large Oct. 1L liuka 107 or 478. 12BLTN18-tf c ModemÉ 4 mi.m apt. Liv. rm. with m ol- out bed. Beçlrm., tile bath and showier, kitchenette and , brkfst. nook. Immed. pose. -Close to transp., Reas. Wil. 1724. SIJELEASE- EXTRA NICE LARGE APARTMENT NEAR NEW TRIER AND GREELEY SCHOOLS, 1 YEAR OR LONGER. $60. WINNETICA 269. 12BLTN27-ltp TWO ROOM APARTMENT, STEAM HEATEID. 1131 CENTRAL AVE. SEE JANITOlI 128LTN418-tfc SUB TO A1 CHARMING aparmen inHubardWoods. 5 rmfs, ovelooingpar. Wnntka 2038. TO SUBLEASE-1 BOOM in Hubbard Woods.C Lingerie Shop, Winnetka Y re 658. )m ichcenette - refrig. Convenié es and _tansp. tc sT 133LTN27-ltp 6 BROOM HOUSE, SUNPORCH. 1805 Chappel.Crt., Northbrook. H.W.H., ment $50. Sale priicé $6,350. Open ýSat. andi Sun, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Wilmiette. 4978. 133LTN27ltp '38 FOR RÉNT-GARAIGES GARAGE FOR RENT. SPRUCE NEAR LOCUST CALL WNETA1575 13BLTN27-ltc 140 FOR RENT-STOREU & OFFICES- FOR' RZNT - APPROXIMATELY 80W sq. feet, inx store, for light. manufac- turing or storage. 1129 Central: Ave. Henry IF. Darre, ,see janitor.-14OLTN9-tfc 1054>Gage St.. Hubbard Wds. bus. district. Reas. rent. Winnetka 115 or130 FO 147 FOR SAL.E-HOU8EU Wlmette T FOUR lJ LD t.Bath, ted near BESIDE A BEAUTIFULLY WOODED nly. Cail ravine, nesties this attractive white TN27-itp Colonial residence. Some of the larg- - est oaks ini Illinois are in the garden One blk. and the woods abound in evergreens of, iew bldg. every description. ABOUT - FIXING UP OLD HOUSES? Can, you visualize the effect of modemn colorful. papers and fresh. paint? If so, we have the bouse. for you,,in an excel- lent Winnetka location-.100 ftL lot with beautiful old trees.. Frame, with good exterior lines, spacious roomis. 4 bed- rms., 2%/ baths. 2 glazed porches-Avail- able at littleover ground value. See for. yourself. QUINILAN & TYSON, I.. 5$4 Lincoln. Ave. Winn. 177 147LTN27.ltc Liten-=List With Sears. GOOD BUY! IN ECAST KENILWORTH ON BEAUTIFULL *Y WOODED. LOT 10x95-a charming older frame home completely renovated-fo.ur master-bed- rms.,*,2 servants' rooms and 2* baths. Convénient to schls., transp. and Lake. Prlced at little more than land value. $21,500! See SEARS.REAL ESTATE 421. Richond Roa4 K. Xniwpjrth528 147LTN27-ltc * $12,500.0 Gracious home of old fashioned. charm. 30-foot living room, din- ing room wîth bay window - 2 porches - 4 bedroorns and 2 baths. Situated in the beautiful Indian Hill section. 4 blocks to transportation. The lot, a 90-foot corner, wooded and landscaped; is alone worth the price asked for the property. .MeGUIRE & ORR, Imc. 660 Green itiLT y U(-). AGENTS Winnetka. 254 147LTN27-ltc A PERFECT LOCATION AND CHARM- inghome, on east Cliestnut street, Wil. mette. Living room,. 16)È29, pine sun roomn,, or library., Ping pong roomn for thie Young People . 5. bedrooms, 2'/2 baths, lot. 50xl85. An oil burner and every com- fort and cônvenience. ýNeed larger bouse so arn ofienlng at bargain. Caîl mv: agent, Filler & Pickard, University .7444, Gre. 7220,. or Winn. 3603. 1l47LTN27-1tc WHITE',COLONIAL IN LOVEL.Y SETTING 0F OAK TREES. SIdeal homne, for growing family. Near transp. and school. 4 bdrms., heat'àd sleeping porch, 3 baths., oil heat_,at.t. gar.. $25,000. Also, for ent. ANN MORELAND 667 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305 147LTN27-itc COLONIAL; NEAR SECTION 0F LOVE- ly riew ~hoiies. 4 be'orns. H. W . Ï 2 e. g ........ ...... ......... *... $8,000 Where cari you get a frame bt.mgalovu wlth 2-car garage, in~ a gorgeous neighborhood for $5.000? Ask SE. S. WISDOM & Co. Winnetka 387 Evenings Winn. 1235 147LTN27-Itp, SELDOM ARE. WE ABLE TO OFFER SUCH A buy close to schools .and transp. 7 rmn., 2 ba., bmkfst rm., screen pch., with Ig. grounds beautifully woode6d. $17.500. ior un?- ance .of e. Write rN27-ltp Listen-List rNl1I'T MvTTrr, HENRY G. ZANDER & CO. 110 S Dearborn St. Randolph 2300 147LTN27-ltp IT'S NQT THE PRICE 'BUT WHAT YOU GET FOR YOURI MONEY THAT MAKES THE 801 15TH STREET Warm, sunny Dutch colonial, .6 rnis., 1 % baths, on 5OxiSO lot, owner will sell with $1,000 down, and balance by small moflthly paynients. Might rent with op- tion to buy. See next Sunday after il1 NORTHSHORE REALTY 523 Winnetça, Ave. Winnetka 81 147LTN27-ltc BLiauUFF ROAD. In bautfulblock, among sorne cf tefinest homes of Glencoe. 9. butI ieL usarxv 3Uu inrA ugn is J 3l'2. bath house. Inside has been eled and ie charming. *A larg overlooks lake, heavily insulateq with gas for under $300. For ter .appointments caîl Fuller and1 Un.7444, Wlnn. 3603., 147LI porch Heat is and ckard, 27-Itp RENILWORTH TIVE 9 ROOM TAPESTRY. residence. Slate roof, epactous iall, solarium, 6 bedrme., 31,' Per mo. Phone 7-tojGre. 17