wniL>'S 10De a eai.ure of thie tWo- day bazaar the Wilrnette Parish Methodist churcb. is having under au- k sp)ices of the Woman's guild Thurs- day and Friday, Nov. 17 and 18. Already several displays of spevial interest baye been entered. Miss Ella. S. Waidner imaking a model of earlÉjy ',Ouilmette' to be on exhibit., Old. Fire Equipnient . Waltèr Zibble,ý for 25 y'ears, chief~ of the fire departrnentof the village. is@ displaying old equipment. Alexander MeDaniei, whose grand-1 father \vas original -proprietor of .Wilmettc-" from -1836, and. later be- carne first posimnasterl in 1870. and others arc furnisbing data. 'An old denitl l.*ight, the late Dr. Rufus St{lps medicine kit whichi visited every Wilmette home in . earlv. day ndbautiful shaiwls are son-l of the intev-esting exhibits. Is Reelected Fr<-demk A.Kaher.deaq'i -f bzsi flU sel un' Udr isor-Ch (tir- mc(b? alu JVeu-Trier Toimiship ýHî 'qfi school.. W.h n h 'is eeiî cha m of the Su bu rbati h'a due (1Si)?Ce isfuuig in 192. uasre-élected to that po- Fruit Firm to Oteri iYio.IwId F(* 7neet rnN w Iome rii*y ~ )a t cw roicis photo Fhe Y r i d aFrni tcxLay r et -z,i-mem.bçof the fac- which. foi- thiu p t our ye(ars, has uit ' of the Hi£,hlaýnd. Paýrk High conductlcted ils btIsi:ness fro 'M a Mer- {sehool was r-lce secretary. chandise cý,r ini the Wilmnette yeardrTeIag.an tlti asoi .f the Chicagc and Noýrth Western ;iti(.ill (4 seven lsuhurban schools. lunes, will hold a formnai op1ening, icue.bsdsNw Tirad F riday, in their new location, 821 HtighladesPark. EvaNtonTorwnd'i Green Bay road. in a building re- Eigh school]. the Oak Park-River cently cmpleed.Forest High school, the Proviso A complete line of groceries is toTo'SiHgbcooofMyod be crrid ii sock inaddtio tothe J. Sterling Mort'rn High. sehool, the fruit specialtv. The~ firs.t rnu Fr esh iYoung 1>ORl< LOIN'ROAST lb. v 22,c lb.................... Genuine, Spring Bouieless. Rolled LAMB RBOAST 4 to 5-lb., avg.,lb 27c SIRLOIN STEAKS8,, Tendeir am 32 .icy, lb. .....3 PORTERHOUSE STEAKS,, lb. .39C7 Fresh Dressed Chickenm1 4 to 4U2 lb. avg.ý FRES» DRESSE») Palace F amous Nor th- ern Birdis.A 1 -a y s tender. IL 33e .. . . .*.. . HOME FOR GAME Miss Bonnie Lamb dautghter of Mr. alld' Mrs. George N. Larnb, 115 Woodbine avenue. was home Iatweek-end frorn the University of Wisconsin to attend the Wîscon- sin-Northwestern football gme Miss Lamb bnd as ber housefuelst. Miss Beatrice Wyrnan of Wash ng-, ton, D. C., one of ber classm-ates 1 a t the univer'sity. Mr. Lamib who and' tennis. and track. Oak Park. Spring Events Scbedules of spring events were also announced: the indoor track meet vvili be helci at the Oak Park field house on the first Saiturday in March, wvith the outdoor meet àt Evansto'n on May 27. Tennis championships will be held on the same day at "Evanston and golf at Highland Park. 24-lb. bag I 3for35C N. Y. No. 21 EATIES"- pkg. ..... loc E SAUCE, Smithfield cans...12 CELEitY HEART$ uchsIS FrGolenq... ...... .... ...........1 S DRUSSELS SPROUTS 17 lb........ BEEF ITENDER.- .2 Ibs. for: SPRY 10-l.b. bag 49e m qý .P-