Trier Vilagers (By th- Wilmette Community Glencoe. Chest Association~) The concludîngd The Wilmette.Commrunity Chest is semnfit a success. and will be, a financial serieson o th e - s u cesss this' week if every slicitor rpa wiil turn in his or her final report,anyestet- and every citizen and business man turfdeorc who has not already done so will i h make his or her pledgè today.. of yesterday and The .Chest organization has done Rabbi Shuinian t o da:y a nd a t- itsbit Hve oudone yousTe Wallace Photo tempts to indicate have made this. "economny year, theein e a ns of with, no paid high pressure promnoter; pýreserving the values which--permit no ballyhoo; no sensational advertis- individual freedom and the right to ing: and no overworked solicitors. ive..~ Have you macle it economny in timre «VWhat Can America. Learn fror and energy for the worker by con the European scene?9What coure -.y, tributiniz promntly. and geneérously? shall the individual pursue tornorrow Prais For Volunteers in~ the struggle to maintain humnan, - *Nearly 400 men and women have freedom? Wiln the littie nations Peie tDne volunteered to call on six prospects yied completely to the. totalitarian - Peie tDne each: That is not a hardship for juggernaut? These and other ques- Mrs. Kdwa.rd V. Cullisofl, presi- anyone, if1 the prospect will brëèt tions are embraced in the theme dent of the Auxiliafli of Wilmette him courteously and, dei 'epropt-ýffas D ncac nyFture?" einps.No-6Arrca IN, how miuch he can give-not*hOwý Services at the. North Shore Con- LgotPf.N.4,A~.?c.l lit tle bc can give. Ail honor to these gregation Israel are heid every Sun- Legioni, will preside at a meeting men and wornen workers, many of Iday morning at il o'clock. Visitors Tuesdal/, November 15, at 6:30 mhom have shown outstanding abi- are always cordially welcome. The Iity as templetiss.ocated at theecorner of p.m. in the Masonic temple when as solicitorS.ocWeewouldthikeot mention some of them, but space Lincoln and Vernon avenues in a dinner will be given for newly Evoenoth er nym WQ From oeme 7 hoghN- acquired members of the unit. doenowth pe GleýNcoe. br17tru o men who have wvorked, there are vember 20 the paintings of the fa- ~ ~ ~ ~ 1B several hundred citizens and work- ýmous Jewish artist, Saul Raskin, of ramily Ng i ll Belli ers who have had. to be solicited by1 New .York City, will be on exhibition Cdlebrated by Masons f-th ofie We regret lin the temple lounge. Members of Family Night, one of the outstand- fajt{h in thern and returlleu cards to the, office and have generous in their support. thanks! Stili Chance to Give WilI those who have not Y, plied,, forgive us this year fc calling in. person, and send us subscriptiofls to the office, roo: 1200 Central avenue? If you mnislaid your card,a phone c the office, Wilmette 2525, will day to express ti-eir sentiments for or against the New Deal. This canno,,t be gainsaid. For, however, nuch county "and: state co ntests -nay -have concerned'the, voters, bheir gr eater interest in national. offices was apparent. it is doubtful if, since the vi-, tuperativre, campaîgn .of 1896,. when, William McKinley d.efeated. ýWilliam ýJennings Bryan for the presidency, there 'has been an election in which th >e tempers of the voters was so clearly, revealed i their balloting. This was shown in the number o -f straight ballots cast in the various precincts by IbQth Republicans and Democrats. There was very littie scratching. The mental attitude of the-electo- rate apparentlyý being that they would stick to - their own party. rn the 40 New Trier precincts the Republicans cast 7,541 straight ballots and the Democrats 1,933. Chirch Evades "Purge" The Washington-inspired attempt beeýsdn g Mr. ain wo -s are ung -in tral avenue, On ifliS COn a pý- s ini~e anycnresa u tiit b'any sM. of the formst aeum f grain is t0 be given which is de-. who dared to oppose the national this country, including the M2etro- signed to bé of special interest to thi administration. The -constituents of polian-usem o NewYor. fmiles o loge embrs.Mr., Church spoke out, oud In giv- et re- phtiM5U fNwYr. fmle fldemmes ing him 113,336, against 86,328 for his 'rnot nl T~ ..AP a Democratic opponent, Joseph F. El- mt~Keno ii -pp o eS" 11,448, and Elward 2,753. By order o ,m have atther e i r i a avoters of his district, Congress-, all to Stat r e o G é a Church therefore remains a hrina congressman, with an emphatie man- brinedate to continue the opposition to 42" ,iiiijiiiIiti...........hiIilI-II.h.......IIlIlII II.iIIIII- i time to çorccuPYnSu- ni o te Kenilworth Unioncur-onSn otote day. , land Park. ied on page5 i .1 L &JI MIS 42" 1