This chorus, compos.-d of 60 voices,! was organîzed in 1925 by the la-te Daniel Protheroe. Specializing in choral works of the great masters and the folk- music of the British Isies, they appeared in the Black Forest village and in Mer-! rie England, at A Century of Piog- BAVE .HOUSEGUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ýLéggett of, 45 Crescent place recently :had as their, houseguests for a few days, William Smnale and his family, who were: en route to the East fromn Enstènadtà, Mexico. They' are sali- ing soon for, Cork 'Island, Ireland,, where Mr. Smale will take up his duties with the conslar service. -~~uLCJ-g- Service to and f rom Wi.Imette-Evainston and Chicago PHONE WILMETTE 2800 I Moisi Office and Servce > 2520 Green Bay Rd. Evanston;. .0, . - n' .ti . rr" 114 -o 4 Ariz., sufered from a severe 'case of pneumnonia, but is reported to bc greatly improved. He is a brother of Mrs. Edward P. Kelly of 1-606 Spencer avenue, Wilmette. MOVIES FOR CHILDREN The James 'Nelson and. Anna Louise Raymond Foundat -ion. will present. a frqee, prog ra m of four mrotion pictures fôr children atField iMuseumn of *Natural, H istory Satit .r- dlay morninig, November 12., The films to be shojwn are «In. the.,L'and of, Monté7urn ," "Land, of The F agle,"1 "Fi esta of Calaveras" andi "Quaint Animais ofGueml" There Will be twb showinigs. '(ne. beginning at 10. A.M., andi one 11, in thé James Smsntha eof the 'rnieulm. No tickets, arce eedr'd, and chiltiren frc.m ail parts of, Chi-ý cawo and suburbs are invitef. They niav corne alone, accomnpýnied . by aduits, or in gIroups fro-n s',hools and4 c>her . FORUM LECTURE Dr. Pâlil Pon-noe, gnrldi- rrf or of .ih- Iniuiciiof Fiiiy R- lations of Lnq Angelns, Calif., will iiddi-ess the Chicago Sunday Forumn located at Thorne hall, on ChicagYo avenue and Lake Shore drive, Sun, day afternoon, November 13, at 4 o'tc1(ck, on the subject "Cati Th- Famnily Survive the Machine Age?" of 'Miss IKay {C.ummniskey, 1336 El*m- wood avenue, who is a student 1 the university. ' ' Three Huskies Threneinbers. of. the valrsiltii football squad at New* Trier High School this fall are John Clark, h a 1f b a ck (unv)ier left), Boib Gockel. tocfr'e (uoper riqltt), avd Laivre1ce' "Bntddii" Miller (side). tcho substitutes for Jîm D ewýeyat fuiZ back. Photos b)q Woodil Wilsoi Mrs. C. L. Haviýes. 911 Lake ave- nue, who \vas in St. Francis hospital for two weeks following an opera- tion, was able to return to her ho)me last Saturday. A. C. Groves, 619 Lake avenuie. who recently got us liîmit whil'e duick hunting at Duck Island preserve on the Illinois river, was planning ta leàve Wednesday of this wveck wilh nnrt'f o f buiness q~friends for a les. His sonq- Donald, i' a stu- at the univers ity.