MethodistChurch WiII Open Its Doors on Plays on Program tor vvomeri vorersY i Q'I== Ail I NJn~,vir 17 8nrI 18 BaptistChurch Ditiner, Have Mr. Washburne Homie Beautficaion, R.creationat Hobbies,-ý,Ineresfi, Luncheons and Dnners Featùured Househàld efficiericy and beau- ty>, plus varied .irteres-ts and r-É&reationa1. hobbies for: evervY mnernber .of .the fa iisthe défi nite aimn and.,ideal of . the workers for the N.ethds1Cuc Womnarïs.Guild bza.wihwf open its doors to the, public on. Th ursd ay. N overrber 17. an.d con - tiniue through Dair~y hand-rr:.ade liirenS. coofipa: smocks' arnd al myar,,ner of "gad- get&' "for riýducing h)ý-isehl-d d ru dg e r, m.a Irbe fud h mrýny gailv decorated rromoz given over to bazaar aCtPýzite *The Fourth divisioýn i ~O~ Mrz gaymnond Lake wt ls {r acre Young and Mi_ýssJr.P:ya v bazaar hrl L linens and make a seîl fr~r ograrrnmedhadrciSa.dct table covers r, ddtin o he usu 1e of -tomvels.- lunchc--r et.c ck- tail napkins,n rnpaetro "-Everythiflg for a lovelv garden" is the objective of the Fd-th 'divîs ioýn which has Mrs. M. C Gre'i as chairman, assisted by Mirs. L- E- Matson and 'Mrs. Elbert R. Herlock1r:- er as bazaar chairmen.. Orders f or bulbs will be takeri and boith real. and artificial flowers will be 'sold. Mrs. J. Fred McGuire wiII display hand-degorated garden and fireside glcoves, and Mrs. E. E. Eenderson wiU sel sotne novelty flower bowls al âd togiefi frrainread eeBaptistchurch wlhave a in.5 e-n.r-Lcs, ~.ra, the church Friday, -No- Mr.KerIeth -Fzj±ohuser. IMr S - m b er 18. The Il Poles SO- CdeGr-aer, and- u.eiz c y ,:e' e ýt ;s~the, church is giving two aeresiDonfle for> th h,, e slays. -,Bread,'* a dramna, vhch areb:~ rece:;ed a te ad n s:e.Inc., a comnedy. TheY. (7,urh >onTu e d;.NG e ebrY.Drms er- e entertainiflg eve- fo-r exhib-it -during the bazaar, Soei rIr MsAC. Yïnbr sdn unique hobbies, are be"',Iertnered rrcarrr eevto. for the bv wOelruaue furr.' dz.r bchi reitri the public. beoxeý of aL sizes azid ki:.rd-r, s:er rra41- be rade, uritj Wedr. esday, No- s';r. s. and quilit --A-zGe: e~ r 16.tMr. Youngberg at carej. sexercLsed 1 :bbard road, cor prnzed pos4sess:ons an.d ail v.iagers ..:h Mrs E: R. Hendrickson Cf are '1 1tohave tÉe:r hib'b.ies :2 r;D .a.enue. ex.r-D:te'Z. Wt. J.L..r gildw~ihave chýars-e t~e swee hojp an;!a kirs o a~d:tOntoa s:rtCa rtS a A Tea, Hostess Mrs.Da'd J..D?ý 7E'w ~~;erC- re-ter -a -med a;:t E-. Waiýk, 1240Lae vnu. Wa-r-, no as. been -n K'-sý- Ctv for the Pasz: year and a hitre- Kenilworl+i L. of W. V to Launch Study Group A: ± egular r mtl etn c'a zc 'f W-men Votrs a h hr ~ -, "fMs.R rt Warren, thc zc ~:dygroup oif foreign polic3 -'-.erte leadiership) of -Mrs. A.' D Rih chai.rran of the departmen. r~f'g;venmntandi foreign .policy The rstmeeingof this study grour w:lbe at the home of Mrs. A. B Spa-ch; 228 Leicester -road, Keni] V.-:hon Friday morrdng, Novembei Celebrates Brthday Readng Crcl HosessMorcran Buford, Jr., 514 Washing Tbe, Readirg ccic le lU meet at ton avenue,w;ho was Il' yeans oh 1 &clock 'Mond ay, Novemnber 14, a t 'as-, Fridav, entertained a group c the home of Mrs. J. 'Melville Ero>wn, hiýs friends at an evenjng, party a 738 Eleventh strëeet. his homne.. on Program, Monday '.Junior High Schools in Ne% Trier Township" ýwill be subiect of the talk which Carleton Wash- burne, superintendent. of the Winnetka school.s, will give at the meeting of the'Wilmette Leagu e 6fWoe Voters at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, November 14, at the home, of Mrs. E. A. Wein-, berg, 115 Linden avenue. The meeting will be precededý by l-uncheon at o'elock. The-,junilor high school, is a sub- ject of real importance to Wilmette residents ' the league stateS, since it is only a matter of time before 'juinior h4igh schols will~ have 4c b annexed to the present sehool sys- tern in order to. alleviate conges- tion at New Trier High school. Whpobem taffsei teresideit l Y broalbnd fiu t co'rthe sdneces-l t. seaybonise. Mor. Wahrnees t having een gade ande .hvn noma shols tand ainciaeasd Pwnrml ascsueiatndepnt o sval a school systems, is wel qualified tD ,r discuss the topic. MIr. Washburne is organizer of the Gradute Teachers college in Winnetka- He travels extensively sunirers studying schools in Europe. the Far and the Near East. Sorne of the books, which are the resuit of his studv > include -Remnakers of Mýankînd",, d and "Adjusting the School to the 'f Child." Mn. Washburne is. donsi- t ered. an authority on progressive Drows Nea r .U.UUIan a age, au.& 4t4itzb uv£% be made by noon4 Wednesday, No-' vember 16, and that ail pets should b.' at the- bazaar by noon Friday, Novemnber 17. Mn.. Fuessie wiU be. Costum es tiaet pro bably twill wear at the style, show to be given i con junction with a bridge, tea are on Mrs.' Quintin Crawford, at the Ieft, and Miss Louise d'Es*pato, at the right, two of the manne- quin.* for the annwal cha rit y, event the Junior auxuiary of the Woman's Club of Wlmaette is spon- sor~ig at, the Willrette Woman's club Saturday afternoon of thf.s weelc at 2 o'clock. Picturedfi the center is Miss Mary Stoddard, who Ï* assisting Miss. Kae, chairmran of the ahowing of fashions i the exhibit tresses a budget wardrobe. -Photos by Lowvry and Gottechalk WILMETTE LIFE