I I &fl $2.95 to $10-95 ;mAI4Qn Il 52 Waete A.IIII.LLIfIrlER\10 D DRY-SK1N ________ CS ICE CREAMM ~Two btilliant "teen" age aris, Eddie Katzviolinist, will appear Sning, November 17. Co lored GASBOLitvgeato sre enscuba i CoId Craâm Hand Lotion BufrPcnIe cia Exibit Marks Boo Crsm Affer BaIth 0 ufQd cnjc r mE h o D Skin Groom Whipped Cream Wleek at the Library Decoration The Wilmette Public Library will. elbraç,Çhilren's Book Week SCAP: Supr Fattedfrom 1N ovember 13 to 19. Magazines Bath Sze 33jc ad newspapers xvilI carry articles ~fl5d 1 and editorials during this week; ra- 3 FO 50 SERVES, 4 IFÀdîo prograrns will feature it; and DEPENDABLE DRUGGISTS raiations such as Boy Scouts, SNIDE CAZL DRG CO 0 G'rl Scouts. schools' and libraries RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY SN01CZL RGC will give time to its observance. 91Ridge Rd WilIl 316 1 167 Wilmefte Ave. wil. 40 The .Children's roorn at the library ~ [ will be turned into a display room * ~ for the best of the Children's books publsdthis fali. "New oos New uWcrhis!' is the idea to be kept -o- n af Temple Miss Natalie Rudeis, pianist (le ft), on thé prograrn-of the'North Shore etemnple ini Glencoe Thiirsday e î'e- llencoe A rtist Has. Work Dis played in Washington Exhibit -jatcuelhne *Preston, 601 Green- wood avenue, Qlencoe, and Jack Robertsoni, 1260 Judson avenue, Ra- vinia. are two North Shore students of the art department of Northwvest- ern university who are participants in the winter. exhibition of oil paitit-. ings by college students, which o-pen- ed the first of this rnonth in the Fine Arts Gallery,, Department 'of Interior building, Washington, D. C. Miss Preston's study is czilled "Rose,"- while Mr. Roberston's is ai ANNOUNCES A FREE LECTURE' ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE of the1 North Shore-. It is hopecithe l ists will be useful in suggesting tities to be given as Christmas' gifts. The public is invited to ex- amine the new books at leisure the ione week durin1g the yèar when they, are held for that purpose. On Saturday morning, November p 19, there. will be a marionette show M presenting. the story of "Nicodemnus and Petunia." The tickets will be ready to be called for Saturday, Northwestern's work was done. under Clara MacG owan, assis tant professor of art. Thirteen other students, each with a work, are in "ýCollage'3; Agiies Andersen, "Geo- mhetric Shapes"; June Essley. -Col- lage": Bob Cowan, "ýLighthouse": Juliafl Schroeder, "'Trees;" Rich - ard Mather, "Collage"; Robert Mc- Creary,.,.'.Collage"; Virginia ,. Kirk. "T) m i h pr pa n h " : R ose m a r y FAnyone w for some one by a served see hot heard a Ghristian Science Lecture or who eason- is entifled to a' reserved seat may obtain at the Readng Room, 1 133 Central Avenue, Re- be held until 7:30 on the evening of the lecture. THZ PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY-IINVITED TO A1TEND. 1193 WILmETTrE AVE. Opposite Village Hall I 1il. the DePauw-Chlcago. Iootba Miss Gebert wil be home the Tbanksgiving holidays. ý: . 1