Be Locale: for Buffet Supper Plarn for the buffet supper, which the wayqn and means4 corn- mit tee of the Woman's. Cub o WUrett iHgiving S tud;y* ffght, Novernhoer 26, ut 7 o'clock, ut the ciubou eW<re rn a.d e ;at thbe errnte rne!tjlg held laâst Frida rîring';t theé 1li b. M r. ýWiiin 1T. Morgain is hirr othehuffet speand Mrs. Pre<I Jà. Iarry îi,;co -earnn M jVr.i -à rd Jigolnkchair- mai f fthe wayJi ;and rnqxann: corn- rii ttee. "homi. W»>ho hve att#nded the c(11tj Wu b tffet inuppejfr parties wîiI re- trieritber .wh;it joll iIf<wirni afair the,<e sr.The rreit; - i aways Iow, the tofi lçi. ',iind , pJç-r4yof * IV, illid f-vrymo.e isaH a nrnark - is>ly good tim n ard plans t(> conie * jgnin, il, Im itainced. The party it fipon tg)the public,, but. 1 thnin- liber ofr eu'ýirvatiois i.4 Iiin Ited. Piitiisfor tii etrtaireut.aart froni cairds f1wr ra ru loyerS, wilit.,e ugven 1,> next weevk's Liir:. J<(44rvtiflflnîy bu rmatif.withi IV!r14. iorguii or(w is. i 'ai-ry, or- * >es.d:irivm Arthur G Y, ) ~ Marry December 17 Miss Jean Clark McIntosh, daughter of Mrs.- Walter Mcmn- tosh of bakewood -estates near Barrington., formerly' of Wil- :mette, and.,William Car-veth Heyn, son', of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam -P. Heyn of Evanston, who are to be married in Decemrber, have, set, the date for their wed- ding. The1 ceremony will take place at noon On the'seventeenth in St. James cëhurch in Dundee, Ill.,, the, Rev. Albert E.. Taylor of- ficiating, and' will be followed by.- a 1wedding breakfast. Miss Eunice McIntosh, younger sister of the bride, xiii serve as maid of honor, while the brides- maids will be Miss Marilyn Eeyn, Miss'V1hiia Smnith, Miss, Tely Twynan, and Miss Cora Louise Han- na. Mr. Heyn will have Jack T. Shan- non of Evanston for his best man, .Jack Horner of 'Grand Rapids, Mich., Walter McIntosh, Jr., Rich- ard Cleves o! Qienokee, Iowa, and George Everitt of Winnetka serv- ing as groomsmen. After their marriage Mr. Heyn andhis bride wil make their home at Barrington Lakewood estates in .Srnoot, Orin M.Tuthr Walter 1). WAlmipo, Ariftior C. iuube and E!liol. V. Youlpbert. 'lep4%rty IN giveilifor Ille benlecrt of iv tbs tlmiftiig fttili. S+udy A t i <'Î'$Hl f( Cathoflc Action il~< et ing. andi .> vvry lier motlvr's Emipire ivedding dress'of white satin, madie with bodice )f Dl)elsm rose point lace, and a veil of tulle we're worn by Miss Jane' f,1fdliif, duu%;hltr of Mr. andi Mrs. J. R. Ludwig, formerly, of .Wilmette, lilDi-ti Sbc nus m-arrivi'd ut Sliaiiiu'e Country club on Octo ber 28, to Roy livh, mmar of Mlr. ai uàMrs. EiPilv L. Beli of Maplewood, N. J. The bride anti ~ ~ av f>leron u'çon(> to Berinuda on th.eir honeymoon andi will reuuinntd 'I'Ia tksgiiing., W'hn they return th.ey iil live in East (rp),N. J. Photo1 by DuBois-The Drake, e St. John's Lutheran Church Dinner Tonght A harn dinner is being prepared by the womnen of St. John'sý Lutheran church this evening (Thursday),, and will bc served £rom 5:30 to 7:3 0 o' dock. *Mrs. S. Hoth is chairman of the committee in charge of the dinner and is being assisted by Mrs. P. Blayer, Mrs. F. Osborn, .Mrs. H. A. To Entertaoin fit Shawnee Mis. C'. F ,aro.1l"40 Foret avelille. ik giv ilig a 11%cliv il -ir idge foir forty goostzs. at Sxa"Colin- ehr bli ~mT t'ivdýy. Novvaibùr . plywoli a .1 S-2,500 ~ -two vezir agoli a 1ýlitltl a 'n.alost to enlcotur- 11g \\ ftW PLI., xvi tiru.. talenlt ltl.s1\lrs iis a lready at xvork on 'apLa y to bc coanpieted ijader MR. BA.Buckmaii, 102,5. Gri-en- xvod i cae, xviii be ioste*s to a group of friends it hincheon and bridge aitlier home Thursday aftcr- noo f this xxeek. Sylvia Ai na Gallie, daughter of Dr. and' Mrs. D. M. Gallie. Jr., 1027. Grýeenwood a ve n ue, entertained txvlve .guests last Saturday after- noon at 'a party in ýhonor of her .sixth .birthday. WILMETTE LIUE