SBOOKSHOP *JLIBRARY CARDS 1 Statione ry NEW BOOKS, NEW WORLVDS for boys and girls 1724 Qrrington Avenue Orvlsgio.m Ne .1 dg. Gre..0227 story for children, for boys and gifIs of ail ages, Black, White and, Caro- Une published by Appleton-Century. ModerwVnrv Tip It migbt be called a modern fairy tale of Caroline,. bher dog, Rollo, and Miss. Penny, thegoverness.,Gust descend,ý upon them literally from the sky. Tbhey were 'dressed'stzeng'e- ly. acted more.1 sttangely siil, and. soon had.Caroline.'sbouse in a to psy- turvy state rnuch like Alice found wben *.sbe went tbrougb tbe look-. ing glass. Tt did not take Miss Penny long1 to surmise what their visitors really were, 'and wbile Mrs. White (oýîne of the gue9ts) w,1as a good' natured. gentle, absent-.minded old creature' *wbo meant well by everybody, the malicious Mrs. Black (tbe other' guest) was called a fairy by courtesy ber by stating tbe trutb. Not only did she erect an invisible wall around the bouse, but sbe foretold tbe fu- ture, gave spee.cb to the automobile. and stuck poor Constable Noakes' tbumbs fast in bis beit. Hilarious Party Mrs. Wbite did ber best to miti- gate the malice, however she had difficuty remernbering the magic formula for castin~g spells*,sbedid appearLd along with ber, turn a neat climax. Black, White and Caroline is a book tbat no person, youn g in age or young in spirit, should miss. The illustrations by Constance Dabl are said to, be as deligbtfui as. tbe taxt. Tale of thie Days Wken Whale Swam Seven Seas Govan and The First Whale by Ilarry Clark'. j One of the rnanv illustrations by Francoise for . "The' Gay. Mot her. Goose," planned. for srnall children wbho are rnak- ing the acquaintance of -the- rh.ymes for the first tim.e. The *rhymes selected are those par- ticularly rhythmaic, funny or joous th1ose tli,t ~have. proved, to be the's favorites. *Francoise, a welI-known French illustrator, bas miàde the clear, gay, colorful pictures. There are four- teen full page illustrations in four colors, and many color spots. The page size is large enougb to give -mnple space to the drawings but n,)t unwieldy, and the book is light ndeasy for a child to handle. At the Sign ot the G.oden Compass Byý Erie P. Kelly. Illustrated by Ray- mond Lufkin. In 1576, in London, young Godfrey Ingramn, printer's appreritice, is false- ly accused of using bis master's press 1o print a traitorous handbill. Hé flees across the Channel and after aë series of adventures arrives in the city of Antwerp and is guided by tbe smell of printer's iflk to.tbe print- ing house of Christopher Plantin., anaL n ts iove n'ie new story of Wii Narcissus ten and bow it becamne1 ,ne Noble the entire town of Pl< y of the Illustrated in full color by for bidren 4 to 6 cnuadren-if 0W bt. NicIçis to' see that the rigbt stories are in. the righti stockings on Christmas rùornng Childreri's Book Week will bc-, ) serveçe throughout thecountry frorn Noveitiber 13 to 19, and no timei mo re propitious for -brushing up On what's whIat on juvenile bookshelves. The Viking Press has this to say, about its publications: For Eiders TOO, ".Some people know Viking's jun- ior -Books. o.nly through, Ferdiand., a. book with such wide. appeal. that children are. hard pressed to K-eep their: copies fromn their eiders. AI- though there is only one*Ferdiyl>tndc. Viking -has ïpuiblished * for childreni many books whicti disregard age, Houses in America by Ethel Fay and Thomas P. Robinson, Siiekes Alive. and How They-Liv e by Clifford Iî Pope, Thomas Jeffersorn by Gene Lisitzky, Introducing thle Conýste11(1- tions and When the Stars Corne Out by Robert H. Baker hav.e probabl ' b'een read'by at least as many AfiÏs as. children. -This fali we are pûblishing sv eral other tities that are withott geý prejudice. Among them are mi ot- standing picture books, Wvee Gillfs. in which AMunro Leaf and Roberl1 Lawson are teamed for the firsi timne since they did .Ferdinand, and BOt- tons by Tom Robinsoni, illustratedi with over .50 lithographs by Peggy Bacon: Peni. a hinçsraurhv hv F.iza- will find a large . ýudiefice iog aduits. as will Bare foot awd tht' Friendly Road, an illustrated poem -by Jack Tinker. Alfred Knopf Suggests Four Children 1s Books' Alfred A._ Knopf announces the following new Borzoi books for chil- dren: ris, wad baig the rInlgmaster e Rest- By, Joan Kahn. Illustrated in color anding by the author. Id win Tbree stories for small children, n's kit- tbe first about three children at the pet of circus; tbe second about Tarn, who ntville. wanted to be a ballerina; and the author third- about a birtbday Party during the summner at the seashore. THE Ponk Pooi Farm on Route 22 at Haif Day is ope, di s à.* d, iq hf44 pi... for lunch or dinner. Let us solve your entertaining prêb- lems by planning your next bridge, luricheon or dinner. Phone Li.bertyvilI. 606M1