nior school announces that the very of Mrs. Paul Thomas, Jr., 476 Sheri- best. the season has to offer in dan road, Evanston. A dessert books of humor wiIl be reviewed luncheon will be served and the by. Miss- Eleanor. Ells Perkins on afternoon given over to sewing. Novernber 16, at 10 ini the morning. The Clara Belle Baker chapter of- iAn-the Sigma -Alpha Epsilon fra- -the league'had a one o'clock lunch- Hyrd Arnold~ Smithl, psychtoi- ogist, lecturer, and consultant, will give an analytical "90)k re- view of the ci.irrent best sdler, "My Son, My Son," by Howard Spring, at the meeting of the Evanston. andi North Shore. alum- nae of. Iappa Alpha Theta Wed- nesday, November 16, at 1 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Julien H.. Collins, 213 Raleigh road, Kenil- wurth.. J. D. Toto f Photo *terniity National. headquarters-ýthe *Levere Memorial: hall, 1856 Sheri- dan roa.d, Evanston... "Books by writers whose ma terial cornes from their own Imagination" is the sub- ject, and. the b ooks to be reviewed are: "My Sister Ejlleen" by .Ruth McKenney; "Malice Toward Some," by Margaret Halsey; -"«Take It Easy,". by, DaMon Runyon;, "I Amn a Stranger Here Myseif." by, jOgden .N ash; ý"Disscnting Opin- jions," by Wcstbrook Pcgl'-r; and "Education of Hym-an Caplan," byý Leonard Q. Ross. ~.This will bc the fourth lecture ini the,. seies of & .ixand,. the- iroe'ds wilI gro to increase, .the schoiarship fun.d whiéh the Evanston F~riends of Chicago Junior school maintains for boys at the school in Elgin-. eon November 8, :at the, home of Mrs. tuart Srnethson, with Mrs. Rober't Humnphries as co-hostess. Lunch Wîlh Daughters The regular monthly meeting of the Mothers' club of Kappa Alpha TËhetawîll be.held Thursday, Novem- ber 17, at ithe 'chapter house, 619 University place, Evanston. After a luncheon With their daughters, . the mothers will play . cards. Mrs. C. Rbet.,oulton-of Chicago is pro- gram chairman, and Mrs. J. T. Osler Mrs. Jesse E. Wilson, both of Hammond, Ind., are assistant hos- tesses for the day. One of- the tuwu heste9ses for the mont hly luneheon meeting of the Chicago branch of the National League of American Pen Women on Nov ember 10, at the Womtan 's University Club of Chicago will be Mrs. War- ren A. Clough, 499 Drexel ave- nue, Glencoe. Carl os Photo At 2 o'clock on Friday, November 18, the North Shore Alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Schroeder, Jr., 1000 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. E. L. Middleton'of Evanston, will present the programn for the afternoon.. "Pi Phis Play in Europe" will be the subject on which she will ijuuuque, iowa, wnoaIU day to gpend two weeks The North Shlore Aluninae ass.o- ciation of Kappa Kappa Gamma is holding ifs Novernber luncheon meeting Wednesday, November 16,,, at the home of Mrs. George Dick- son, 1819 Hinman avenue, Evanston. Mrs. Harry L. Stone will bc the hostess and assisting her are the Mesdames Arthur Rooney, Dudley Faust, Dudley Wing, Richard Fen- cl,, Fred Stone, and Thomas Hicks. Guests at the one o'clork lunc h- r- cnuaren ts p as«a bene fit ngi funa. 1 theeClub, son Photo stréet, rnçtka. WILMETTE LIFE To P rosent Play f or Chidren 54