Obviously TtIaflksglvllg an Christmas ýbaskets, do not flU these desired requirernents. Other com- munities, have,' Met -this problem by substitutjng money or credit. for baskets. This. would mnegn money for the famhily'dinner and. for. small. gifts of clothing and toys for each mnember. To. avoid duplication and misuse of funds, the famnilies re-, ceiving this holiday help shoul1dbe only those undler the care of the welfare and. reliefagencie s. This would exclude somne smnall incomeé famiflies wvho in the past have benefifted fromn the abundant holiday giving,z but- who have 1be en self-supporýing during the :remaind- er of, the year. We- realize that there 'may ý be oppo sition and crit- icisrn of this plani by A hese former recipients. This attitude, we feel; Mathew Francis Pho to BirlhdiyHostess' .11 M rs. Loôu iS G. Le Mair, 303 Greenle af venue, Wilmette wiUl be ho &t esas to the St. Francis Xavier Mother's club, Wilmette,- on its tenth anniversary; Friday, Novem ber 18. .The mneeting -will b, at 2:i1 in breaking down the morale of which the entire assemu'i win sing these families. Evidence that they the bîrthday song. have becomne so inured to the hab- Mrs. John Tracy will review the itual receipt of holiday gifts that history of the '"St. Francis Xavier they no longer recognize thèmn as P.T.A.,- as the club was formerly a form of dependency. namned. The tea table will be dec- With the understanding and co- orated with the school colors and operation of the churches, schools the center with an enormous birifi- and. clubs of the village, the Wel- day cake, with ten lighted candles, fare association hopes to provide representing* the years since the by The personai perfume bar-with Iock and key 3-dram botties Gardeia, Bouquet and Chypre imeter MiIk of Magmesic "Mit fates bett.r' 12-oz. size 29le 32-o. econoxny size indepenndence.e week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren A, Clohisy. Youths Warned to Stop Miss Clohisy is a junior at St. Mary- Impovig M rks ansipof-the-Woods college in Indiana. Chief of Police Cloyd C. MeGuire Free-Rdo states that boys with BB guns are Tube Che# 0 lrae treet lamps as targets. Mai- ny I o u~er Po C laectrcing msasarhp, s n vil- lS .r e en. lamIJs are being broken, and the Charge for Batimates tIecesshf les Epaim Sal 1ib l.......3c Castor 01 23 3 oz ..... 3 Borie Acld 57 Antiseptie 1602....49c, No Dusi-No:Smoke-NO.Soor WILbMTTE COAL *MATERIAL CO* 1301 Lake Avenue WIIm ete 4200 2entat CREAM 33c,