Greeiaf 1617> 79 Eim St. Wlnn. 2700 Bri. 1855, 147LTN>ltc ,147LTN26-lte 1 1 ý ý

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