Mrs. Fred Parry,(leit) s chairmtan of* the Crescent -circle. of -the First Cogegationalch urch of Wilmette whicèhiwîllserve the luncheon. for the meeting of the -Woman'àa. guild at the church on Frîday, Novem-. ber .11. Playing the lead, in a Iplàiï -If tBe His Disciple,"; to be presented byý the nembers,. will be MXrs. Ross Moyer (right). Photo of Mrs. Moyer by Strauss Peyton 'Nil! Glimpse Currenf, Plays Wil+i Mrs. Faxon The next meeting of the book re- view group of the Womnan's Club of Wilmette, under the sponsorship of the ways and means cômmnittee, will presrit Mrs. Lloyd. Faxon in a resumne of the best pl.ays of 1938. with readings fromi some of the plays.' The meeting will be lheld Friday morning, Novemnber 11, at 10 o'ç1 'ock, 3 rs. William A. Rich- ardson is in charge of the book ié- viewvs, scheduled for every second Friday. Doris 'Marie .Sauvage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Sauvage, 510 Lake avenfue, a junior at Pur- due uiv\crsity, came home to visit her parents last wleek-end. ( Con te Purchsd on Budget Pin 2.DECK BUNK RED 2 BED. 8PRiNGS .. . 2 MATTRES81ES, GUAIZIb RAIL and LADDER - AÀ S-plece bed outtit that'con- servres niueh space. Pul lengtlà, standard 3 ft. 3 ta. width. RelcUal tled springs and saattary, roe 11edge mattresues malein<ts cor- tllied $43.00 viàlue a quai- ity sensation at the c9m-, plete price of $Z9.95. 1506 SHERMAN AV£. EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 2820 ------------ meaftiftf(<d 'ae4ctk4 Shermnan Avenue, Just South of Fountain -Square 1">.4