Clubs in Session Friday, Nov. 18 The Tenth District Federation: of Womnen's Clubs will open. the fail seasori with, an all day ses- sion, on Friday, Novelfmer18, with.. the Edgewvater Catholic Woma's club, at the Edgewater Beach hotel. The- assembly will represent sixty senior and junior clubs, with an approximate mem- ber.ship of 8,500. Mrs. William T. Bruckner,. pres- ident, and Mrs. Fred M. Tuckermnan, secretary, of the illinois Eederatîon, will be guests of honor. The morning session will open at. * 10 o'clock with greetings by Mrs. Thomnas Maizacher, president of the * hostess club, and response by Mrs. Henry Rhode, district president. "Outstanding Plans for MyV Club" will be the topic of the three minute talks by the presidents of the clubs i the district, during the morning * period. Program. arrangements for the afternoon are urider the direction of Mrs. . M. H. Baruch, district public welfare chairman, and Mrs . Paul LaRose, district music chairman. Mrs, LaRose will introduce the speak. on ««The. Federation Look<s *Ahead." Mrs. Baruch will present Miss Amnelia Sears, former county corn- missioner and social welfare worker,r whose subject will be "The Present Day Trend in Social Service."I Miss Mila Baker from the radio Progran of The Seeing Eye, wil j Patrons and patronesses for the Treasure bail which the Kenilworth center of the Infant Welfare Soci- ety of Chicago is sponsoring at the. Drake2 the night' of Novemnber 19, will- include: Messrs. and Mmes. Philip, Armour,. Ana n Raymond, Henry G. Zander, Jr., George Coale, Paul Schulze, Earl Krumrlne, Ar- mand Peycke,. A. R. Peterson, George Getz, 'Jr., Grant Ridgway,_ Robert, Berger,. Roy Osgood, Albert, Penidieton,; Arthur Rut, Ralph Booz- er, Hugh, Petersen,. Percy B. Eck.- ha rt, George Wîllis, James Cunnin g- haàm, Henry Penfield, Herbert Lun- dahi,, Dr.. and -Mrs. Charles, Gallo-, way, Dr. and Mrs.' Rufus B., Stolp, and Mrs. John P. O'Connor, To See Lambethi WaIk Demonstrtedat Party The Annual women's bridge party at Shawnee Countryclub will be an innovation this year. On Wednesday afternoon, November 30, instead of the customary dessert party, a Lam- beth luncheon-bridge will be held at 1 o'clock. Many bridge prizes will be awarded, and commencing at 1:30 o'clock there will be a demonstration of the Lambeth Walk by Agnes Frank and James Weckler Martine. Th nartv is i)nnpto the public, the Choirmun: ilworth is pro gram. chairman of the North Shore F'riends of Chi- cago Junior school, an organ- ization which is giving a card partyI the evening of Saturday, November 19, at 8 o'clock at the Clayton Dunham Mmone, 150 Ma pie Hill road, Glencoe. Mof$ett Photo on 1P. E. V.,rrogram Music by Marjorie Elliott (Mrs. Charles H. Elliott) of Glencoe, com- -poser, will comprise the entertain-, ment for the Guest Program day and tea of Chapter C.V. of P.EIO. on Thursday, November 10, at the home of Mrs. H. E. Giddes, 545 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. Mrs. Joseph' F. Wanberg. »res- of. N. S. Friends1 of Junior School The North. Shore Friends of Chicago Junior school are giv- ing a card .paty the evening of *Saturday, November 19, at 8 oW dock, at the lovel y home of Mrs. Cayo Dunhamn, 150 Maple H ili roa,Glencoe., -This is not only 'a bridgé party. but keno will be played as well. and the winners will receive a prize from a *grab bag. There.will also be bridge prizes,« This yearly évent is always: an- ticipated very; eagerly by m remberq and friends of the organization. The proceeds of this Party will; help maintain scholarships for the boys at the Chicago Junior schooi. The school is supported by various groups of people who are interested in providing education for. boys whon because of eircumnstances, such as broken homes, vould otherwise be deprived of wholsome and intelligent influence North Shore friends an- nounce. George W. Kilburn, formerly of Principia, is headmaster of the school.. Invitations have been mailed to the rnembers of the North Shore branch and reservations will be ac- cepted by Mrs. N. Chase Flint, 233 Warwick~ roàd, Kenilworth. Train, PstWiII Be New Feature of Bazaar Somnething different in the line of a depar tment at the Baziar to be held i.mder auspices of the Woman's7, guild of the Wilmette Parish Metho- dist church Thursday and Friday, November 17 and 18, will be the Trading post.where there will be a resale of winter clothing. to-be a sion of the dlst church. [p of the IF( lilmette Pari er dance and supper at thte Nact cie The next meeiý ii- and Cycle club on Novem ber the home of Mrs ýo- 18. Linden avenue, ib Underwood and Underwoocl photo, November 27. 9 will1 be held at D. Campana, '251 mette, on Sunday, Mrs, George Hoffman is chairman of the group which has charge of this department. Mrs. P. A. Rensch is co-chairman, and Mrs. C. Rollin Smith i8 bazaar chairman for the division ini charge of this Trading post. WILMETTE LIFE leu ýlj