kce Box Cookies Deerpark Brand - Fresh, short, butter-y cçookies in popular vari- eties-mPla in. nufty and chocol.at. pkg.3 C' ROME BEAUTY APPLES The finest, balcers thçre re-. 1 4,,56 29c. ,Tomato Juice Beautifully deéan, pure juice of 'Vine- ipened fruit-Chili and serve- 6 for 5e21 for 19 Fra-nkfurters Miniature e'wieniies"» tasty and attractive broild- 3 for 100 CELERY, HE ARTS Fr«sh, crisp snow-White hearts- 2,buýnche's19 TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEeRUIT VOC DO RS Large size-Perfect for sering halved, .ither plain A O A PA S or broiled-59 4 23 Large sze-Ripe, delicious and reacy o..5 c 4 23 ta serve a~u naturel or wrth otiior fruits 2f r29c FANCY WAX eAN when cooked with an onion- I 7. 1C Oranges for Ju ice Fairly burstinig wi+h sweet, healthfui juice- d25c i case 2.19 box JPUi flavor, bake 29cI mu 5 doz. 1.0 'ready ta cook in no time at TOMATOES- Slicinig or baking sze-For clor a'd. with fresh 'mushrooms-- 2 lbs. or' more' ta the basket- IPERSIMMONS The salad delight of the epicurean-Ripe, colorf ul and POTATO SALE. Your choice cf Irish or Swcet Spuds- IDAHO BAKERS39 Peck-39 JERSEY SWEETS YELLOW YAMS ý 1 1 làA Qà« HEAD LETTUCE Frmi, greeni, solid heads-two sizes- - Medium heads Jumbso beads 2,for 19C 2 for25c' fuit Sfrength quart 17c appetizers whei 35C Vegietable Parer b" A handy v%,egeta bic ,knifc ha nworks Ifile a- charmi for parifg mad or skreddirig tbpm- p25 M RtOASTING CHICKENS Milk-fed, tender birds-A treet for Sundays roaàsted toa a olden brown and, served .with cd potatoes and wax bsans- 4 ta, 6 lb. 'average- fiuffy mash- ib 29C SPARERIBOS Smatl tender ribs-Delicious eitherbaked or,~ roasted and served with saurkrau- lb. 9c~ SAUERKRAUT The perfect accompanjrnent for boiled or roastcd spire 'ibs- qur'15 SMOKED TONGUE A delicious entree served either bot or cold-Bring to a baUl in cold' water, add seaso'nings and lb29 simmer until tender-lb29 LAMB STEAKS The man size "English. chop"-So good when broiled and scrved with' br'oiled or baked torntoes- 'IL36 ROUND STEAK For frying, de luxe hamburgers, Swiss steak or >. ah exccptionally tasty beef loaf- IL35c FRESH LAKE TROUT Delicicus white'neat-Bmlce or broul and 'serve ~ 9 witb steamning baked "Icahos"- L 9 I KE FILETS N o bones, no waste, ali ready ta dip in *gg and corn- mecii and fry ta an inviting,. 1..I17É lb. NOVEMBR 10,1938 Fresh Pineapples. Ripe, 'l1ulcy. Cuban fruit-SUice, cube anid serve or sice -the long way an d, serveh3 whoeach3 - 13