on $electing Four Plays for Chidren Mrs. Harrison A. Stormns, chair- maân of, the children's"Plays com- mîttee-of the Woman's Club, of wilmette whi eh will present, the Jack, and JilI Players Saturday, Noýember 19, at 2, o'clock,- at the clubhouse in "Hiawatha,". the first play,,of the season,,has had many ,requests from children, parents, and. teachers for certain, playsý that the childreni want to. see. this year at the Saturday ,ati nees. The committeo finally selected th(- lollowing four.: "H-ia watha," Novern- ber 19; "Birds' Christmnas Carol," December 17; "'Snicke-rty Nick and: the Giant,- March Il ; and "Ali B;ihi anid the Forty 'Thtevr_ý,- April 8. The members of the co)mrittee-. ai sub-committee of the ways and means,. committee of which Mrs., 'Howard Ringholm is..chairman, are: Mesdames William, R. Colins, F. A. Faville, 'George Co<nley, Paul Gath- .ercoal, J. D. Kinnear, C. W. Krohl. George Lamb, N. P. Linde, Car] Lovgren, William A. Mann, Jr., F. 'L.- McGrath, John A. Petaja, Wil- liam A. Richardson,' Arthur G. Stan- ten.F.W. Taylor, Otto von der Hoff, i ndividual tickets, mnay be secureci Ir-om any memrber of the committee. q.h' proceeds from the plays are used for the cIub.'s building fund. CA. R. Seniors and Juniors Meel' Nov. 12 j Miss R o s a m u n d P u r d y, dlaughter1 of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Purcly, 716 Greenwood ave- nue, Glencoe, was recently electecl treasurer of the fresh- man class at Mount Holyake *collegçe, South Hadley, Mass. In entering Holyoke, Miss Pur- dy carnies on a farnily tradi- tion begun by her great grand- mother. and her -gra-n4rnth-er. She was president o! the Girls' *club when~ she attended New Trier *High school. Mid-West Photo. Phi Delta Theta Mothers' Cliï-b'--Plans Program Tea. The November meeting of the Phi Delta Theta Mother's club at the Chapter house on the Northwestern campus on Noember 10, at 2:30 o'clock, will be in honor of mothers 3 of new pledges. 'Hostesses at- the tea. following, the Mrs. Warren A. Clough, 499 Drex- el avenue, Glencoe, and Miss Re- belcca Anthony, 684 Bluff road, Giencoe, v.ill serve as hostessés on Thursday, 1November 10 at the reg- ular *monthly luncheon, of the Chi- cago branch' of the-National League Amnerican. Penwomnen to be held at the Woman's University. Club of Chicago; 410. South Michigan ave- nue, Ch-icago. Mr:s. Clough and Miss Anthony w ill. assist, the president. Mrs.',Edgar B. Penney. The fqllowing North, Shore wom- e .n ,ar.emembers",ofthe -Chicago branch. and following 'the luncheon will be guests at the art program, and tea. to be given on. the afte r- n ù ()n o f the sam.e day, at the home of -Mrs. Fra nk Granger Logan,. h.on- orary president of Chicago, branch and founder of, Sanity in1 Art sù- ciety, at 11-50 Lake Shore, drive, Chicago: * Mý,iss Anthony, Mrs. Clough, Mrs. W. 'S. Christopher, 63 Washington avenue, Wilmette; Mrs. E. Cleve- land Kin.,, 411 Linden avenue, Win- netka; Mrs. Benjamin Langworthy, 852 Bryant avenue, Winnetka; Mrs. Godfrey Lundberg, 435 Birch street, Winnetka; Mrs. Vin.ton Earl Sis- son, 429 Walnut street, Winnetka; Mrs. William W. Tarr of Chicago, formerly of Wilmette, and Mrs. Rloy Olîn Walker, 504 Meadow road.. Winnetka. Mrs. Lundberg~ (Eleanor Jewett) wîll be one of the speakers on* Mrs, Logan's art p.rogram. Mrs. Ira Nel- son Morris of New York and 181. Lake Shore drive, Chicago, and Mrs. Fay Cooper Cole of 5626 Dor- chester avenue, Chicago, will also speak.. Mrs. Belle Forbes 'Cutter of- radio fame will sing a number of Mrs. Logan's songs. Aids Leugue Guilds to Have Meetings Monday The various guilds ,of the, Church of the Holy. Comforter in Kenilworth 'will hold. their regu- lar luncheon metng ext Mon- day. Each wil assemble. at the home designated about il in the morning, to spend the day work- ing for, guil.d philanthropies. Mrs. Oscar Dale will en tertain the Chase guild ýat her home 607 Meiro se avenue, Kenilworth. ,The WhitehQuse'guild is meeting at the'home of Mrs. J. Wythe Walk- er, 944 Michigan aàvenue, Evanston. Members of the Anderson guild will gather at the home -of Mrs. Walter Doer.ing, 1335 Chestnut av- enue, Wilmette, to have for their hostess Mrs. Frank Buckley. The Griswold guild- will -have for its hostess, Mrs. Wesley E. Bowman of 640 Kenilworth terrace, Kenil- worth. Mr. Kennethi Barnard of 325 Ox- 'Ford road, Kenilworth is entertain-. ing the tewart- guild. The Seabury guild is to have is. meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. Fred Starbuck, 504 Meadow roàd, Winnetka. The William White guild meets with Mrs. John Murray of Norman- dy la ne, Glenview. The James Madison guild .wil be entertained:hy Mrs. B. Claude Baker, 212 Green 'Eay road, Wirinetka. D. A. R. Sl'udy Groups l'o Meet.With Mrs. Goodbuet Mrs. Julian G. Goodhue, forrly of Evansfon, now of Oak Parkc, willý be hostess to the two history reading groups of Fort Dearborn chapter of Daughters o! the American Revolu- tion Thursday, .November 17, at The Junior HFiglhsc»ooi group, chiosen fromI a group o. pieu whose leader is Mrb. *ýenneth De- which wil be sent to Hollywoo( Garmno of Evanston, will meet -at be judged, and Miss Orr's ph 1he home of Pick Brpn,5on, 2047 Or- graph wilI be included ini the grt rington avenue, Evanston. She has also been chosen to re, Mrs. Thomas C. Gray, Evanston, sent her house in the Dad's is président of. the Willi8am Dawes parade to take place at Illinois chapterof C.A.R. .week-end. thte evening of 1 t-J(4InL!y ' eub, cember 17. ,oto by Can.los Hostess to Cluib Mrs. Charles S. Clarke, 526 Wash- ington avenue, entertained the mem- bers of her Tuesday club at luncheon. and bridge this week. 'WI.LMBTTELIS