3 fins for 28c No. 2 Tin -.3 for 55c "NWature's Royal* FamnilY" How Many.Heaping TeasPoon fuis in -a Pound, of Stewarts Coffeet *We Claim at Least 75,* Jane-Anne Marmelade 1/V ý4q 1-q DR EFT Growing in Po.Pularity. né* 0 * * * *'a *0*a*0*0. * 0 TRAYMOIREý P EARS Extra Standard, 'frue Economy N SILVER CIJP SARDINES Handy to Have inthe Paftry,.***** CIDREN LOVE OVALTINE Large Size 65e. ***, ****** SILVER CUP C ATSUPFrom Ripe Tomatoes *............ CENTRELLA BASIKET FIRED JAPAN TEA 8 oz. can 39e .* **.**.*. *. *. ,. .Medim Size, ,Bar, $c,.****** . I VORY FLAKES.;Nortii Sborels No. 1 Favorite ****** 0WD MONK STUFFED. Q UEEN -OLIVESTe oldsFluest Olives. **** CROSSE & *LACKWELL THIJRDAY, RIDAY TOMATO JUICE ABargain lu Tomatô Julce,... and. SATURDAY ETEL NOVEMBER 10.11, 12 PEANUT: BUTTER Pplrwith Childre***.. _____ ____ ____ ____ JANE ANNE Large sixtzfr 5 SALAD DRESSING Rtecognized as the Best* CENTRELLA Mo. 21/2 cons >2 for 4-5' PlNEAPPLE JIEYu1 1.ti uc,* 'M Ifo IQcGRAPEFRUIT JUICE True Fruit Fla'vor* .. .. .. .. 2!IforTEA19c C cuN oîqea, $mailI sil ~. e 14 ex. boftls2 Large six. *35c c CENTRELLA ORANGE PEKOE TEA 4 oz. Size for Two .... for 23c LANTA CLARA PRUNES SunSweet FANCY PEELED 2.1 C' TREE RIPEN!D APRICOTSBest QualitY FOUur Ch Large six.' 2. for 4c. NoiOlas or .69C 14 oz. cons6 for 45C 12oz. jar 1 5c Pl nt Jar '.31C ons 2 for, 2.9c No. 2con for 2.5C 4 oz.céo il.cartons No. 21/2cons *,.43c 2. for 23C. 2 for 45c, AM e p e - 8 --- a .pkg. D>ue LU its i a p rotein - -- - -- HEALTH BREAD is recommended with ail reduç- ing diets, and Is a true health bread. for every mnemn ber of the lamily. Yçour grocer has HO1LLYWOOD. HEALTH BREAD fresh every day. A, large laf, I slièed, ouly . j e .And Now YEN ICE MAID v NCE SPAGHETTI I~II *SAUCE.* Tr 1y this delicious sauce' the hnixt tifft Y'dU make spaghetti and taste the difference. Se- leot ingredients fried in olive oil to a golden brown. Then, blended with rich, red tomatoes, and simmered for long hours until that savory taste is reached. A prepared spaghetti sauce that knows no equal. Order a can today. Crosse & Bîackwell tu VULANU MUAi A Tom Collins whIl PIomers Punch 3Bottles skey Sour Peurs. Fancy California Russets ...1....... basket 25c' Graipes. Fancy Red Emperor.... 2 Ibs. 1 9C 'Oranges. Sweef., Juicy California ....... 2 doz. 39C Grapefruit. Fancy Pnk Meat Seedless . .. .4 for, 25c pý" 040-r 0 Ail Leg 0Lawmb. Whole or Shain Genuine Spring. Beef Tongue. Select Fresh Tongue. .b. 25c Lamb Steak. Lean-Tender-Sirloin .. b.38e BREAKFAST 0F T4E MONTIl ..21c C E 'ýRELLA NOVEMER 10, 13 WI,LMETT'E LIFE 4 Phone Wihu.tte 420 Phone WilflUtte 420 LA Your Choi 'Genuine Spring