Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Nov 1938, p. 7

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Trier Hfgh Schoolk LowelI Thorrias will speak on Tues- d-ay eveninig of next week* at New Trier Township High school, Indian Hïll.. Mr. Thomas' takis being sponsored by the Tri-Ship 'club, or-' .,ýanization of the boys at. the. high schoo1,i of vich Donald Frisbie. in- îstructor in social studies,. is the fac- ulty sponsor., MrT. Thomas, who has, been broad- casting the day-by-day adveritures! of inanki .nd \vithout interru 1ption for,' Lectures t4ovember 16 -.he past eight years,,has had a var-' ied and adventurous career. H1e was: Ludwig, Lewisohn,' internation- born in Ohio- in 1892, reared in a ally1 known author, lecturer.. and Colorado Iod tcamp and bas ,vId artc wilsek on ".The Spirit a Il o,,ver the world. As a, y ung man o mrc n t ieaue hé %vas .a gold miner and. cow punch.- Wednesday ,evening, N-verlher r.Then he turned to,,newlspaper' 16, at -8 o'cloclç in, Great Hall., x.rk as a reporter and editor. Afte First Met hodist church, Evans- '_ittending and receivIng ,degrees ton. urder the auspices of the fromn four univeries,' he beoeme a' Hillel Foundation of Northwest-. of the faculty of Princeton univer-' ernuîniversity in the second of srngty Wri their camputs lecture series., Durng heWord wrke wat-1 -ached to ail of the Alliéd armie.s lall M.Lwshl teato fh 'he way fromn the North sea to the successful novels "The Island With- Persian gulf. and later was the first In," "Upstream," an-d "Midchan- to bring back an eye-witness account nel." His most recent book, -Trum- 4 the German revolution. - . pet of Jubilee," deals with the prob- Until he star:ted. broadcasting in lem of the German refugee in Amn- 1930, ho was chiefly known as thel erica. dîscoverer. and biographer of Law-! The third lecturer on the campus rence of Arabia, as the biographer lecture seriês wiil be Maurice'Hin- _ 4 "Count Luckner, the Sea Devil,- dus on .January 10. -knd as historian of man's first flight Tickets for the lectures can be *rou0tnd the \x.orld. obtained at the door. it is explained. value for y( No b*ùçlt No Smokoi-No*Soot Cashmere Bouquet MILET SOAP..... 97c doz. bars. WILMETTE COAL &MATERIAL CO. 1 30'1, Lake Avenueé WiImette 4200 1 CAPS in oil. Extra A and D. A *As. a traveler ne nas Iecu expei- u r-k-e------r ,r---Sn o tions inte the far north, ' into thetukydne rvdSdaN * trpic, ad arossremte ectonsvember 13, frorn 12:30 to 3 o'clock, frpcadars eoescin for members of the parlsh and théir Central Asia.fies,1tieshohalTe vn H 1e is the most widely known of frinder i the generl all.gTeidanceo sereen commententtors, and for the ' ne the o nemanngcimaneo "p ast five years bas been the voice oasieb the Rev. JohnNemanchiern Twentieth Century-Fox Movietone. sitdbthRe.J S mir For eight years now he bas been Mrs. Phillip L. Hillinger of 1520 theleaig. ado nws omentt-Spencer avenue is chairman of the or. By short wave and by broad odinhe r ishasst hewre wave his broadcasts circle the world. o h aih Smiali 23c size .. Large 39 size.... 9 Squlbb Tooth Paste

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