At seven years of age Marjorie Lawrence, the Australan soprano who wlll sing in a joint re- cital ivith Ezio Pinza in the Artist Recital series at New Trier High school adtriu m Friday evening, :November 18, began to study both.. piano.and singing with.the pastor of the little.. village church where she was a member of the, choir., Herj officiai studies did,.not begin until she was nineteen.> In the succeeding eight years the brilliant Young. singer tossed off preparation -af,,numner- ous operatic roles-including the major Wagnerian operas, her debut at Monte Carlo, and three seasons, at.the Paris opera. She then jumped straight' to the Metropolitan stage,- where during the past.twa seasons she has appeared in lead- ing Wagnerian roles. Pinza, basso withi the Metropolitan Opera corn-, pany, was an engineer, a. soldier and a six-day bicycle racer before*he decided ta study voice., A master of pantomime and make-up' his ability as an actor combines with his voice ta present a complete picture of the character he portrays. The pragram which the two artists wil sing withi tz,.itzinger at the pianio is as follows: Aria: Qui sdegno non s'accende ("Zauberfiote">............... »***"**«*-.... Môzart Aima Mia .............. ............. Haendel Nel cor piu non mi setito............... Paisiello Chi. vuole -innamorarsi ................... Scaratti Mr. Pinza Erll<onig ............ ........ ......... Schubert Freude der Knderiihie ................ Schubert Ungeduld...........................Schubert Mis~s Lawrencee Fiocca la Neye ...................... Ciara Nebbie ................ ................ Respighi Ultima Ca-zone .. ... .................. Tsti Marjorie Lawrence, soprano, one, of the youngest siners eve assgned leadinýg soprano raies of Wagnerian operas with the .Metropolitan Opera company, will appear in a joint recital with Ezia ?inza, basso, at New Trier High school auditorium Friday evýeinig. November 18, in the Artist flecital series. Portraits of Wilmette, An op portùnity ta hear George Thorpe, director of the Federal Art Project,,will be afforded those who attend the meeting of the North Shore Art league in the organizatiof's studio at Winnetka Community House We.dnesday evening, Novem- ber 16, at 8:1.5 o'ciock. Mr. Thorpe will tell of the inception and growth of. the, project; the varjouS subsýidiary' crafts enlisted, and the attempt being, made to edu- cate whole commuflities not having access ta fine art collections ta an appreciation of beauty, a nd to a cons cioUSfess of their local artists, by means of the, hundredS oftravel-ing exhibits sent out under his supervision. In .this.connection hewxiii display pictures in ail and water color, lithographs, and -other.examples of work. The classes in paintingwhich Alleni E. Phil- bric k is co nducting at the, studio, under thespon- sorship of.the league, are well under' way. A, fcw vàca ucies'remain and wil e filled b hs h first apply. in the children's classes, also sponsored by theé league, and instructed by. Edna M., Johansen, Hope Degenhardt and Nancy Coonsrnàn Hah n, there are.a few additional vacancies. A lirnited numïber of lregiýtratiofls will be received for these groups. Cuve lProgram for Lake VuIew Mlusical Society Sydnie Smith Cooley (Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich) of Wilmette, contralto; Helen Byfield of High- - landi Pank. sopiranlo; Nathalie Parker of Evans- Aria: Il lacerato spirîto (S n Boccanegra> . ..Verci: -i 7a Brunnhilde's final scene from 'Goiterdammeruflg- ..... ............... Wagner Miss Lawrence Pia n it-Com poser library iNovembe 1tuOeDe ±±jurlvvlIu.'I uu the portraits of a number of Wilmette boys. Amang them are Bob Casey, Richard Dooley, Donald Sipp, Roy Nelson,. Bob Thornburgh, Ed- ward Kemier, Stanley Tharaud, John Weare, Tommy Maughari and Lloyd Jaeger. Other pictures in the exhibit are landscapes piedin Uruapan, Patzcuaro and 'Oaxaca, Mexico, this past summer,. and water colors made a year ago when Mr.. Turner trave led in England, France and Scotland. a t z o ' c.î u n . a u c u i i t l . . - - Farr, Doriss Wittich, and Millicent Cooke. Fol- lowîng the concert there will be a reception honoring the president, Mrs. Herman L. Kretsch- mer. Arrangements for the tea are in charge of Mrs. Henry B. Vanzwoil,- social chairman, Miss Bessie William Sherman havingplanned the pro- Hîs.Selfridge Hostess ganizaTtion St the dhiicago afternoon, Nci Opera Houae. ' e or- 27, at' 1 CKe from M Justus rthe concert rno sson or the ticket -t otCiao obtained De!l Tre lie" with Jepson, Tolcatyan and Moreli; an,ý :Mrs. Thursday, November 17, "Tales of Hoffmn1n" with Reggiani, Dosia, Burdinoi, and Brbwrilee. WILMETTE LTIE