ti!iSS w* S$O-NSIN PEAS CANS1O French Sty -Gr,ýe n, DEANS 2CANS25 BOKAB7COFFEE . ,.. 2LB. BA GS 35é PEARS. No 2 15e CANr 4NO CA s' 6 LUC<Y'STRICU. CAM EL or CHESÎERFIELD- CIGARETTES ...... eCARTON fruit, DEL MONTE APR ICOTS N 0 2 219C HO RMEL SPAM AN29C $.» PU RE 'PWilrnette Girl Scouts cabin.'heRtaycb.AcraewWrs Arouni a glowing firepla ce, the to the girls frorn. each. Mrs. Warner ~ prens o th gi~~ ~d eprsena-expr'essed hers and the girls' great Ptives of the 'troop's sponsdts, the appreciaino temns id.s Rotay cub o Winett, wre gth-and their interest in the troop's af- ered while under the direction o f f ajrs. r The girls then served cider and 1Mrs Ernest Warner the ro ar- trOP doughiluts to theirguests. ranged itself in hors eshoe frain LEADERS ASSOCIATION The color guard, co-,mpo(sed of For the n ext twv.o days, the mcm- Violet Ward, Pat Doney. and Kather- bers of the Leaders association are ine Fischer,, presented theé'colors. to have a training -course 'in camping. leader o rs nt er asked eahatrolfor>at 'the cabin 'under 'the -direction, of toprset ercadiats orMiss Mý'arion Morse. the local direc- Sinvestiture. tor. The leaders wl go to the cabin SNadine:Warner presented J(> Ann Nov. 1il and st'ay over.the l2th: Adler and, Mary.- Katherine Bur-' Note Change of Tinie, Sgoyne; Marthanna Oughton present-. Due to the fact that this vear. e d. Nancy William .s, Carol Schaeë,ffer Armistice da y is 1a, holiday, the and, Audrey ,Halldorsoin,; Phyllis' members of- the orchestra who were Chapman brought forward Marianna to mneet on Friday' at 3:30 are to H ahi and Jean Yoder 'brought for- mreet inte oning of that -day: atý jw ar d DorisJohnisori. 10 o4clock at the St. Augustine's Ea1ch of the candidates was asked church. Here'af'ter, the meetings will if sh adflile he tenderfoot be at 3.:30 on alIternate Fridavs. reuiemnteach gave:her favorite Troop 9 Girl Sout aw and took the Girl On Mýondav, Oct. 31, the members Scout pledge after which she ,vas. of' Troop 9 %vent to the cabinfo fr an given the trefoil Girl Scout pin. outing,. We left'1{ighcrest school at Presented Aduits 10 o'1clock, Several' of the girl ~ SThen MUrs: Ira Reynolds, the com- mothers kindly took us out. Smissioner, prcsentedthe aduit mem- 1 When xve arrived we ail played ' bers for investiture. There wcre 'bail except the four. girls h were, Mrs. William Burg 1oyne, assistant ,watercarriers and had to get the Sleader of the troop, Mrs. William 'water. About 11:30 ,ve'got readyý Everham and Mrs. Court 'Toel, both for lunch, sQme of uis building a fire rnenbcrs of the troop) committèc. 1:nd the 'rest doing other things.' j(The troop regrets that owing to ilWc cooked Qur lunches over the 2Joan Fellers' illness, it was impos- open fire, having' kabobs,. cocoa, and .. e e e q e À Iv invested. Girl Scouts lighted one to 5 inches on 'the stick is coverèd.' Sof the ten candies set in' à log anid 'After lunch we cleaned up every- 'recited a Girl Scout iaw. ' thing so that the place looked neat, "After the completion of'the formai-' each of. us having sorne job to do. "ities, Mrs, Warner took the ô)ppor-"Afterwards we' went on a three-mile à tunity to tell the parents about.-the hike and had.a lot of fun. At abot o, good fortune of Troop .9. in being;i 3: 15 we came, home, after a -happy Sable to have the Rotary club.as its .day.-Barbarà MèNeill, Scribe. Figures Show Traffic Decrease on Railroad , Box of Money Is Stolen Prom Store Clarence Schildgren. manager of Mrs. nRobb came aown for, the Min- nesota-Northwestern" football game. Bill Harridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. r-0- William Harridge, 1440 Forest ave- Charles Robb, 816 Greenleaf av- ue, spent week-end before last at enue, will attend the tDad's Day Culve r 1]iitary academy attendmng celebrations to be field this week:eénd the homecomning football gàame. at the University of -IllinoÔisf, where Bfl, a fresbman at Northwestern. his daughter, Nancy, ls a, freshmnan.. university, is an almurius of Ciilver. ILLS B1108 COFFiEi-LB. CAN 490 DEL, MAIZ NIBLETS C A P25 IONA SLICED, Pineapple NO "ý10 CAN FINE SULTANA ANN PAGE Peanut Butter SPAGHETTI JARB25c Sac rnm a e .LB.