Oak Park field. 1 Bil Mur Kenneth .Funkhousèr's boys count- Jack o ed their single touchdown in the Note: iqhIves 0 third -frame when Richard Prins ' aftelr thE blocked an enemY punt, and aied s] imildly amnazedto flndothe haall nesýti'- tle tW'o: *offs, mwhich he He is in- oi11y for ýoted very ing in his a rms, begging, to bc, car-_ ried across the goal une. RichclidîVt:_________________ argue the matter.M rlnFy ic Oak Park's scoring spread through M rlnT y E al four- qu arters-a touchdowil i Preside nt of Jufnior each,.\vith a safety in addition in the * &~~ ~hird périod, and a successful trv- Claâss id Hzgh h:ü,Î for-poi nt,in the, final. Poseses alntLast week the junior class of'ew ln spite of the severity oDf the beat- Trier High school elected thi ing admirîistered thmn, there 'is no i offleers for the ensuing year. For doubt, thatthe locals possess a lot many y éa rs il has been, the custom of, laten-t.talent as individuals. They 1to delcci a girl as president: of the wil ae ine varsity team ayear class. The hored girl in this case or t o hence. is Marilyn Frye, who lives at 430 Quarter-back> Lee Mitchell. and 'Oakdale avenue, Glenco e. Curt Brown, cente:r, wvere- stand-oits- jJohn Rodger, who liv'es at 780 Lin- on defense. They are co-captains ofconaneWnekwseetd '.he teamn. vice-pyesident. Marlon Brown of 439 7Mr. Funkhouser and his cohorts. a, te.~~n4~ yi ~afé~?ghere ~n~ ~. . Wt~l. as secretary of the class and Jack ;vere pleased %vith the work of Bill Wiese, of 523 Abbotsford road, Kenil- M1unson and Bob Canning. also. T'y worth. will hýïndl>e the, class funds rehalfbacks s -trS1 e,surer. "B" Squa.d Drills Onie obligation of these class A group of freshmen football %v ffcr ill be the promotion of the *rthose remaining frorn the "B"') annuljuirpo whc usay .squd, erethis week praciicing itaslacenor som tieh n May t under the direction of Rowlarnd Wehr tkspiesm iei a.I -id Morris Nelson- Assisting were i.s probable also that assemblies will ~tudntsTedRily, ickOgivie~idbe held occasioznally at which these Gus ulis. he attr treêareofficers %vill preside. it was added. Gus ulis. he attr treeare In the sophomore class election. AMERICXt4 lME FINE QALT AMERICAN HOME Season'as eat Value$ CY FLORIDA :AS MARS11 SEEDLESS- 80-96 SIZE rapefruit 6 * 9 for 25c 110 RUSSET-LARGE .. 1 etatoos .-.10,, 21s ,player, too, andi those who are fa- iniliar with gray-green athletic his- treasurer. tory Iank hlm among the all-tirnw The freshmen do not elect their greats. officers until the second seynester. Nati'nials Cokwar Pla FANOY WISCONSIN lb. 1 7c IED 2lb 2 c, ,OPHANE **4pkgs. ...............