Daniel M.Mickey Justice of the Peare Danijel M. Mickei, dieci Stnday inorning at his home, 1523 Walnut avenue, Wilmette, «f ter an ilWness ,of minore.thaýn a year and. a haif. Daguere Photo A resident of Wlmette 'for 35 years. he was 78 years of age and had served as a justice. of the peacel Af New, Trier Township for more tha n a quarter o6f aà &nturY'. He was a iative of Oquawka. -ii, l.. andl a graduate., of Knox college. In id-ý dition to h 1 s dutiés as justice. he practicedla in Chicago for manly years. Funeral services xere held onI Tuesiay nmorning at St. Augustine's Episcepal church. Wlmette. with the Rev. Hubert Carleto.i, rcecto,, officiatin~g. az'ý-isted by the. Rev:ý Locke Carruthers, assistant at St.. A member of the Winnetka Wom- an's club, she was active in civic work, and aided in remnodeling the hall in Winnetka Comnmunity House which was named for her late hus- band, Rudolph Matz. Funeral services were. conducteçl at- her home Mo.nday afternoon by the.Rev. Samuel D. Harkness, minis- ter of. the Winnetka Congregational: church, of. which she was a rnem- ber, and by the Rev., James Austin, Richards, of' Oberlin, Ohio, former paàstorin Winnetka. Surviving are.:, a son, Charles, of iBoston, and, a daughter, Mrs. Emily Matz Boyd, of Winnetkà., A daugh- ter, Ruth, died two years ago.- BATTLE BONFIRES Nine bonfires whic h got out.of con- trol, one of which -set. a garage afire. required the attention this week of. the Wilmette fire departrnent. The garage fire occurred on Thursday of 1ast \Vée~k ât 803 Lake avenute. Minff damagye resulted. A native of Denrnark, he came to Chicago when he was 18. Also surviving are two other sons, Charles and Frank, as well as eight grandchildren and four great-grand-' children. Mrs. BerthaM. Birong. Is Summoned'by Deathl Mrs., Hertha M. Birong, formerly o 1f 606. Central avenue, Wilmette, and for nineteen years a. resident of the village, ýdied at her home in Chicago last: Friday., She had been,, in. poor health for some time and hep-dea-th followed a stroke. Funeral services were held in Chicago1 on Monhday', with burial in St.. Mary' s cemetery. Mrs. Birong was, formerly a mem- ber of the Catholic Woman's Club of Wilmette. She is survived by herý husband, Peter B, Birong, and fiv e children, Charlotte, Bessie, Mrs and Eugené. CARRY PUBLIC. LIABILITY ANSURANCE .E BER LE a. G. Eborde .0. A. uscI and Mliss Kather1finé -Mickey, of Flint. Mlich.; 'Ars. Frank Bridges, of Pekin, 111,; and Mirs. Jack Eowers and Airs. John Logan, of Los Angeles, Calif. Another daugh- ter; Mrs: Winifred Mlickey von Med- ing, died several years ago. Justice Mickey was also. survived by seven grandch.ildren. Central avenue, vvit, ---k4 , 6,4IVAL held this Thursday afterrloofl at 2: 30- o'clock at the Scott chapél in Wil- mette. ç0itco Mrs. Loke.who wvas 72 years of 250 fIDErk fOAD age, Is alsô survived by b er husband, .- and. by a son, Leon. The- Rev. Richard Colgate Talbot, Y' 4286