Prompt' Delivery 9 am. to 12 ,p.m. HUGO PHONI N. ~WINN.ý m - Whlchevor You Pref or! SOTTLED or CANNEDj snoi UL- WI-er - u screen career the red-headed actor will warjýble to m oviLe fans in "Oklahoma Kid." He'11 not only sing once. He'l1 sing twice. The first tinieI lie sings in Eng- lish 'in a. -saloon. Th e second tiîme is in .>Span- James Cagney ish in aàn outlaw abode. The fi rst time he is accompanied by a barroom pianist - the second timne he ýaccompanies. himnself on the guitar. guitar with the flrst twelve dollars he ever savêd. "Oklahoma fid" also sets another precedent for .Jimmy. He'Il be a two- gun cowboy in it. "Good GirlIs Go to Paris"; Film Titie A new Columbia comedy, sched- As Tarzan's ouniiail mate, vare was taken inhand by Johnny Weiss- muller,.who has been coaching her on:the rings two hours daily at the Hollywood Athletic Club. A further Tarzan touch. is *the -fact that Jacqueline Wells, also a Tarzan mate,' having played opposite Bus- ter Crabbe in, the. serial'production,. also is. in 'the cast.. Maureen and Jacqueline,,however,, a re collégé girls in the new picture. Deýainna'sLaàtest Show, ýGiven High Rating In competitîon with an unusually fine array' of pictures, Universal's ThtCertain Age" emerged froni t h e September poll, conducted by the Holly- wood IReporter, with five firsts out of a possible twelve. Miss Durbin,, n fot yet sixteen. won th critest pol orthe brits actress perform- a ncee. Edward' Ludwig cap- tured, the hon- Now at twenty-six, grounded on a Universal studio st age, where Auer.,iïs being his usual funny self in 'ýLittle Tough Guys In W Society.- He wa S fifteen years old- when he learned to flyý an old war-time "J.en.ny." As soon as he got' his pilot's license. he inaugurated, an air taxi serv- ice. at Dodge City, Kansas, -eis Jonnny Johnny is. Misca Auer The airport, service established. Gubbins then organized a fiying-cir-,. cus and for four years lie and his aïx4 troupe weflt barnstorming through ~th soutwest, ging flyigshows in every. state ini that sectioni of the Union. In 1933, when ,he was twenty, a change in the family fortunes forccd him to dispose of the new Lockheed. to which he had graduated froni the old "Jenny," and fiying for a liv-ing. became a part of Johnny's past. He camie to Hollywood to work in sucli airpiane pictures as -Hell's Angels" and "Wings," but film executives, would have none of hi as a flying actor. He stays grounded, though he Currently titled .'Good Girls Go to Paris," the filmù engages the writing talents of Gladys Lehman, Isabel Dawn and Boyce de Gaw. Williamn Perlberg, who wifl super- vise the production, is expected to. complete arrangements for several stars in the leading roles. Wris.tlets, Corselet, Pwq1 d1411 . 1 the best screenplay of the mont or his work on -That Certain Age," while Charles Previn won 'the lead- ing place in musical scoring on the, sanie production. The best original song of the month, "That Certain Age," with lyrics and music 1by James, McHugh and Harold Adamson, was, credited to the sanie production. HIS VOICE CHANGED FATHER AND SON TEAM For the first time in their- cine- rnatic careers Fred Kohier and Fred Kohler, Jr., are appearlng in the sanie picture. They are playing father and son in R KO Radio's "Lawless Valley,"' in support' of George O'Brien, . Kohier, Sr., has been in pictures thirty years, and Fred, Jr., ten. 33 Green BOV Rd. 53 I m. loztrence N,.tn Èrrner!y anager oý Evansuon Bill$. Roy Nut Kitchen me UN EI KSO~N Erkkons. sDlvery Wilmette 4092 Avenue Now en 'Direct f. P33 go', Rd.'ý Wil. 53 1; 1 ;