Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Nov 1938, p. 58

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committee in charge of the arrange- ments. The entertainment, whicli will be provided by the young people, will include several "home talent" se- lections and a one-act comnedy,. 'Good .Old .George,"- -present-ed by the Kappa Pi. Phi Players. The program is as follows: Vio.lin, solo...............Peggy Pierson AAccomnîned by Nancy Pierson Amonologue ..............Suzanne Lyon instrumental quartet-Jack Reddin.g, Don Davidsont, Bruce Smnith. and Ed Devlin. Shirley Spangler, accompanist. ]Piano solo............ Willard Jarchow Accordion solo*.......Mary Macalister ..Good Old. George' -one-act. play: The cast: *Nancy CollUns............ Marny Keller George Collins............ Jack Chronic, * Ida, George's sister- Elsie von der Lippeni Henry, Ida's husband . ..Clinton Caruenter *Dotty, their daughter -...Nanc.y Pierson Andrew Dean, Nancys brother..... Secretary to*thelawyer ........Janet Hill SLulla Canterbury to Give Series of Lectures Luella Canterbury, consultant psy- chologist, vocational adviser and lecturer will open a course of six lectures Wednesday morning, No- vember 16, at 10:30 at the Orrington hotel, Evanston, in the Aladdin roorn. Two book reviews g iv en dramatically and - W prograni. T n e y are ."Wings of ' i Great Desire,- by Jamnes Gray, and "Our Towrn," by Thornton Wilder., Lueiki Caniterbury The other sub- jects are: 'Doing Somcthing About Yoursclf,- "Ways That Win," "What Have You in Your flouse?," and "FubllgFooling, Failing, Suc-' ceeding." Mr. - and Mrs. Roy M. Getschow of 122 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, visited with their son, Roy, Jr., aI the Kentucky MËiltary academny last week-end.. Golden Anniverscry Sectioli 31 of Wilmette, Luxemburger Brotherhood of Anerica, will assist in -the celebration of the g olden anniversar?, of the national organ- ization, which will be held Sunday, Nove'nber 27, at the'Swviss* clubhouse, 639 Webster avenue, Chica go. The aiffair tvill open with a banquet and close with a dance. Fred A. Gilson of Chica go, is grad.prSidn f'h loge. 1A history of the group is to be dis -' tributed at the celebration, wibh ali of the sections takihg an ýtiV part therein. The local section, was established in what was formerly Gross Point, in 1907, ils first president being Philip Doebsch, who now resicles in California. It now has a large mcm- bership. lers, treasurer; A. Puetz, vice-presi-. dent; J. Hernies, president; J. Reding. financial secretary. HALLOWEEN PRANK EËditor, WiLmËTTE LIFF: Will the boys or girls who on Hal-. loween pulled out the bouse nuni- bers along the parkways please re- store same and oblige the Kenil- worth citizens? T. J. Moreau of 1507 Walnut ave- nue, wbose son, Charles, is a senior. at the University of Illinjois, willJc spend a week-end in Urbaný,f atbending bhe Father's Day festivit-5 ies to be beld at' bbe university.. N CentraLarlPTA Mrs. L. W. Shanesy, dancingý chairman, announces that the dancing classes will be held at theý usual tme and place on Friday,l November Il. Mrs. Theron Wool- son, instructor, asks the. 5 o'clock class to report at the auditoriumý flot earlier than 4:55 p.m., to avoid! confusion in disrnissing the otheri nhaving one nuncirec per cent at- tendance up to this date. Confer- ences have been in the rooms o.f Miss Çlegg, Mrs. Burtner, Mrs. Jul- ian, Miss Green, Miss Brown, Miss! Flaskered, Mr. Savage, Miss Car-, mody, Miss Hardick, Miss Yarncll,, and Mrs. Trenna Turner. AI Mrs.' Turner's rooni confer- ence, the children took charge of the program, ushered their mhoth-, ers and introduced them.ý Theyi ana4 oro'.ugniL wiU nier as Iner fouse guests three of ber sororiby sisters. Mrs., Charles A. Clark, 845 Sheri- dan road, arrived home Sunday froni Ogden, Utah, after spenciing seven weeks ther& with an aunt wbosc busband died',recently,.i Tower Manor is a residential de- velopment put on the market re- cently by C. A Hemphill and As- associates comprising light building sites at the northeast corner of Tower and East Green Bay, roads. The property was formerly, owned by the estaté of the. late G A.- E. Kohler and-had been unimproved. for many years. A total.of five bouses have ,been built this year of -whîc 'hffe- first two* were sold beforecomnpletion.. In addition to. the three now -tobe ex- hibited, ,three additional houses are to be started at an. early ýdate, Latest Developmhents Inconetn upon the houlses his firmn is now.p1acin-q on exhibit. Mr. Hemnnhill stated'. "We know that people. who are considering buying or building homes are always in- terested in seeing, the, latest and mnost prnrtical dvomnsin home building. Furthermore thev are, of course. iri1ere-ted ini seeing vrirous d'sjgns, and stvles of homnes. But perhaps tbf- tb4ng that mnost oeople. Dre Interest'-d in uis in being, able tb soe a new bouFze coni- pletely clecorated and fuirnished.. .For th'is reas;on John M. Smyth- aýnd company bas - inined with us in flrnishing one of the thrPe houses.- 'Thus there is afforded the op)por- tur"ity for one 10 .aiciai-t hiniseif .with not on.l ' the kiqest feitures of n-iodern, good rec-idt-tce construc- tion, but also \\,)th the newest ef- The thr-e boust-s he-inE exhibited are al of different designs., one be- mng Modern Betgencv, . one Earlv Ameriran. and <me Frentch design. Two of the bouses are eich. ofegh roorns and three hriths, with break- fast Irooni and finisbhed rpcreation rooni* The third bouise 'is locat- Ad on Private road jtvst east of East Green Bay road and bas fine roorns. three and one-bif babbs, breakfast romnand bhitler'c nr,- Tnere 15 aiiso an addibional phone at the Dempster street 'ý.L" and other phones are located at Howard and Asbury an d at the Davis, Main and Howard- street '"L" stations. The company's headquarters for- mrerly were . located -aI 620 Madison. street, Ev'anston.

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