Wilmnette Lutheran jlop Central avenlue, Wlmette heRev. David R. Kabeële. pas;t0r Thce %wornen arras jee'1 to resprvp (lav af<(,rnon. e", ~r1., f'-r t ilChrisfmas party in thé 1nlc flrc&vinry T1(rne A~nusai' gramn is ýbeing arraneed, SUNIJAY SERVICES' An )'our sn'n nwrhnn'tSib Chut-eh school ................. 9:45 a.m.n. ornng wvIl make vour week* m-ore Worninfg wrship.........lai o us! The music f or the service of \worship - .îext Sundav m'rning is as flos F>relude-AlhUim I af ...........Grig iBible C urh .nthemfý~PraisC Ve tbe Father. Gouiiud The Choir -Q86 Elrn St., Winnetka. II., Quartette-Father. 0 Hear Me .. llindel '11w Rev. HloWard A. Hermiansen. inister. E-leanor Winbere,. Mrs. J. R. Hopp. Jerome Neviný,. Drank Dorhband . 'F'he :M:le]Totter commiiuniity gospel: ý,rýtude.-A]1fègro, Opus 15 No. fi.;........ services coflt nue every, nipht except .............Schumann Saturdav at 7:45 in the coinnunity house. Victoýrija McùLeud--MiiflItrN, of Musiç until Sundav,. November 20. Regulàr wee-nihtservices (À the ehurch are 'Xe invité y<ni to corne andl leara wt-h suspended during, this special series.. -j~ ur Chiirlh, shool. Enroili-nent ca Augnned choir,ý specîal soloists and oe made anvSunday ý,morning. We :have vocal groups talKe part each evening. a une growîne scklvinl' with an e0l~Î corps of tearhvrýs. There are classes for Sunday, November 13 il ages., Thr "Christ ian Life- couirse. of :45 a. m. Bible School. Classes for al study is useed.ages. 11:00 a ni. Preaeh'ng Service. Attend <airsti-vce of rhp next Sun. Speaker-Rev. Melvin E. Trotter, D. D., C. Ferrel Sheri dan Road-at lSh, Stretý Nô M*Ws .Lend A. G. Nordgren SohEvid 14o Man's Land PATRONIZE'OUR ADVERTJSERS- a- Mako your oil-change NOW ... .be safo! ISO*VIS 10-W MAKES COLO STARTM ING EASIER THAN ANY.OTUER GIlU takes about' Il is easy t( conds to bt 1938 -ATSTANDARD lOitDEALERS