U.' ooksilike a mili ôn. Going away, it looks like good for- tune you' ve missed. A loi of fussy care went into the way it looks from the rear- you k now, that's the angle frorn which it's often' est seen. Going or coming, it moves like a Ma, be a tabbt ti bectonthe¶ jump or a skyliner lead it from point to point. Bùt-yuu'l1 ne-;x want'a highway cruiser that answers quicker to the green light's "go" - that slip s more deftly through the holes in magie yourself, first..hand. traffi-that with keener relish e ats You'll find it beautiful in action as up the miles. in aspect- you-'1l go, for the way it How about it-is this stunning 1939 wheels d ance on BuCoil springing Buick really as lively as it looks? of stou.t spiraled steel; no quiver or Well, just try it and see-you '11 find shiver shakes the luxurious body it the car and the value of the year! ifl jts flight. Njaybe a builet gets off faster. You'll see the world - lots of it - for this sightly Buick now parades the passing pano- rama through windows with U uo to 413 moresu nehes withôut slide or slew. in fine - we think you'l like ail of it-from its looks to the way it lives. up to them. Won't you try it out- and see? NO OTHER CAR IN THIE WORLD NOVEMBER, 10, 11938 2 23,'