and Mothers to Be Honored ait Tea 1M th ilg l F. of r>r;r, ; t an ina- We<J ne-siday. rn"' t' ,~rrr0' ?A p~aPh Kir, NT;i r'ri, d rr ,f K À w ith r r iri Y)or'r; wi.. biý .J :r W 11t il r î'i.-r 1", h r 1,r , ajri( tuiY flu k of Kflr'Vrt ,P'ri W¶J Il kg j tt ' r orf, Gj;n<ç,r )(froh Wiebri, Ja ne- war ri rj 1 I', rr, '1 Fa rko ' fi o rî ir , 'vârni r u, NI;j, r, r j M î.-z Mary JraJn ' f J . dal<, a ri (jbs- rr ioth'r , A//j.[V/Joui atr.(-, k , d . -rk, 1,oty r *, I ljor tyJan ,Wil5sonr, Mary .Jari(: rik o , a trl thc-it r rioli -r,; The gix girls, fol s Mf-rri]J, Bev- eriy 1lJgcrfr jtz, Ca rIl i neMNIcma riui Jesan Ba;ribou, Cecv-lîaa b-,arid 1titt Dwght, whoserubr ru cortie frotrn a digtance, plari to share- triothirs prf-sent ;àt thce tea;. ..1 Sitece iv in vw ith M r,4. M c Nr a r; will be- Mrs. Jamres Bartoni of Ev- anst<..n, pr4IidoerIt of the North Shore alun»e (if Alpha l'hi; Mrs. R i 1ph Strxder of, Evangton, .governor- of this- digtrliet o(i Alpha Phi; Mrs. Lce- Itte v el J3, cta chtpt(-r adviser; 1ill r1ftad; Wirnetkri, WPrIrtes4ray, oeme 6.frarý ir4rrnal recep- tvir,. ailt4a( çpven t hnOfr the teJ~fv idg~o orhetri r:hoaptdr of Alpha PhisorrMt,)Mther.ý- of tK4;:e girL,,to. av beent r.terl r,cnet the alurn fAltpKaPK-,resz-ring on th No-rth, Sho(r e. A Çuetri t of hon<r v;illbe Mi ,-:i-rg(jret Tide-rran. ut the left, who has Phot(to o! rs McNaraaa bW(,ffett. rof MssTý(dc-(ma-« byCarlos. Jewsh WQmen's Council inner Dance 1$ to fo Observe Arm stkce sgJgof th(- Arrnisutcr: will be ob-, se(rveri. by th(- National Counicil of .Isv~,:hWor.en Cica'>section, at ils overbc-rgen ral eetiig oïl M o ri ( a y , N iv(-rtibfer 14, at 1:4.7 '>'dIock -in th(- fifth floor auditorjurri :(f the edicari d Dental Arts 1)iinIrg, 185 North Wabasýh .avenue. Rabbi Morton Jý-irnan, spiritual ledrof Coijrgitioni Isaiah Israe], will speak ojn "What Shall W'e Do With.Ou.r lPacifisrni?" Rabbi Berrnian rec-eilv r (- t ui r n e d from Europe Bénefit Misericordia Th, rîrjuàl benefit dinner, dance for< Ihe M Ij.ericordia hospital and In- fants b orme takes place at the Palmer flueon Saturday, November 26. North Shore women interested11 making this affair a big success and acting on various ,commit- tces are-: Mrs. William H. Lyman, Jr., (if Chicago, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Charles Holland of Wilmette, Miss Julia H-ursen of Kenilworth, and Mrs. William Davis--of Evanston. .Ever since Misericordia hospital for Theta Alumnae Evanston and North SI{ô-re alumInae of Kappa Alpha Tfheta w'Il eet. on Wednesday No- vember 16, at 1,o'clock at the home of Mrs. Julien H. Collins. 213 Raleigh. road, Kenilwortr-. For, the aftern(on's. prograrn. Mrs. Byrd Arnold. Smithi psychol- ogist and lecturer, will give an an- alytical book review of the current, best sellecr,,>'ýMy Son;, Mv Son, by Howard, Spring. Mrs. Smith, Who lives in r,'vans- ton, is consulting psychologist at the Children's Memnorial hospital and a lecturer for the nurses' sehoolth.ero,ý She been a ýfaculty rnyember of the psychology department at Northwestern university and of the inedienU school. Her practice as a private consultant occupies much of her in- terest, and she. has lectured before club groups' for the 'past tev years. Mrs., Frank M. Suttie heads the luncheon committee for the day and her assistants wîll be IMrsý. Law- rence S. Roth, Mrs. George W. Mar- quardt, Mrs. William F. Horsting., Mvrs. Owven W. Middleton, Mrs. Les-. ter C. Rolgers, Mrs. Milton Lark, and -Mrs. John Lockhart. The president ' Mrs. H. A. M,\orri- son, will pres'ide ai~ a business meeting preceding, the jirogram when revisions of the by-laws will be considered. Officers and committee cha irmen serving on *Mrs, Morrison's board this year are Mrs. A. L. Reincke, vice.-preside.nt; Mrs. George T. Moor e, recording- secretary; Mrs. J. S. Shannon,. corresponding sec- retary; Mrs. Leslie A. Wood, treas- urer; Mrs. A. 0. Kiauser, editor; Mrs.- R. C. Harrer, archivist; Mrs. William J. Lavery. nrniram, chair- W. 1B1ldwin, uid Mrq. R. K. Iialý Anerican, MCvolutUiI, iVoKQa3 bird of Witintkin; iVrs. Sherman veniber 14, at 8 ini the evelling. 1Brieit and Mi-4. C. '11. Barker nf-Barbara Ci'anmpt.on is chairni Givle; Mi's, S. V. l3lderston, Mrs. the group. *At their jneetiný U. H. l3usquin, Mis, Perkiiis Bass yotitng1 women work on Braille of Evuanston; nnid Mrs., E. Il. -Badg- foi- the. blind and on scrap er of Wilniiette. for childrc , opitals. VI ss lol'IY , o-nsteses lr thie, one bandis.of ivy for a S] iof o'vlo-)ck. luncheon in charge of Mrs. 'service at which Dr. ;the. Ross Barrett will be the Mesdames Koempel, associate pre oks; Franklin Lannurn, DeWitt Gibson, Jane Addams Foundal âoks Newcomb DieIhl, ' Howard Rowan,' ogy and social work, George Cutier, and Richard, Young. chosen speaker. itional head- )ecial Chapei - Leslie Alice ýfessor on the on of soclol- was thiieir. oWILMETE, LIFE