1, at 2,. o Ok. Mrs. Walter Smith of Wilmet te, chairman in charge of arrange- ments, will tell of preparations for the national conference, last held in, Detroit in 1937. Other business *of the afternoon will include the election of officers.. Mrs. Jerome Byrnes of Evanston is president of- the Chicaàgo-Lake. Forest group. at present,. and Mrs. John Bremner, of Chicago is vice-, presid'ent. Colored motion pictures of the school life at, Barat college will bel shown ;is part of the programn of the .afternoqn. Preserd Kennefl Horan in Smith Club Benefit Mrs. Robert Moore Jones,, 214 Fifth street, Wilmette, is treas- urer of the Treasure ball to be given at the ,Drake 'Saturday evening, NNovemnber .19, ,under auspices of the Kenilwortih cen- ter of the Infant We lfare So- ciety of Chica go. Malcolm Balfour Photo Kennieth Horan, 'ývansto-n author. has givetv the arresting title, ,Whatý Are You Reading?-" to the newý,ly prepared lecture she hill give Wed-, New berry Center League the Evanston-North Shore Smt Cl Sets Dec. 17 for'Bail lege club. benefit. Reviews of som c new books will constitute a part of' With the popularity in mind the Mrs: Horan's subjeet matter. winter andl pre-holiday season holds Those attending the benefit party, I for cha rita-Ible events. the Newberry a dessert - bridge - lecture, at the Center league sets the day for lits Evanston Country cub, ill have benefit ball Saturday evening, De-. thèir choice of playing bridge or! cernber 17, at Shawnee Country club. In order to make room for our new Christmas merchandise, we have reduced the large pieces on our floor and we arc sure you, will find these prices very interèesting.. There are sone. v ery comfortable chairs and. sofas priced to. meet the demand 'on your purse, and wke show a icomplete, Une, of end tables, and occa- sional pieces that will' delight you.ý May we also remind you that irsmall deposit; will hold Christmas purchases until you are ready for delivery. th e ittie furniture shop 1147 WiImet.*e Avenue WilmefIe 70 Mrs. G. L. Fischer of Glencoe is jIvf* jHatle MrsMr. Bck to swell the funds for the club s ingham, Gunn, Ms ap Wells, scholarship. . Mrs. Frank Kelly, of Evanston; Mýrs. Francis Linneman, Mrs. Ken- neth Ward, Mrs. Henry Fordtran, Mrs. C. Langford. Felske, and Mrs. Harold Ray of Highland Park, and. Heads Sports Sourd ýMrs. Joseph Frey an-d Mrs. George jHough of Chica go. ~ I A meeting of the comm-ittee wil.l be held Monday with Mrs. Putnani, and at that time plans for ent ertain- jment tc, be added to the. dance wil. Wint.erat HOMESTEAD shew"aram society-and T ýer of tetiC-i nr t nta 1. T. mittee will Bernie Photo1 thé ta bles- eu chre can be played by r or flot they are fa- the gaine. The rides and of play will bé posted ble, and the cards coma 1be at hand to organize. and answer -al questions.