c0ftiluiflg eacn successiV? veuzvins- LLir nI1tw JJicture, day and Thursday, a handsome piece "You Can't Cheat Of genuifle Royal Rajah Maroon din- an Honest Mani." nerware will be given free to' al - No-sooner were womnef patr7ons' purchasing an eve- they seated than ming ticket. Charlie cracked According to Mr. Leonard, a niew "Make Fields turn, item will be made available. each the other way, wkntil the compiete set has yu can't'see me been distributed.. Thus patrons, - o i ~s. faithfully, attending -weekly, Wednes- '-trite apar lt- day and Thursday Coronet program s. teme, i'i f ete will collect an entire dinner set., w. C. Fields. ymento my wood- Eac pec hs hndbrShdpecker if you don't shut Up," Fields maroon enamneled, 22-karat coin gold, retorted., scroll border, as welI as several "MISTER Fields" replied Cha .rlie, other unusual features. Those at-. ".how You talk. And after I wâs good tending the first performances will enough to> let you work with me be given the f irst of the items, the aga in. But I don't suppose I should Royal Rajah Maroon creamer, as expect any more from one so un- well as a special "series card '~ couth. How trying . . . how trying." .w&îih enables thern to Secujre the At that Felds couldq't çvefl talk. additional major dinnerware gift to fHe just sputtered! be given. at the .conc lus ion of the i_________ first ten-week period. This card wvill not be available at any other time. Warren Wiliam to A complete set is now on display in the Coronet lobby. Play 'Lone Wolf' Role With Warren William. under con- BOULTON CAST tract for the titie role. Columbia Miatthew. Boulton, British stage this week hastened plans for the actor who was brought to this coun-[first of its new Lone Wolf pictures,. try for the. detective role in -Night ,based on the exploits of the debon- 1Iff....4- l"':" which he. created iný air character created, by- Louis Jo- SPECIAL-Doors Op;en Stray1:0-!rtFeature at 1:00 P. lM. Sun.., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Nov. 13-14-15,16-17 "S PAN 0F HE r THREE LOVES NOlRTHl HAS NANCY George naft- Henry Fonda U tobert Montgomery Dorothy Lamour-ý Janet Gaynor - Franchot !one "Four Dauqhlers" Lane Sistero - Claude Ram.s JolMcCrea - Adrea ]Leeds Wihnette, Theatreý 112o CENTrRA&LAVENui-WILUMEWI3902 Thurs., Fn., Sat. Sun., Mon., Tues., r 11.11.19 Nov. 10.11-12 Wed * Nov. 13-1à-15-16 "PROFESR '@I AM THE LAW" sI AR dw.,G. oisn Harold Lloyd Wendy Barrie Phyllils Welch Plus Plus - GIVE ME A "Blockeads"SAILOR" "Blockeods" Martha ltaye Laurel and Hardy Bob Hope regeneration of Scrooge, enacteu u.Y Reginald Owen. IFRIDNY-SATUIRDAY I 'Nov. 11-12 two Lone Wolf pietures annuially. Peter' Dixon, Frank Fenton and Lynn Root have been signed to write the series. PECK'S BAD) BOY A-WING In step with the current vogue of ai r pictures and tying in with the ---, AC ^f modeIl irflane clubs 2 Exr!New MABCH 0F TIME - "«Xnse he a. n NORSHRE CRON [e VAENCI HOADNA LAK F ANV NEA SO IUI4 11 Plus Second Big r amr i. 447l THE MAUClr TWNS la 'PENRODS DOUBLE TROUBLE" Extre --ScelgOng and Tecbhalcolor shortt 0 PICTURES! *q GALE PAGE 'q . ý- 1 -dý Frî.,. Sat. v. 17-18-49