Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Nov 1938, p. 48

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Cbfrmn n rd ic-Chairmen Are Urged fo MW Wt Bord of W;im.ss. eLoagu. Monday A bar(.)~-in f the Wîil- mette League (-f. WQmfn Votera will lxe held>at 1<0 o'clric.kMon- da4y rnofrning, Novernher 14, at,, the ilo.rrife of the prreident, Mrs., F., W. Mrtrrifleld, 1014 Eirnwîood. avenue. Ail :ha.irrnien and. vice- chairrnen are urgri tr. atté-nd. The ncw hboard of the league cn sista of the following membrs' 'Mn. ýMoeýrr idrst <iden, r WVr%ý. ;i'<.wijtaicr, ~>Jviac.- third vc- pr-sideri t; Mrs airlp ret;try; Mrs. Wijllam dIrion&fý, ÛorrctfMndilît-creta ry; TMtr. L. C, -yes,. treaiiuri-r; Mr.. Mrio~n 1, MII'. uileîty; Mrq. Ira Rey- rioldsm, ir.ogrsiri c;rra;Mr. C. il, I'v;àns, socia- caîron;Mr-. Robert Kf-trlf-edy, .ubic toî eharrnn ; iVr. G ' T 1<*lrijh radio <ia i rniaas ;M î:;: tIea Ç--raii >, Nr~: V/iiannî <<àbb, cha i nian . iJr~. VIoyt4*r, ,ecaim ai iappr p M n; Ji-rH.'J,. . VVJH<J<Jefl, c (overint l n Id vgn irîaî lvix .1t. C. Iiakrry . hon cai irîra * Iirs C. K .ehoy, vic4'-ehaîirntulti. Giov-rnment. <and Child WeIfaîire -- M r. Clarence Coites, chi irm; in; Mr, ii îrry AdIvr, vice..chairm4uî. <lovvrrnvint and <I I gil Status -, j- Mrs. Frank L. Kaye, f604 LaureL avenue, fine arts chair- C .lu b of. Wilrne(tteý, announces that for the 'MPetilçi Fri(UIa, No- vpnbr11, ut 2 o'clock, ut the "A untorrtine of a Woman's Lifv,"v nifhI 'i Luns alL in ter lud ,f «J',tîid a :;u r'ri ".( (- ";t. JWrs. JJh.t JI Ie, M'r.,. A. Wl. With'r<i, and M r., Arthur Adains; are, Its'sx'5for te . LaY. MandlVs Ph.ol Harriet Vittum to- Give Next Programi for Neighbors Club The dprmn of social service of the Nvigýhbors of Kenil\yorth will presviit Miss Ilirriet Vittumn as speaker for the nexct meeting. on an's Club (if Wilrnette roccurs again (in Friday, , No-,verrbe-r 18. fror the Chicago Womrran's Sheteýr, . ith Mrs. sts, and ( on Progre * twjpit.v tl:o nethe' inebers -1wh ý,iII ussist at the' Immig>.ration bui- reau dur ing the week of Nuveniber 21 to 26, wheti the vhapter will be in *- chargte o! distributiiug nzuauns of citl.zenshJp. fo 1low iiiiiiedizitcly, wvft1i the social <~Olhflt1t' i chIarg'e. Speil host- esses for the aftcrnoon wvi1l be Mrs- Theodore 1Housç,r and Mrs. Hierbert A. 1)urr. Mrs; Williain McGibbon is chaiinan of tilt social comm littee. .te WzVtLlte Leal en Voters at a Motidal at thé. E. A. Weinberg, 11 enue. eei(fl$ ,- Ie.L n~e o f Mrs. Linden av- -Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Yantis of 1156 Mohawk road have returned from a trip east. They spent about a week in. New York_ 4WILMETTE LIFE W. K. Wanner chàirrman rof the day. Mrs P.H.Wdhars wllbe he The art department of the lunheo chirmn.Othr rembrsWoman's,.Club of Wilmette, with Mrs. J. Robb Haàrper as ichair- if« this cornrnittef_ a r e %rs. L.W.. man, wiIl present the. fit'st lecture Becker, Jr. Mrs., William S. Cloud, in its series on various. phases of M rs. J. J. Gathetr)all Mrs. ArthUr ýlart, at, the opening meeting of the W. >eeMs Cr .Kol Womnan"s Club of Wilmette Wed- Mrs.Edwrd . Mtot Mr. Emernesday mnorniflg, November 16. D. Obèrg, Mrs. ýD. C.- Roeddiger. Mrs. Teresa F. Leigh will teli 1the Mrs., Charles A. ýWillis, and Mrsý story of Lenox,. Wedgwood,, and Waltser D. Wilson. Spode Copbeland china,'weavi.ng intoý her' lecture on these three most famous pOtters' lives and work, a romantic background of great inter- To Sfudy Foreign PO.lCy est - exhibiting' original m odels A sudygrop o cnsier hemade. from the earliest' wares topi, "orein Plic;" wll,~ n through present-day mdes rlucted by Mrs. J. C, Baker on Mol(n- Mrs. Leigh will also give some day, November 21; Novernber 28, hints on the "Art of Table Setting.". and JDecme 5 o h ebrs She is a resident of Chicago and a "f 'the Wiiedc Letague of- Wothen fôrrîer cditnan of art of the Il- Voters. Mr. Baker is chairman of imois Federation of Womnen's Clubs. the departmnent of gOvernmenit and The second hou-r of the morning, foreign polic3'. The hour and place 11:45 to 12:45, will be in charge of r-! the meeting vwiIl be announiced the home and education department, rîeýxt week. Mrs. L. C. Torrey, chairman. A most unusual subject, "Fan-ily Crests, Their Orir-in. Puirpose" will 'be presented by Mabel Louise Keech rIl wsi ine ,ho) is said to be unique in this retmwsiI Difnerline. Miss Keech develops heraldry Arrajngefments arc, bcing made for as a science, an -art, an heredîtary Fe a lF]Howshil cinner to be heid in custom; interprets family Coats o! the Wlniette Baptist church FridaY Arms frorn days w hen identification evŽ~nNovember 18. The dinner was necessary, through Crusades, will be served byr the Womnan's so- through . the American Colonial ciety o! the church. The two one-act period, and tells of the influence of plays, p r e s e n t e d by, the Young heraldry on the designing of our People,,, society, wiII feature the flag. evcning's program. Members are requested to note- a change in the afternoon program fromn that given in the year book., Instead of George Kin Leung, the Speaker hiterature departmnrt, Mrs. Kenneth two pisys by the Guild Theater of Chicago under the direction of Roy jHudson, a young producer who is fst wor king his way un in thrýatricaT

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